Stress relaxation characteristics of seven kinds of starch gels
Study on the influence of potassium,calcium and magnesium chloride as partial substitute for salt on the quality of air- dried chicken
Effect of p H shifting marinating on the tenderness,water retention and microstructure in cattle gastric smooth muscle
Antioxidant activity of aqueous extract from Three- spot hippocampus
Study on antioxidant activity of different parts partitioned from Prunus divaricata Ldb branches and leaves in Xinjiang
Study on the inhibition of three bacterias by different polar fractions from qingzhuan brick tea extract
Impact of serving conditions on consumer preferences for Chinese rice wine
Study on the retrogradation speeding of maize starch caused by seeds form retrograded potato starch after treating with oxalic acid
Isolation and identification of spoilage molds from fresh- cut lettuce
Culture medium and conditions optimization of L- aspartase- producing strains by Escherichia Coli HY-05C
Screening and identification of lactic acid bacteria with anti- Listeria monocytogenes from traditional fermented food in western Liaoning province
Study on the isolation of lactic acid bacteria from Sichuan traditional fermented meat and its fermentation characteristics
Study on mutation breeding and identification of lactic acid bacteria for γ- aminobutyric acid production
Study on mutation breeding of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens producing milk- clotting enzyme
Optimization of fermentation conditions for the recombinant kiwi pectin methylesterase inhibitor
Isolation and preliminary identification of strains producing blue pigment
Optimization of submerge fermentation conditions of Agaricus Blazei Muril and dynamics analysis
Effect of fermentation by lactobacillus plantrum on functional properties of soybean protein
Response reaction of enzyme regulation by Lactobacillus acidophilus cell on acid- stress
Study on the optimum conditions of the extraction and inhibition ofα-glucosidase of glycoprotein from Platycodon grandiflorum with supercritical CO2 and ultrasonic
Research of the optimization in parameters of casein production with milk- clotting enzyme from Mucor miehei
Culture optimizations and application for Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Z16 to produce neutral protease
Study on optimal clarification process of loquat fruit juice with pectinase
Study on the preparation technology of hemin from enzymolysis yak blood by papain
Study on tannins extraction process from Chestnut shell and scavenging effects of DPPH free radical
Research of frostbite improvement and starch properties of eight treasures congee
Parameters optimization of ultrasound- assisted extraction of anthocyanins from red raspberry by response surface methodology
Separation of β- sesquiphellandrene from ginger oleoresin
Study on the production of the wet instant noodle by the technology of high hydrostatic pressure
Processing design of frozen crisp grass carp(ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets
Optimization technology of composite enzyme hydrolysis of Nanguo pear juice by response surface methodology
Optimization of fermentation technology for production of fructosyltransferase with Aspergillus oryzae using CCD response surface methods
Effect of pretreatment on product quality of explosion puffing drying yellow peach
Effect of exogenous catalase on the pigment composition of fermented instant black tea
Study on the ultrasound- assisted extraction and antioxidant capacity of Polyphenols from Helwingia Japonica
Study on enzymatic process of bovine bone for the peptides by response surface optimization
Study on yak bone immune active peptide preparation by enzymatic hydrolysis
Optimization on the ultrasonic- assisted extraction of total flavonoids from Iberis amara based on orthogonal experimental design
Research of the stability and transformation rules of bisphenols migrated from food packagings
Effect of adding sodium caseinate on the eating quality of low- fat emulsion- type sausage
Study on flavor compound of pork salted by substituted salts
Food safety evaluation based on the extension method and its application in export food safety supervision
Model optimization of near- infrared spectroscopy and back propagation artificial neural network for identifying the geographical origin of Tremella fuciformis
Evaluation of five DNA extraction methods for Probiotic yogurt and powder
Simultaneous determination of five intense sweeteners in beverages by core- shell column- HPLC- ELSD
Study on the difference of volatile substances among the japonica brown rice white rice based on GC- MS
Effect of Ginkgo biloba leaves extract on the quality of pomfret(Pampus argenteus) during ice storage
Quality changes of Apostichopus japonicus under different pre- cooking processes
Effect of 60Coγ irradiation on preservation quality of fresh- cut lotus root during storage
Effect of Douchi on the absorption of cadmium in mice and tentative study of related mechanisms
Analysis and evaluation of nutritional components of the muscle for Thymallus arcticus
A comparative study of palmitic acid and oleic acid on liver cell function
Quality evaluation of tibetan mutton based on amino acid and fatty acid
Effects of okra extract on blood glucose and lipids in type 2 diabetes mellitus rats
Analysis and evaluation of the nutritional composition in seven cultured fresh water fishes
Application of quorum sensing inhibitors in food preservation
Research progress in the determination of mercury speciation in aquatic products
Research advances in utilization of microalgae for carotenoids production
Research progress in the mechanism of physiological metabolism and quality changes in corn during storage
Research progress in preparation of chitooligosaccharide and its physiological activity
Application of hyperspectral imaging technology in nondestructive detection of food quality
Research of egg allergen epitope
Inhibition to advanced glycation end- products and activity evaluation of sap of banana stem
Study on the thermal property,dynamic viscoelasticity and microstructure of Hulless barley β- glucan gel
Preparation of polypeptide from Sardinopssagax and its tyrosinase inhibition activities
Secondary structure of MMCTN treated by pulsed electric field( PEF) technology
Effects of gallic acid on quality of high protein containing intermediate moisture foods
Study on the composition analysis and inhibition of·OH of glycoprotein from Platycodon grandiflorum
Effect of interaction with oleic acid on functional properties of β-Lactoglobulin during DHPM treatment
Study on the quality of three varieties of Camellia chekiangoleosa seed oils