Science and Technology of Food Industry
ISSN 1002-0306
CN 11-1759/TS
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Correlation between surface potential and flocculation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Effect of age on meat quality of local steer from Yunnan province
Adsorption performance and kinetics of macroporous resin on sugarcane molasses pigments
Components compare analysis of bacillus natto preparation and natto lyophilization powder
Influence of different deastringented method on the quality of the millstone persimmon
Effects of clarification methods to physicochemical properties of Astragalus extract
Correlation analysis of simulation civet coffee by purebred fermentated coupling with pepsin enzymatic pre-hydrolysis in vitro with electronic tongue
Antioxidant property of wild Lilium species from Qin-ba mountain
Effect of exogenous enzymes on the quality of Pu 'er crude tea extract
Determination of Coreopsis Tinctoria and commercial Chrysanthemum's sense,polyphenolic compounds & amino acids
Antioxidative and antibacterial activities of Euryale ferox Salisb. shell extracts and its compositions analysis
Breeding of Monascus with high-yield yellow pigment by 24 well-plate assay combining with mutation
Effect of persimmon tannin on gut microflora in vitro fermentation environments
Study on foaming property of enzyme modified soy protein isolated
Expression and inclusion body renaturation of recombinant chitinase in E. coli and its enzymology properties
Screening and identification of strains for aqueous enzymatic extraction of medium-chain triglycerides
Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria with efficient patulin degradation ability and its degrading characteristics
Overexpression glucose dehydrogenase can promote the growth of recombinant Escherichia coli
Isolation,identification and enzyme characteristics of the chitosanase producing marine fungal MF-08
Optimization of the snailase assistant extraction process of polysaccharides from Auricularia Auricula by response surface methodology
Bienzymatic hydrolysis process of sika deer antler base
Investigation of Escherichia coli contamination and virulence genes in meat foods from Wuhou district of Chengdu city
Isolation and identification of Bacillus in the natural fermentation of sufu
Modification of basa catfish oil for preparation of 1,3-dioleoyl-2-palmitoylglycerol
Study on optimization of extraction of polyphenols from shell of wild apricot by response burface methodology and its characterization
Capture conditions of gelatin with formaldehyde
Optimization of extraction technology of keemun black tea polyphenols and its composition identification
Microwave assisted extraction of total triterpenes in potentilla discolor by response surface methodology
Effect of atmospheric concentration and vacuum concentration on the quality of concentrated coconut milk
Extraction technique and antioxidant activity of β-carotenoid from Dunaliella salina
Optimization of microwave extraction of estradiol in milk by response surface methodology
Separation of linear β-1,3-glucooligosaccharides by fractional precipitation of organic solvents
Optimization of preparation technology of natto from black soybean by response surface methodology
Study on the distribution and the extraction process of rich proteins of Xinchun No.36 Triticale in Xinjiang province
Effect of ultrasonic pretreatment on vacuum freeze drying process of apple slices
Screening of alginate lyase-producing strains and optimization of fermentation conditions
Preparation of esterified microporous corn starch and its adsorption property of lycopene
Study on optimization of water extraction conditions of chlorogenic acid from green coffee beans by response surface method
Ultrasonic-assisted extracting process of protease from catfish viscera
Effect of high barrier EHA/PE membrane on preservation of fresh-cut asparagus lettuce
Optimization of complex biological preservatives to improve preservation of chilled chicken by response surface methodology
Effect of maturity on postharvest cold storage of ‘Gaixian' plums
Effect of NO on the process of GA3 inhibiting cell inclusions transport in the excised garlic scape
Effect of storage temperature on the fate of internalized E. coli in fresh-cut carrots and cucumbers
Effect of different temperatures on the storage quality of Pleurotus eryngii
Effects of controlled atmosphere on quality of Zizyphus Jujuba Junzao during storage
Effects of different temperature on sugar and lactic acid flux in melon
Effects of gradual cooling treatment on chilling injury and endogenous polyamine contents of ‘86-1' Hami melon(Cucumis melo L.) fruits
Clinical assessment on Bama nature spring water in adjuvant therapy of hyperuricemia
Protective effect of peppermint polyphenols on CCl4-induced liver damage in mice
Protein composition analysis and molecular weight distribution of Meretrix lusoria
Progress in applications of carbon nanotubes for solid phase extraction in food safety and detection
Research advance in polysaccharides sulfated and its effect on the structure and function activity of polysaccharides
Research on the factors and characterization methods of starch digestibility
Advance in PCR-derived technologies for plant-derived genetically modified food
Research progress on the study of bioactive peptides from shellfish proteins and peptidomics
The bioactivities of the phytosterols in foods and their pharmacological actions
Advancement in research of α-glucosidase inhibitors of natural products
Determination of vitamins in aerial part of Panax notoginseng by high performance liquid chromatography
Determination of methanol in self-made wine by gas chromatography
Characteristics of the vibration spectral response of rough peel pear among Korla pear
Determination of 6-BA and its residual dynamics in bean sprouts by SPE-UPLC
A rapid colorimetric method for the quality determination of cooking oils
Development of a direct competitive chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for detection of furaltadone metabolite
Antioxidative activity and mechanism of sesamolin in soybean oil at high temperature
Isolation and purification,structure identification and antioxidant activity of polysaccharides of Ginkgo biloba leaf
Antioxidant activity and component identification of ethanol extract of Pleurotus eryngii
Effect of high pressure homogenization on the function properties of soybean protein isolate-polysaccharide mixtures
Effects of micro-filtration by ceramic membrane on physicochemical properties of enzymatic hydrolysates of Pinctada martensii meat
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