Study on nitrite scavenging capability of 10 spice extracts
Study on the selection of composite millet noodles prescriptions with amino acid complementation
The relationship between water distribution and quality of black pepper beef as affected by different deep- frying temperature
Expression of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase( CGTase) gene in recombinant Escherichia coli induced by lactose
Screening and identification of Weissella cibaria with antioxidant activity in Sichuan traditional pickles and analysis of its characteristics
Study on the second pile- fermentation on quality formation of Anhua dark green tea
Analysis of deoxynivalenol( DON) and masked deoxynivalenol( D3G)accumulation in different treatment wheat grains at room temperature
Study on mutation breeding of Mucor miehei producing milk- clotting enzyme
Research of the changes of sugar and ethanol contents during ice wine brewing process
Effect of different concentrations of ZnSO4 in fragrant red brown rice on seed germination,Zn concentration and other nutrient content
Study on fermentation characteristics of several Lactiacid Bacteria starter cultures
Site- directed mutagenesis and characteristics analysis of new staphylococcal nuclease( Nuc2)
Identification and characterization of biogenic amines producing spoilage bacteria from ice fresh Chicken
Effect of mixed starter cultures on quality of fermented pork jerky
Effects of soaking and cooking conditions on the quality of instant rice
Research of processing technology of fermented waxy corn Chicken Sausage
Optimization of the water extraction process of 6'- O- caffeoylarbutin from Vaccinium dunalianum
Ethanol / n- butanol aqueous two- phase coupled with ultrasound for the extraction of β- carotene from Spirulina platensis
Study on the degradation of chitosan by ultrasonic- microwave synergistic H2O2
Study on the optimization of enzymatic extraction technology of polysaccharide from Camellia japonica response surface methodology and investigation on its antioxidant activity
Optimization of the hydrolytic conditions for the preparation of peptides from Sinonovacula constricta by neutral protease
Effect of extrusion conditions on lipid quality in puffed food
Study on extraction process of water soluble polysaccharides from Zizania latifolia and determine component of monosaccharide
Study on the monosaccharide compositions,physico- properties and preparation technology of soluble dietary fiber by enzymatic method from Pyracantha Fortuneana
Optimization of heat pump drying technology Parameters of Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae
Study on the preparation of DHA algal oil microcapsule powder using Whey Isolate Protein as main wall material
Study on enzymatic- assisted ultrasonic extraction and antibacterial activity of polysaccharide from Hylocereus undatus
Optimization of germination of selenium enrichment of brow rice germination by response surface method
Process optimization on freeze drying of Hetao muskmelons by response surface method
Study on the preparation and antioxidant activity of antioxidant peptides from apricot kernel
Study on the processing technology of fresh cornus fruit clear juice
Study on the effect of taurine on protease activity of Aspergillus oryzae
Effect of Compound Phosphate,Transglutaminase,and Soybean Protein Isolate on textural properties and sensory quality of Duck Ham
Study on the application of curdlan in fresh- water fish surimi- based products
Determination of 9 photo- initiators residues in food plastic packaging by dispersive solid phase extraction coupled with gas chromatograph- mass spectrometry
Effect of different levels of arachidonic acid in diets on odorants of Chinese Mitten Crab( Eriocheir sinensis)
Determination of soluble sugars from Pleurotus eryngii,Lentinula edodes and their blanching liquid by GC- MS
Comparison of three detection methods of Lactoperoxidase
Application of detection of process parameters in the Chinese rice wine by NIRS
Cherry brittleness near infrared detection in the process of brittle in cold storage
Determination of 33 kinds of pesticide residues in wine by GC- MS
Effect of High Pressure Processing( HPP) on the preservation and quality of abalone
Effect of Cinnamomum cassia extractions on fresh- keeping of ‘Newhall'Navel orange
Research of stress defense response to jasmonic acid methyl ester( Me JA) and ethephon for cold storage fresh-cut pumpkin
Evaluation of the quality of different varieties of pears and effect of temperature on pear concentrated juice
Effect of 1- MCP treatment on chilling injury and quality of Zucchini
Study on fresh- keeping method of Xinjiang pike with partial freezing
Antagonistic effect of extracts of Sargassum integerrimum against hyperuricemia in mouse exposed to yeast extract
Effect of Areca catechu extracts on immunity functions and antioxidant activities in mice
Study on the Hypoglycemic effect of Zhejiangqiye and Shanmeierhao pumpkin extracts
Effect of two kinds of polysaccharide on growth,blood lipid and composition in muscle of Schizothorax prenanti Tchang
In vitro binding of bile salts by water- soluble AAP
Effect of load training and fructo- oligosaccharides binding load training on cellular immune function in rats
Effect of different calcium supplements on the absorption of calcium and ferrum in the iron deficiency anemia rats
Research progress in ingredient difference among different types of ginger and the postharvest preservation technology
Research progress in wheat germ cell- free protein synthesis system
Research progress in vacuum processing technology of fruit and vegetable chips
Study on the purificaion of flavonoids in leaves of cherry and cherry seeds oil
Progress in dissolution of polysaccharide with ionic liquid
Research progress in bioaccumulation of trace elements in edible fungus
Study on the stability of emulsions prepared by different core oil
Study on activity changes of α- amylase inhibitor from white kidney beans during processing and digestion
Effect of endogenous and extraneous factors on the oxidation stability of peanut oil
Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis and determination of scavenging DPPH free radical of seahorse
Analysis of the correlations between antioxidant properties and the regular index of malt
Quality characteristics analysis of different varieties of peanut butter
Effect of formation of flocculent precipitate in liquor on medium characteristics
ESR detection method of radical scavenging activity of blueberry extracts
Effect of different preservation methods on content of pigments in tree peony
Effect of different particle size and amount of bran flour on the quality and nutritional components of steamed bran