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Medicinal and Nutritional Value of the Chemical Compositions of Dioscorea opposita Thunb. cv. Tiegun Peel Based on UPLC-Q/TOF-MS/MS and Bioinformatics
Research Progress on the Effect of Processing Technology on the Sensory Characteristics of Plant-based Chicken Nuggets
Effects of Solid Frmented Bran on the Quality of Dough and Noodles
Comparison of Physicochemical and Structural Properties of Different Varieties of Cassava Starch
Effects of Modified Whey Protein on Quality and Cholate Binding Ability of Set Yoghurt
Microbial Diversity Analysis of Sufu from Different Origins Based on High-throughput Sequencing
Effects of Tea Polyphenols on Yogurt Fermentation Quality and Its Antioxidant Activity
pH Coupled Citric Acid Feeding Strategy to Promote Spore Production of Bacillus licheniformis
Analysis of the Structure and Function of High Temperature and Rapid Fermentation Douchi Flora Based on Macrogenome Sequencing Technology
Isolation and Identification of the Pathogens of 'East Red' Kiwifruit Soft Rot and Its Control Effect by Melatonin
Optimization of Fermentation Condition on Furanone Production by Zygsoaccharomyces rouxii QOR6 and Its Metabolic Characteristics
Processing Technology and Quality Evaluation of 'Bashanzao' Purple Bud Leaf Black Tea
Research and Application Progress of Big Data and Dietary Nutrition Health in China
Optimization of Extraction Technology and Physicochemical Properties of Polysaccharide from Sea Cucumber Intestines
Effects of Fermentation Time and Steaming Intensity on the Batter Characteristics and the Quality of Mala Cake Made Using Pre-mixed Powder
Optimization of the Enzymatic Hydrolysis Process of Penis et Testis Cervi Peptides by Response Surface Methodology and Analysis on the Activity of Tonifying Kidney and Strengthing Bone in Vitro
Preparation and Physicochemical Properties of Hawthorn Polyphenol Microcapsules
Extraction of Flavonoids from Docynia delavayi and Their Antioxidant and Hypoglycemic Activities
Extraction and Purification Process Optimization and Functional Properties Analysis of Walnut Meal Protein
Optimization of Extraction Process of Flavonoids from Aronia melanocarpas' Leaves and Analysis of Their Antioxidant and Bile Salt Binding Capacity
Effect of Egg White Protein-β-Cyclodextrin Complex on Freeze-Thaw Stability of Shrimp
Optimization of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Jerusalem Artichoke to Produce Fructooligosaccharide Syrup and Its Function Evaluation
Optimization of Bottling Fermentation Process of Draft Huangjiu by Response Surface Methodology
Preparation and Characterization of Konjac Glucomannan/Ethyl Cellulose/Zein Composite Film
Molecular Mechanism of Common Phenolic Acids on Enhancing Immunity Based on Network Pharmacology and Molecular Docking
Disinfection Effect of High-pressure Carbon Dioxide on Human Coronavirus (hCoV-229E)
Adsorption Properties of Lactobacillus plantarum on the Bongkrekic Acid
Aroma Characteristics of Cold/Hot Tomato Paste and Their Relationships with Non-volatile Components
Effects of Different Producing Areas and Extraction Methods of Polyphenols from Phyllanthus emblica L.
Rapid Determination of Five Alkaloids in Catering Crayfish by QuEChERS-UPLC-MS/MS
Suitability of White Tea Made from New Tea Varieties (Lines) of Fuyun Hybrid Offspring
Analysis and Comparison on the Quality and Volatile Flavor Components of Crude Fish Oil from the Viscera of Three Freshwater Fishes
Determination of Hydrogen Concentration in Hydrogen-rich Water by Headspace Gas Chromatography and Hydrogen Microelectrode
Comprehensive Evaluation of Quality of Laoxinghuang in Different Aging Years
Effects of Postharvest Ripening on the Physicochemical and Nutraceutical Properties of Mango (Mangifera indica L. cv Tainung No.1)
Effects of 1-MCP on the Mitochondrial Antioxidant Activity and Energy Metabolism of Zucchini Fruits
Investigation on the Hypoglycemic Effect of Aronia melanocarpa Fruit and Its Effect on Lipid Metabolism
Niutritional Component Analysis and Nutrition Value Evaluation of Agaricus subfloccosus Fruiting Bodies
Protective Effects and Mechanism of Polysaccharide from Polygonati Rhizoma on the Cognitive Impairments Induced by Sleep Interruption in Mice
Influence of the Aqueous Extracts of Ziziphi Spinosae Semen and Poria cocos with Different Ratios on Anxiety-related Behavior of Rats
Precipitate Composition Identification and Stability Improvement of Fermented Goji Berry Wine
Analysis of Heavy Metal Pollution in Rice and Its Status of Risk Assessment
Progress on Research of Spice Amomum tsaoko and Application of Its Essential Oil
A Review of Volatile Components in Wheat Products
Biofilm Formation, Antimicrobial Resistance and Control of Vibrio Based on Quorum Sensing: A Review
Research Progress in Gene Engineering Expression of Sweet Proteins
Research Progress on Postharvest Quality Deterioration and Preservation Technologies of Lentinus edodes
Processing Utilization and Development Prospect of Edible Cassava
Advances in the Study of Fungicides in Bamboo and Wood Products for Food Contact
Research Progress on Extraction, Purification and Functional Activity of Seabuckthorn Flavonoids
A Review of the Molecular Interaction between Plant Polyphenols and Starch
Effect of Exogenous Addition of Tea or Pear Juice on the Quality of Meizhan Black Tea
Influence of Extrusion Texturization on the Physical and Chemical Properties and Structure of Sesame Protein
Effect of Micronized Buckwheat on Dough Characteristic and Noodle Quality
Correlation Analysis of Ellagic Acid with Antioxidant and Carbohydrate Substances in Different Development Stages of Blackberry and Raspberry Leaves
Effect of Sucrose on Properties of Different Red Adzuki Bean Starch
Effect of Salt Concentration on Muscle Quality of Ready-to-eat Shrimp (Solenocera crassicornis) During Chilled Storage
Effects of Frozen Storage Conditions on Meat and Surimi Gel Properties of Hairtail