Effects of Shading Treatments on Leaf Color Phenotype and Biochemical Composition of Tea Leaves
Bacterial Community on the Corn Straw in Suihua Area of Heilongjiang Province by Illumina Miseq Sequencing
Inhibitory Effects of Bound Phenolic Extracts from Lycopus lucidus Turcz. on α-glucosidase and Pancreatic Lipase
Recombinant Expression of a Medium-temperature Amylase Production in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens LT
Effect of Pulsed Electric Field on Germination Activity of Malting Barley
Identification of Spoilage Fungi of Cantaloupe(Cucumis melo L.)
Isolation,Identification of Nitrile Hydratase-Producing Bacterium and Nitrile Hydratase Characterization
Multilocus Sequence Typing of Bacillus cereus Isolates from the Processing Environment of Powdered Infant Formula
Characterization of the Spatial-temporal Feature of Microbial Community Structure in Maotai-Flavor Liquor Daqu
Isolation of Antagonistic Bacteria against Powdery Mildew of Rosa roxburghii Tratt and Preliminary Study on Its Antibacterial Mechanism
Study on the Antimicrobial Mechanism of Listeria monocytogenes from Pepper Monoterpenoids
Isolation and Purification of Chitinase from Shellfish of Procambarus clarkii
Optimization of Extraction Process of Bond Polyphenols Compounds from Adlay Seed (Coix lachryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen Stapf) by Response Surface Methodology
Synergistic Effect of Moisture Regulation on Rice Bran Stabilization by Microwave Heating
Effects of Fishing Months on Nutrients of Antarctic Krill
Optimization on Aqueous Enzymatic Extraction Process of Protein from the Seeds of Carica papaya L. by Response Surface Methodology
Preparation Process of Total Flavonoid Solid Dispersions from Black Fruit Lycium barbarum
Optimization of Extraction Process of Active Components from Red Raspberry Seeds
Study on Optimization of Extraction Conditions for Flavonoids from Chenopodium quinoa Chaff by Response Surface Method and Its Antioxidant Activities
Ultrasonic-assisted Extraction of Total Flavonoids from Sterculia Lanceolata and Scavenging Capacity on Hydroxyl Free Radical
Determination of Protease Activity of Koji based on the Extruded Broad Bean Paste and Its Process Optimization
Purification and Antioxidant Activity of Alpinia officinarum Residue Flavonoid
Extraction Process and Antioxidant Activity of Tannins of Quercus Liaotungensis Valonia
Optimization of Enzymatic Extraction Process of Polysaccharide from Urena lobata L. and Its Antioxidant Activity
Optimization of Maillard Reaction Method for Preparation of Bacon Flavor
Effects of Rapid and Slow Thawing Methods on Quality Characteristics and Protein Denaturation of Frozen Pork
The Changes of Aroma Components in Zhacai during One-Time Pickling after Mechanical Dehydration
Comparison of Differences in Aroma Constituents of Longjing Tea Produced from Different Tea Germplasms
Analysis of Quality Components in Black Tea from Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River
Fusing Hyperspectral Features and Image Deep Features for Classification and Retrieval of Meat
Effect of Different Drying Methods on the Flavor Substances of Pixian Horsebean based on E-nose and GC-MS
Determination of Aflatoxin B1 in Corn Syrup by Organic Solvent Extraction and High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Rapid Detection of AFB1 by Immunochromatographic Assays based on Fluorescent Microspheres
Suitability for Determination of Deacetylation Degree of Chitosan
Determination of Dhurrin Content in Different Parts of Macadamia
Simultaneous Determination of Citrus Red 2 and SudanⅠ~Ⅳ Dyes in Foodstuff by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry
Physicochemical Properties and Quality Changes of Antarctic Krill during Frozen Storage Process
Changes in the Quality and Freshness of Silurus meridionalis Chen under Partial Freezing and Frozen Conditions
Effect of Storage Conditions on the Active Ingredients Content and Antioxidant Ability of Cabernet Sauvignon Grape Juice
Effect of Citrus Flavanones on β-Carotene Micellization
Effect of Complex Fresh-keeping Agents on Preservation of Fresh Wet Noodles
Comprehensive Evaluation of Quality of 56 Highland Barleys (Hordeum vulgare Linn.)in Different Regions of Tibet Plateau
Preventive Effect of Low Molecular Weight Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum on Constipation in Kunming Mice
Research Progress and Utilization of Okra
Research Progress in Meat Adulteration Detection by Molecular Biology
Research Progress of Screening Methods of Exogenous Risk Substances in Milk and Dairy Products based on Two-dimensional Chromatography and Its Combination
Research Progress on Frozen Storage Process of Fish
Analysis of Domestic Research Status of Aornia melanocarpa based on Literature Measurement
Effect of Extraction Temperatures on Physical and Chemical Properties of Gelatin from Skin of Tilapia
Effects of Different Light Quality on Nutritional Quality and Antioxidant Activity of Broccoli Sprouts
Effects of Superfine Comminution of Low Temperature on the Structural and Functional Properties of Soy Dregs Protein
Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Aqueous Extracts from Four Kinds of Tea in Hainan
Effects of Processing Methods on Nutritional Composition and Flavor Characteristics of Sipunculus nudus
Effect of Stocking Density on Muscle Quality of Penaeus monodon
Purification of Flavonoids from Red Raspberry Seed by Macroporous Resin and the Ability of Bile Salt-binding in Vitro
Effects of Boiling and Dried-rehydration on Bioaccessibility of Four Minerals in Seaweed(Laminaria ochroleuca)
Preparation of Sweet Orange Essential Oil Nanoemulsions and Its Antibacterial Activity
Sensing Kinetics of Umami Receptor in Rats Intestinal Mucosa
Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Polyphenols from Different Varieties Apples in Vitro
Comparative on Muscle Quality Characteristics of Micropterus Salmoides between In-pond Raceway System and Traditional Pond System
Identification of Inonotus hispidus and Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Different Solvent Extracts from Its Fruiting Bodies