Science and Technology of Food Industry
ISSN 1002-0306
CN 11-1759/TS
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Determination of aromatic components of flower in Rosa rugosa Thunb. by the static headspace and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technology
Effects of ultra high pressure treatment on functional properties and structure of rice proteins
Spectroscopic studies on the binding of Ginkgol C15∶ 1 and Herring Sperm DNA
Study and microscopic observation on complexation of chitosan and pectin
Study on Rhizoctonia solani metabolites and biological activity in potato
Study on the antimicrobial activities of jujube pigment
Effect of transglutaminase on water holding capacity and protein secondary structure of low-salt chicken batters
Effects of different Maca extracts on human sperm funtion
Effect of brewing conditions on quality of Enshi Yulu green tea infusion
Study on the amylose content and gelatinization characteristics of ten indica rices in Hunan province
Effect of pH on physiochemical properties of trans-resveratrol nanoemulsions with pomegranate seed oil
Effect of fat types and proportions on the quality and N-nitrosamine content of fried fish ball
Study of different extraction methods on bound phenols in apple pomace
Effects of different drying methods on the retrogradation property of convenience acorn vermicelli
The properties of chondroitin sulfate from various Ommastrephidaes
Degreasing process optimization of fresh Micropterus salmoides fillet by lipase B4000 and P1000
Cholesterol-lowering activity of Lactobacillus plantarum HLX37 in vitro and in vivo
Mechanical stirring fermentation pilot study of bacterial cellulose
Optimization of enzymatic extraction technology condition of starch from jackfruit seed using response surface methodology
Extraction and stability of naphthoquinones pigments from walnut green husks
Optimization of cellulase extraction of Sparassis crispa polysaccharides using response surface methodology
Optimization of enzymatic processing for antioxidant peptides from oyster based on BP neural network
Study on the differences of monokaryotic mycelium and dikaryotic mycelium of Ganoderma lucidum
Selection of technological parameters of Douchi fermented by multi-strains
Isolation and identification of flavonoids compounds from Xinjiang Morus nigra L.
Influence of different species of yeast strains and different lees ageing time on overall quality of Italian Riesling wines
Construction of Flammulina velutipes genome editing vector by using CRISPR/Cas9 system
Study on compositions and antioxidant activities of fermented rice by Cordyceps militaris
Breeding and screening of a naringinase-producing strain and optimization of culture medium
Effects of microwave sterilization on sterilization effect and quality of salt-baked chicken wings
Development and physicochemical properties of Nan wan-silver carp sausage
Optimization of process in extracting polysaccharide assisted by ultrasonic wave from Haematococcus pluvialis residues
Optimization of extraction process of stilbenes from Muscat Grape by ultrasonic method of response surface experiments
Optimization of ultrasonic extraction process of polysaccharide from red flesh apple of Xing Jiang with response surface method
Extraction,purification and antioxidant activity of total flavonoids from Premna microphylla Turcz leaves
Research on the technological application of fired chill in the area of Sichuan
Extraction of apine winter wheat antifreeze protein and detection of the antifreeze activity
Research of the extraction of shallot essential oil
Study on preparation technology of composite edible film of corn starch and wheat starch
Study on the physicochemical and processing properties of sugar beet pectin
Changes in organic acids and anthocyanins contents during shelf storage of fresh-cut Purple Caitai (Brassica campestris L.ssp.chinensis L.var.purpurea Bailey)
Study on preservation of litchi and stability of crude extracts of antimicrobial peptide F1
Effect of different frozen storage temperature on electrical impedance of chicken breast meat
Effects of erythritol on the glass transition temperature and state diagram of Penaeus vannamei meat
Effect of different modes of transport on logistics quality of broccoli
Effects of Trichoderma harzianum preharvest treatments on postharvest texture properties of blueberry
Growth kinetics of Shewanella putrefaciens and total viable bacteria in pallet-package sturgeon and shelf life prediction
Effect of 1-MCP,ClO_2and Na HSO_3 on lipid oxidation and antioxidant activities of green walnut kernel
Hepatoprotective effects of mannose on immunological liver injury in mice
Effect of fibrinolytic enzyme from Lyophyllum ulmarium on platelet activation in thrombotic rat
Comparison of nutrient composition of cultured sea bass and cultured fresh-water bass,Lateolabrax japonicas and Micropterus salmoides
Effect of grape seed powder on parameters of hemorheology and antioxidant function in high-fat diet rats
Review on main chemical constituents and biological activities of Mesona chinensis
Advances on research of different storage methods on nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables
Research progress in aroma and main effects of pile fermentation Chinese dark tea
Microalgae in aquaculture: a review to nutritional value and rotifers enrichment
Application of differential proteomics in postharvest fruits and vegetables in the study of biological and technical
Research progress of blueberry anthocyanin
Kininogen and the research progression in fish
Advances on extraction and application of ginger bioactive ingredient
Resource distribution and nutritional quality difference of Chinese chestnuts
Survey of bacterial contamination during processing and refrigerated storage of chilled chicken in northern Jiangsu
Investigation of colloidal gold immunochromatographic strip for quantitative determination of variety of β-agonists in swine urine
Rapid detection of spore oil from Ganoderma lucidum by portable laser Raman spectroscopy
Establishment of PCR-ELISA technology for Staphylococcus aureus in food
Simultaneous determination of vitamin A,D_3 and E in infant formula milk powder and rice flour by two-dimensional liquid chromatography / double detector
Volatile comparison of different environment stored litchi based on SPME-GC-MS
Study on the determination of sugar alcohols in foods by high performance liquid chromatography-evaporative light scattering detection
Comparative analysis of volatile and semi-volatile flavor components of Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.Mazz.absolute oils extracted by three methods
Application of the detection method by ligh microscopy and RT-PCR in authentication of water chestnut starch
Quality evaluation of commercial oyster sauce samples
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