The dynamic changes of ohmic cooking on pork meat oxidation and digestion in vitro
Effect of different blanching methods on the quality of vegetable soybeans
Analysis of drying characteristics and moisture migration for paddy rice under low temperatures and low relative humidities
Stability and anti-aging effect of oligomeric proanthocyanidin from Rhodiola rosea L.
Effect of fructose treatment on flavonoids content and the related enzymes in Sedum aizoon L.
Study on the antioxidant activities of polysaccharide extracts from different organs of Portulace oleracea L.
Adsorption behavior and mechanism of Sudan I by eggshell membrane.
Extraction, purification and antioxidant activity of polysaccharides from Opuntia Milpa Alta in vitro
Screening, identification and enzymatic analysis of hemicellulose-degrading strain J-25
Screening of a high-yield β-phenylethanol yeast and optimization of its cultural conditions
Over-expression of D-lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme genes from Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp.bulgaricus in Escherichia coli
Isolation and identification of pathogen causing mango dew blotch disease and screening of its antagonistic microorganisms
Over-expression of glucose oxidase gene in the Yeast Kluyveromyces lactis Kl SEL1 strain
Study on the fermentation conditions and purification of β-glucosidase from Aspergillus niger
Screening and phylogenetic analysis of antibacterial strains isolated from Antarctic Krill
Optimization of NHDC emulsion stabilization system modified corn peptide bitter process
Optimization of preparation technology and antioxidant activity of squid protein peptides
Effection of infrared heating on soybean protein denaturation of damp and hot
Optimization on the production of polypeptide from Chinese leek seed meal by Aspergillus niger liquid fermentation
Purification process and antioxidant activity of loquat polysaccharide
Study on the processing technology of Moringa health soft sweets
Preparation and stability of pecan oil microcapsules
Effect of different drying methods on the quality of penaeus vannamei
Development of drinks of Turnjujube juice with suspended jujube granule
Extraction and antioxidant activity of polyphenols from pomegranate slag
Optimization of enzymolysis technology of Apostichopus japonicus spermary and antioxidant activities in vitro of hydrolysates
Optimization of complex bacteria fermentation process for buckwheat bran steamed
Study on antioxidant activity of flavonoids extracted from jackfruit skin separated and purified by macroporous resin technology
Optimization of the stabilizer of Whey Coreopsis tinctoria Nuff wine by response surface methodology
Study on textured protein from pine nut dregs by high moisture extrusion technology
Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis condition of glucosinolates from rapeseed meal by response surface methododlogy and the preliminary research of its bacteriostasis
Study on the extraction of chitin from shrimp shell by citric acid-reverse micelles method
Purification of bornyl acetate in volatile oil of valeriana officinalis L.var.latifolia Miq by molecular distillation
Research of extraction of polysaccharide from Hericium erinaceus with ultrasonic-assisted and multi-stage dynamic countercurrent method
Study on influencing factors water resistant properties of PS/SA composite cross-linked edible films
GA-BP neural network and its application in safety evaluation of liquid milk
Survey of the pollution of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from three shellfish products in Zhangzhou City
Determination of volatile flavor compounds in Mapo Tofu by HS-SPME and GC-MS
Research of the surface plasmon resonance immunosensor for rapid detection of microcystin
Research of physical and chemical quality and characteristic ‘Chenxiang'material basis of pu-erh Tea
Application of electronic tongue technology in detection and evaluation of low-sodium formulation
Construction of fermented beef jerky drying process evaluation system based on L-NMR technology
Effect of controlled atmosphere on the storage quality of post-harvested Lemon
Effect of different storage temperature on freshness and taste of grass carp meat
Changes of bacterial flora composition and identification of the dominant spoilage bacteria in turbot under simulated of room temperature logistics
Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene and ethephon treatment on physiological changes and reactive oxygen metabolism of postharvest‘Golden Delicious' apple fruit during storage at ambient temperature
Establishment of a rice protein sensitization animal model based on BN rat
Protection and mechanism of extractum phyllanthus emblica on acute alcohol-induced liver injury in mice
Composition analysis and evaluation of Goosefish liver nutrition
Establishment of mice model for intestinal dysbacteria induced by cefixime dispersible tablets
Effect of mineral on structure and stability of food allergens
Advances in treatment for simulated space radiation of Chinese traditional medicine
The role of reactive oxygen in harvested fruits and vegetables during maturation and senescence and the influences which handled by several gas treatments
Research progress in Mycotoxins control in fruits and vegetables and their products
Progress in the research of plant protein materials for probiotics encapsulation
Effects of UV-B radiation on nutrients and bioactive substances in plants
Research progress in composition structure and functional activity of Theabrownin
Study on the preparation of Cordyceps militaris polysaccharide/Nano-Selenium complex
Effects of different selenium-rich methods on quality characteristics and functional components of Camellia oleifera oil
Effect of heat-moisture treatment on the quality of germinated wheat flour
Change of palm oil on physicochemical properties, fatty acid composition and free radical content during heat processing
Determination of relative molecular mass and monosaccharide composition of flaxseed gum
Analysis of fining effect on dry red wine with 5 grain proteins
Effect of acute shower before slaughter on physiological and biochemical indexes and meat quality of Yellow chickens
Antimicrobial activity of maillard reaction products derived from enzymolysis polypeptide of Portunus pelagicus meat
Antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts from Chinese seabuckthorn berries in vitro and on HepG2 cells
Analysis on the changes and correlations of sugar and organic acid contents in Chinese dwarf cherry [Cerasus humilis (Bge.) Sok.] during different development stages