Influence of soybean polysaccharide on the physical stability and rheological properties of whey protein isolate emulsion
Isolation, identification and enzymology properties of an agarase-producing strain
Safe assessment of Lactococcus lactis LLY003
Preparation of leucine aminopeptidase and collaborative application of debitterizing in rice peptides
Inhibitory effects of Zijuan tea ( Camellia sinensis var.kitamura) extracts on angiotensin converting enzyme, α-amylase and pancreatic lipase in vitro
Study on the stability of growth differentiation factor ( BMP11) recombinant plasmid in Escherichia coli
Fermentation-enzymatic coupling method for daidzein transformation
Isolation and identification of Cronobacter spp.from dried spices and condiments
The change of index and antioxidant activity in mulberry juice fermentation process
Fermented beverage of shaddock and jerusalem artichoke preparation and its antioxidant activity analysis
Optimization of extraction process and basic properties for pepsin-soluble collagen from Golden pompano skin
Genetic diversity analysis and DNA fingerprints construction based on fluorescent labeled SSR Markers for mungbean varieties ( Vigna radiate L.) from heilongjiang province
Optimization and kinetic/thermodynamics analysis of ionic liquid based ultrasonic-assisted extraction of proanthocyanidins from pomegranate seeds
Optimization of low temperature pectinase hydrolysis treatment of fresh hawthorn pulp for preparation of hawthorn wine
Effect of different processing methods on isothiocyanate of white radish
Extraction and antioxidant activity of polysaccharides from Oudemansiella furfuracea
Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis conditions for duck gizzard antioxidant peptide preparation by response surface methodology
Optimization of subcritical water extraction for total phenolics from pomegranate ( Punica granatum L.) leaves by response surface methodology
Optimization of purple sweet potato anthocyanins microcapsules by response surface methodology
Process parameter optimization of microwave assisted extraction of flavonoids from Ficus carica Linn based on BP neural network
Effect of jujube date polysaccharide on the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria and the quality of yogurt
Study on the preparation technology of emulsion and microencapsulation of procyanidins
Influence of heat pretreatment on the characteristics and physical stability of whey protein isolate-stabilized rapeseed oil-in-water emulsions
Effect of complex bacteria fermentation on wild kiwi fruit wine
Effect of curdlan addition on the quality of Frankfurt sausage
Study on characteristic spectrum of Gastrodia elata based on cross response
Analysis of organic components of yellow water from liquor fermentation
Determination of residue of silthiopham in wheat by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
Purification of black chokeberry procyanidins and determination of epicatechin and procyanidins B2 by HPLC
Preparation of monoclonal antibody against copper and establishment of immunological detection methods
Determination of sulfonamides in pork by molecular imprinted solid phase extraction combined with high performance liquid chromatography
Determination of neohesperidin dihydrochalcone in beverages by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography
Determination of proanthocyanidins from mangosteen husk by thiolysis-HPLC and normal-phase HPLC
Effect of 1-MCP coupling with ethylene adsorbent treatment on storage quality and physiological of blueberry
Antioxidant activity of alcohol extract and different polar parts of Sonneratia apetala fruits
Effect of UV-B irradiation on fruit quality and flavonol accumulation of postharvest grape berry
Effects of different freezing and thawing methods on pork quality
Effect of ultra low temperature freezing on the shell cracking rate of Portunus trituberculatus
Effects of zhiqi fungal substance from different fermentation time on immune function of immunodeficiency mice
Protection of Lonicera caerulea ‘Beilei'anthocyanins on oxidative injury of mice induced by ethanol
Effects of methionine on plasma biochemical parameters and intestinal digestive and absorptive function in intrauterine growth-retarded weanling piglets
Preservation mechanism and applications of biological preservatives
Effect of different seasons on freshness and taste of grass carp meat
Research progress in development and utilization of animal liver protein resources
Research progress in starch micro-architecture and crystal transformation
Research progress in preparation, properties and staple food processing of potato powder
Protein oxidation in meat induced by cooking and its influence on quality of meat and human health
Research progress in c AMP from red jujube
Study on the methods of detection of pesticides residue in fruits and vegetables based on surface enhanced raman scattering
Health-care and nutritional function of Toona sinensis and the development of its products
Research progress on application of Caenorhabditis elegans in function evaluation of lipid-lowering bioactive substances
Comparative analysis on meat quality of local water buffalo and cattle in Guangxi region
Effect of different acid discharge methods on tan lamb meat quality and its moisture in maturing process
Ultrasonic extraction technology of saponins and its antioxidant activity in quinoa from Qinghai
Effects of different sterilization methods on the quality and antioxidant activity of soft collagen jelly
Nitrite scavenging effect of phenolic compounds from Lycopus lucidus Turcz.
Effect of low sodium salt on the gel properties of pork salt-soluble proteins
Analysis of chemical constituents of Ganoderma lucidum and its antioxidant activity in polysaccharides and triterpenoids
Anti-inflammatory activities of six types of tea in LPS-induced RAW264.7 cells
Study on synthesis of roxithromycin molecularly imprinted adsorption resin and its adsorption properties
Application of enzymic treatment on the process of Pu-erh tea cream
Research and application on preparation of high purity fructooligsacchrides by simulate moving bed chromatography
Screening of antifungal lactic acid bacteria from traditional sourdough and its application in the steamed cake
Cloning and sequence analysis of a resveratrol synthase gene from Vitis vinifera