Study on the correlation among appearance quality, nutritional quality and sensory evaluation of hybrid citrus varieties in Hunan
Rheological properties of enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken soup
Effects of different thawing methods on water-holding capacity of chicken
Antioxidant activities in vitro of polysaccharide from Albatrellus caeruleoporus
Identification and controlling of producing membrane strains isolated from bagged deterioration vinegar
Effect of superfine grinding of Lotus nut on the release rates of active ingredients
Study on hypeilipidemia- regulating effects of α-Amylase inhibitor extracted from white bean
Optimization of cellulase- assisted extraction of sugarbeet boot pomace crude polysaccharides, compositions and antibacterial activity
Study on principal active component and antioxidant capacity between tissue culture and transplanting plantlet of Fujian Anoectochilus Roxburghii
Study of the emulsibility in the mixed system between myofibrillar protein and soy protein isolates
Identification on endophytic bacterial strain CICC 10707 isolated from Paracel Islands wild Noni ( Morinda citrifolia L.) seeds
Change of the chemical properties of the potato starch hydrolyzed by protease
Study on freeze- drying protective agents formula of Lactobacillus acidophilus NX2-6
Preparation and properties of cross- linked enzyme aggregates ( CLEAs) of β-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis
Study on biofilm- forming ability and influence factors of various Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains
Different effects of heat treatment and pressure on soybean milk trypsin inhibitors
Breeding thermo- tolerant strains of Lentinula edodes by UV mutagenesis
Optimization fermentation technology of Morchella esculenta fortified rice wine
Study on saccharification and transglycosylation technics of isomalto-oligosaccharide from indica rice starch by enzyme method
Optimization of soluble expression of recombinant Paenibacillus spβ- glucosidase in Escherichia coli
Isolation and identification of Aeromonas from Schizothorax prenanti fish gut
Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum inoculated fermentation on the quality of kimchi
Preparation and properties of precast beverage powder ( PBP) from compound cereals by saccharifying enzymatic hydrolytic process
Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis conditions for casein by response surface methodology
Technological conditions optimization for GABA enrichment of germinated brown rice using Pulse light and salt stress method
Application research of fat substitute using modified lotus root starch, polydextrose and maltodextrin for making Danish bread
Effects of different extraction technologies on the extraction yield for Ledum Ursolic acid
Study on processing technology of flavor yeast extract with Candida utilis
Process optimization of surfactant assisted enzyme extraction of Astragalus flavonoids
Study on aqueous two- phase extraction of protease from Monopterus albus
Study on technology conditions of anti-browning in banana peel blanching process
Study on processing technology of Huaiyang Kunti
Study on processing of glutamic acid chelating calcium preparation using eggshell
Extraction process on antibacterial ingredients of feral Artemisia argyi
Research of extraction and antioxidant activity in vitro of polyphenols from pine nut coat
The process optimization and performance comparisons of insoluble dietary fiber extracted from Zizania latifolia
Study on extraction of total flavonoids from pomegranate leaf by surfactant
Determination of jujuboside A and B in Zizyphi Spinosi Semen harvested from different places by using HPLC-ELSD combined with ASE
Chemometrics approach applied to GC date for determination of cottonseed oil in rice bran oil
Flavor characteristics and consumer preference for the commercial aged Cheddar cheese
Detection of estrogens in animal products by DSPE- LC- MS / MS
Determination of allicin in garlic by HPLC
Study on the rapid detection of volatile metabolite spectrums of3 kinds of food- borne pathogens
Establishment of polymerase chain reaction detection method for red sea bream iridovirus
Analysis of chemical and aroma components of three types of Guangdong Fenghuangdancong oolong tea
Determination of eight metal elements in safflower seed and safflower meal by FAAS method
Research and application of multi sensor data fusion technology in the electronic tongue
Effect of tea polyphenols on trichiutus haumela during frozen storage
Effect of different treatment time of 1- MCP on texture of Fuji apple fruit at room temperature
Ozone ice and electrolyzed water ice treats pomfret to extend the shelf life of pomfret
Effect of different package methods on quality changes of Qula during storage
Effect of postharvest ASM treatment on ascorbate- glutathione cycle in apple fruit
Color changes of ready- to- eat raw tuna fillets at different cold storage temperatures
Silkworm pupa protein-based enteral formula for improving metabolic characteristic in streptozotocin-induced Type 2 Diabetic mice
Analysis of liver and heart quality and active substances from fattening milk male calfs
Research of proliferation effect for bone marrow cells and cancer cells cultured in vitro with CEJSNC
Influence of cooking methods on the quality of celery and tomato
Effect of lactic acid bacterially synthesized Se (0) nanoparticles on oxidation resistance in mice
Study on deep-fried bread stick
Research progress in protein and biological active peptides from the wastes of aquatic products processing
Research progress in interaction between protein hydrolysates and different components of food
Applications of micro/nano-encapsulation technology on improving the solubility and stability of astaxanthin
Advances in research of nutritive ingredients and bioactivities of camel milk
Research progress of microalgae of Ca2+ signal transduction in response to low temperature
Research progress in the interaction between proteins and polysaccharides at the interface
Analysis of volatiles in Megalobrama amnblycephala by different processing methods
Effects of carvacrol on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus membrane
Research of the emulsification properties of Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch polysaccharide
The influence of physicochemical and emulsifying properties induced by hydroxyl radical-stressed soybean protein isolate
Interaction between picric acid and bovine serum albumin by fluorescence spectrometry
Protective effects of torularhodin on oxidative injured PC12 cell
Effects of TGase and high pressure processing treatment on the quality of myofibrillar protein gel
Comprehensive evaluation on fruit quality of peach cultivars in greenhouse based on principal component analysis
Optimization of enzyme- assisted extraction of Osmanthus fragrans leaves polysaccharides and antioxidant activity
Research of fermentation conditions of compound hawthorn fruit vinegar