Study on shear rheological properties of Konjac glucomannan and Agar blends
Isolation and identification of moldy fungus from coix seed in Guizhou
Effect of multi-gene knockout of L-serine uptake system on L-serine production in Escherichia coli
Study of improving nattokinase activity through solid-state fermentation of cold-pressing walnut dregs by compound strains
Extraction of glycosaminoglycans from swim bladder and evaluation of the capacities of its hygroscopicity and moisture retention
Breeding of the trehalose high-yielding strain by ARTP and the optimization of enzymatic reaction conditions
Construction of N-acetylneuraminic acid synthesis pathway in Bacillus subtilis
Analysis of Beijing Douzhir microbiota and isolation and identification of advantage bacterium capable of flocculating starch
The influence of immersing process on the dissolution of polysaccharides from Porphyra yezoensis and its kinetics research
Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis of walnut peptide by response surface methodology
Effect of diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate on astaxanthin content in Haematococcus pluvialis LUGU
Effects of drying methods on quality of leaves in Pugionium cornutum ( L.) Gaertn.
Optimization of extraction process of clove total polyphenols by ultrasonic assisted extraction with constant temperature ( UAECT) and its inhibition of fluorescence on low density lipoprotein ( LDL) in the process of oxidation modification
Optimization of anti-browning technology of Agaricus bisporus by response surface methodology
Preparation and characterization of desalted duck egg white peptide-ferrous chelate
Ultrasonic extraction of Acer truncatum Bunge oil and the analysis of the nervonic acid content during the germination
Optimization of ultrasonic extraction of proanthocyanidins from egg jujube by response surface methodology
Extraction of total flavonoids from Hibiscus manihot L.flower and their antioxidant activity in vitro
Effects of electron beam irradiation on sterilization and aroma components of three spices
Optimization of ethanol extraction technique of polyphenols from rice bran by response surface methodology
Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction and spray drying of anthocyanins from purple corn cob
Study on novel processing technology of pickled chicken's feet without irradiation and hydrogen peroxide
Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction process for anthocyanins from Lycium ruthenicu Murr by response surface methodology
Study on ultrasonic wave-assisted hydrodistillation extraction of essential oil from Thymus mongolicus
Enrichment of resveratrol from wine based on fluidized bed and macroporous adsorption resin
The preservation effect of polylactic acid nano-Ti O2 composite film packaging on Lentinus edodes
Construction of gene engineered Escherichia coli strain for high-yield production of indigo and its stability
Effects of phosphorus and phosphorus-free agent on protein oxidation of yak meat batters
Characteristics of food safety supervision system in foreign countries and its implications for China
Effects of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates on oxidation stability of oil-in-water emulsions
Simultaneous determination of aflatoxin and ochratoxin A in edible oil by multifunctional purification column and high performance liquid chromatography
Determination of lactic acid and acetic acid content in biological selenium vinegar and vinegar by HPLC method
Quantitative analysis of hydrolysate animal protein ( HAP) adulteration in milk by near infrared spectroscopy
Analysis of aroma components in pu-erh tea flower and flower powder by headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with GC-MS
Determination and analysis of aroma and nutrient components in fresh juices of two kinds of longan
Optimization of HS-SPME for fried waxy-rice-cakes and their flavor compounds analysis
Establishment of real time fluorescence single primer isothermal amplification for Listeria monocytogenes
Effect of simulating transportation vibration stress on the cell ultrastructure of apricot fruits
Study on quality stability of ready-to-eat surimi products during storage process
Effect of ultra-high pressure on the physicochemical properties of actomyosin from bighead crap (Arstichthys nobilis)
Effects of ethanol spraying on microorganisms and physicochemical quality of rice pastry
Effect of exogenous nitric oxide on cloning and expression of AOX gene and cyanide resistant respiration in Jiashi muskmelon
Improvement effects of Kuding tea flavonoids extracts on D-galactose induced mice aging
Preventive effects of Lactobacillus plantarum YS-1 on oxazolone-induced BALB/c mice colitis
Research progress of volatile flavor compounds in stinky tofu
Advances in studies on modified atmosphere storage of fruits and vegetables with micro-perforated film
Research progress of immunoassay on the detection of triazine herbicides
Research progress of proteomics in grapes during grape berry development and under abiotic stress
Research status and prospects of anthocyanin compounds bioactivity
Research progress on the shelf life predict model of aquatic products
Progress of the effect of lactic acid bacteria on mental illness
Composition characteristics of oyster enzymatic hydrolysate and its immune activity in vitro
Quality analysis and evaluation of Citrus aurantium L.wild strains from Hunan province
Total flavonoids and total polyphenolic content, and its antioxidant ability of Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch seeds
Comparative analysis on quality of edible mushrooms sold in Alar
Effect of gellan gum on retrogradation properties of potato starch
The stability of antioxidant peptides from squid and their anti-fatigue and anti-cancer activities
Evaluation of antioxidant activity in vitro of anthocyanins and polysaccharides in the seed coat of Ampelopsis grossedentata
Effect of Flammulina velutipes polysaccharide chelated calcium on the quality of Cantonese sausage
Analysis on functional properties of coconut glutelin-1
Effect of heating treatment on in vitro digestibility of protein and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural formation in pork meat
Effect of extracellular membrane protease gene prt P on the adhesion of Lactobacillus casei
The adsorption characteristics of Chinese cabbage on carbaryl under the ultrasonic cleaning
Study on the exopolysaccharides produced by Paenibacillus bovis sp.nov BD3526 in nitrogen-free solid culture medium