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Food Allergen Testing Standards and Labeling Status
Study on Structure and Functional Properties of Tannic Acid Modified Gelatin Fat Substitute
Study on Quick Test Model for the Quality of Frying Oil from Western-style Fast Food Restaurants by Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Corporate Effect of Vacuum Mixing and Freezing-thawing Treatment on Microstructure and Quality of Quick-frozen Youtiao Dough
Study on Structure Characterization and Anti Digestion Properties of Mung Bean Resistant Dextrin
Drying Characteristics and Quality Analysis of Jasmine with Combined Microwave and Hot Air Drying
Study on Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Sea Cucumber Peptides Prepared by Internal and External Enzymes
Effect of Ginseng Extract Stress Culture with Lactobacillus paracasei JLUs66 on Strain Growth Characteristics and Tolerances
Fermentation Conditions of Chitinase Producing by the Endophytic Bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis Bt028 Isolated from Sour Orange
Separation, Purification and Characterization of Chitinase of the Endophytic Bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis Bt028 Isolated from Sour Orange
Preparation and Properties of Rice Resistant Octenyl Succiniate Anhydrate (OSA) Starch
Optimization Preparation and Property Analysis of Sulfate Polysaccharide from Eucheuma spinosum by Probiotic Fermentation
Research Progress of 1H NMR-based Metabonomics for Food Adulteration and Traceability Analysis
Pilot Extraction and Component Analysis of Fat-Soluble Substances from Lycium barbarum L. and the Preparation of Major Carotenoids Monomer
Effect of Incubation Conditions on the Protease Activity and Protein Property of Wheat Germ
Optimization of Mulberry Leaf Instant Solid Tea Formula by Fuzzy Mathematics Sensory Evaluation Method
Optimization of Low-sodium Compound Salt Formula for Salt-baked Chicken Thighs by Response Surface Methodology and Analysis of Volatile Flavor Compounds
Optimization of Multi-enzymatic Extraction of Polysaccharide from Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bunge and Its Immunomodulatory Activity
Process Optimization of Lactobacillus plantarum-Gm4 Fermentation for Sourdough Powder
Study on Extraction Optimization of Anti-oxidants from Roots of Angiopteris fokiensis Hieron.
The Effect of Polysaccharide of Poria cocos on Key Metabolites of Bifidobacterium BB-12
Optimization of Fermentation Conditions and Antioxidant Activity of Agaricus bisporus Stipe Enzyme
Preparation Process Optimization and Property Analysis of Nano-cellulose-Starch Film Based on Corn Stalk
Preparation and Properties of Agar/Konjac Glucomannan/Ethyl Cellulose Composite Film
Simultaneous Determination of Six Sugars in Beef Hydrolysates by Ion Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection
Determination and Analysis of Free Amino Acid Composition of Xinjiang Black Bee Honey in Nilka
Effects of Lotus Seedpod Procyanidins on AGEs Inhibition and Sensory Quality of Waffles
Study on Origin Tracing of Dried Tangerine Peel Using Mineral Element Fingerprints
Identification, Confirmation and Determination of Tert-Butylhydroquinone Degradation Products in Vegetable Oil
Determination of Cyhalofop-butyl and Cyhalofop-acid Residues in Cereals and Oilseeds by QuEChERS-UPLC
Bioactive Components and Antioxidant Activities of Different Parts of Cistanche tubulosa in Qinghai Province
Study on the Nutrient Components and Physicochemical Properties of Broccoli Flour
Determination of Nine Metal Elements in Oil Samples by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Microwave Digestion
Research Progress of Signal Amplification Strategies in Immunochromatographic Test Strip
Effect of Freezing-Thawing Times on Quality Characteristics of Tibetan Mutton
Change of Biogenic Amines and Quality of Salmon Fillets during Different Storage Temperature
Component Analysis and Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory Effect of Crude Polysaccharide from Tibetan Opuntia ficus-indica Stems
Immunomodulatory Effect of Triple Probiotics and Fructo-Oligosaccharide Compound Powder in Mice
Ameliorative Effect of Acanathopanax senticosus Polysaccharides on Depressive Behavior in Rats by Regulating PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway
Effects of Ilex paraguariensis on Redox Status in High-fat Diet Fed Mice
Progress in the Removal of Pesticide Residues from Fruits and Vegetables by Ozone Technology
Research Progress on Microencapsulation, Stability and Bioavailability of Lycopene
Research Progress on Composition Analysis and Physiological Function of Essential Oils of Pines
Research Progress of Fluorescence Spectrum Analysis Technology in Food Detection
Research Progress on Anti-inflammatory Activity Mechanism and Structure-activity Relationship of Plant Polysaccharides
Research Development of the Improvement of the Quality of Low-Fat Emulsified Meat Products by Adding Food Hydrocolloids
Research Progress on Extraction, Chemical Structure and Biological Activities of Oudemansiella Polysaccharides
Research Progress of Bound Polyphenols in Improving Intestinal Oxidative Stress and Intestinal Barrier
Research Progress on Depuration Technology of Bivalves
Extraction, Acetylation Modification and Structure Characterization of Hemicelluloses from Corncob
Research Progress on the Extraction, Purification and Biological Activity of Ttriterpenoids from the Ganoderma lucidum
Properties of Polysaccharides from Polygonatum sibiricum Extracted with Deep Eutectic Solvents
Hot Air Drying Characteristics and Shrinkage Dynamics Model of Potato Chips
Study on the Construction and Gel Properties of Plant Simulated Egg Liquid System
Effects of 60Co-Gamma Irradiation on Wheat Processing Quality and Final Product Texture Properties
Effect of Adding Glutamine Transaminase on the Quality of Set-style Yogurt
Effects of Different Feeding Patterns on Muscle Fiber Type Composition and Mutton Quality of Sunit Sheep