Science and Technology of Food Industry
ISSN 1002-0306
CN 11-1759/TS
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Extraction of total flavonoids in Arachniodes exilis dregs assisted by soil fungi
Study on antibacterial activity and stability of Zanthoxylum armatum DC Prodr.oil
Correlation analysis of arabinoxylan oxidative cross- linking and barley malt filtration performance
Preparation enzymatic sunflower meal protein for the antioxidant activity polypeptide by Bienzyme
Antioxidant activity and protective effect on oxidative plasmid DNA damage of polysaccharides from Semen Euryales
Antibacterial activities and GC- MS analysis of low polar components from Scapharca subcrenata Lischke
Temperature and moisture changes during Cantonese lotus-seed-paste and bean- paste buns under quick- frozen and steam reheating
Oxidative stress and UV, DES compound mutation screening of high molecular weight and high- yield hyaluronic acid strain
Isolation and identification of a transglutaminase producing strain and its tgl cloning and expression
Application of PCR- DGGE to analyze the interaction between Kluyveromyces marxianus and the lactic acid bacteria during fermentation and storage process
Inhibitory effect of kojic acid on polyphenol oxidase from jackfruit and its antibacterial experiment
Optimization of fermentation medium for lutein degradation applying response surface methodology
Study on the fermentation medium optimization based on cellulose as raw material to produce citric acid by Aspergillus niger SY0607
Effect of adding staphylococcus and micrococcus on quality of Cantonese sausage
Optimization of fermentation conditions for trehalose synthase production by Escherichia coli using response surface method
Mutation breeding of high- yield strain of bacitracin
Inhibition of ganoderic acid mediated by P53 protein on cancer cells proliferation
Production of water- soluble protein powder by mixed fermentation with milt and soybean meal
Optimization of ultrasonic- assisted extraction process of chlorophyll from Pueraria lobata using response surface methodology
Study on the processing of instant calm ( Mactra quadrangularis) and its shelf-life
Extraction of soybean lipoxygenase by PEG / (NH4) 2SO4 aqueous Two- phase systems
Structure identification and antioxidation activity of3, 4- Dihydro-2H- benzo[b][1, 4]dioxepin-7- ol
Effect of accessory on the dietary chewable tablet sensory score fermented by Lactobacillus
Ultrasonic assisted extraction of yellow pigment from flavedo of grapefruit
Process optimization of banana chocolate crispy ice cream bar
Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis of ACE in inhibition peptides from walnut protein by response surface method
Study on the extraction technology of pectin from fruits of Rosa davurica Pall.assisted with microwave method
Chiral resolution of D, L- phenylalanineusing immobilized phenylalanine ammonia- lyase for production of D- phenylalanine
Extraction and cake preparation of polysaccharide from Raspberry ( Rubus chingii Hu)
Study on production technology and sensory texture evaluation of inulin rice- cakes
Design and actualization of rice quality and safety traceability system based on two- dimension barcode recognition
Study on the egg protein content with nondestructive detection technology
Volatile flavor compounds changing in dried- seasoned squid ( Dosidicus gigas) during the processing
Comparative analysis of aromatic components of roasted coffee beans from different gengraphical origins in Yunnan province by HS- SPME / GC- MS
Analysis of aroma components of two kinds of yellow tea by headspace solid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography- mass spectrometry
Effect of different drying conditions on flavonoids and essential oils of Citrus reticulata cv.Chachiensis peel
Effect of inoculating compound lactic acid bacteria on the total fat and free fatty acids of salted fish
Comparison of volatile flavor components in wolfberry with different drying methods and principal component analysis
Effect of complex biological preservatives combined with freezing- point storage on the content of seven kinds of biogenic amines
Preparation of fresh- eaten sea cucumber and changes in its quality during room temperature storage
Effect of essential oil from Longan seed on preservation and antioxidant activity in strawberry fruit
Research of the effect of four kinds of fresh- keeping treatments on the storage quality and physiological of Long An Pomelo
Changes of fatty acid profile in sturgeon ( Huso dauricus × Acipenser schrenckii) caviar during cool storage
Influence of different packaging materials on storage property of sunflower seed under normal temperature
Effect of storage temperature on the quality of Yacon Tuber ( Smallanthus Sonchifoliusunder)
Effect of Cordyceps taishanensis polysaccharide on protein content in serum and antioxidant activity in immunosuppressive mice
Study on the effect of chlorogenic acid on the expression of key enzyme genes involved to triglyceride synthesis and degradation in high- fat diet- fed Sprague- Dawley rat adipose tissue
Preparation of 3ku ultrafiltration fractions from velvet antler and soybean protein hydrolysates and their effect on murine splenocytes proliferation
Effect of the mycelium of Flammulina velutipes germanium riched to anti- fatigue ability of mice
Effects of pueraria extract on blood lipid and anti- oxidant activity in hyperlipidemia rats
Research progress in the control of the biogenic amine in fermented sausage
Research status of the dietary reference intakes of N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
Research progress in the pretreatment of Chinese bayberry fruit before storage
Non- thermal sterilization technologies and its application in processing of aquatic products
Effect of low- temperature plasma treatment on the structural and performance properties of PTFE micro- porous membranes
Study on the characteristics of taste compounds and taste of sweet soy sauce
Extraction and physico- chemical properties of protein from lotus seeds with different storage times
Study on antibacterial activities of the ethyl acetate extract in male Eucommia flowers
Research of bioavailability and antioxidant activity of polyphenol in Lycium ruthenicum Murr
Correlation analysis of enzymes associated with energy metabolism and quality of tilapia fillets during iced storage
Study on the correlation of acid value and total polar compounds in frying oil
Numerical study on spout fluidization dynamics in pulsed- spout microwave- vacuum dryer
Study on acetylated modification and scavenging effect on free radicals, NO2- of green tea polysaccharides
Study on the optimization of extracting phytic acid from wheat bran by response surface methodology and its antimicrobial effect
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