Performance of Removal of Heavy Metal Ions in Shellfish By-products by Modified Mesoporous Materials
Establishment and Implementation of Microbial Challenge Test Model for Brewed Sauce Products
Inhibitory Effect of Fermented Extracts by Bacillus subtilis on Escherichia coli
Comparative Analysis of Antibacterial Activity and Membrane Permeability to Pathogenic Bacteria of Polyphenols Extracts from 3 Kinds of Tea
Effect of Partial Replacement of NaCl by Low-Sodium Salt including KCl and Animo Acid on Physico-chemical Properties of Dry-salted Grass Carp during Processing
Optimization of Extraction Process and Stability of Anthocyanins from Aronia melanocarpa
Optimization of Processing Technology for Sponge Cake with Ultramicro Black Tea Powder
Response Surface Optimization of Simultaneous Extraction of Protein and Soluble Dietary Fiber from Grape Seed Meal by Complex Enzymatic Method
Optimization of Preparation of Cabernet Sauvignon Grape Juice with Compound Enzymatic Hydrolysis by Response Surface Methodology
Optimization of Process of Collagen Oligopeptide Calcium-Chelating of Takifugu rubripes Skin
Optimization of Enzymatic Extraction of Polysaccharide from Abrus cantoniensis Hance and Its Antioxidant Activity
Optimization of Microwave-assisted Extraction of Saponins from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and Its Antioxidant Activity
Optimization of Preparation Technology of Microencapsulation of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins from Red Raspberry Seeds and Its Stability Analysis
Optimization of Flash Extraction Technology of Total Flavonoids from Verbena officinalis L. by Response Surface Methodology and Its Antioxidant Activity in Vivo
Optimization of the Fermentation Process of Cynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight Ferment
Ultrasonic-assisted Extraction of Lecithin from Egg Yolk and Its Physicochemical Properties
Effects of Different Time on Flavor Compounds of Black Pepper in the Process of Boiling Water
Determination of Total Sugar and Reducing Sugar in Degreasing Cream from Periplaneta americana
Effect of Okra Powder on Texture Properties of Dough and Bread
Analysis of Main Nutrients, Active Ingredients and Volatile Components of Toona sinensis Buds from Different Regions
Effects of Yeast and Raw Material Varieties on Volatile Components of Kiwifruit Wine
Image Analysis Method Investigation of Nitrite Detection in Microfluidic Chip
Effect of Different Enzymes on the Flavor and Taste of Thermal Process Flavorings Made by Bovine Bone Extract
Determination of 7 Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Food Contact Paper Materials by Gas Chromatography
Changes of Volatile Aroma Components of Three Cultivars of Kiwifruit Wines during Fermentation Process
Determination of Quinolones and Tetracyclines in Egg by Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Effects of Particle Size on Quality of Potato Noodle
Flavor Compounds Analysis of 5 Fresh Mushrooms Using HS-SPME-GC-MS and HPLC
Effect of Liquid Nitrogen Quick Freezing at Different Temperatures on the Quality of Channel Catfish
Quality Deterioration and Physiological Biochemical Changes in Different Parts of Brassica campesttris L. ssp. Chinesiss (L.) Makino var. rosularis Tsen et Lee during Storage at 20℃
Effects of GABA Treatment on Activate Oxygen Metabolism and Membrane Lipid Peroxidation of Agaricus bisporus
Effect of 1-MCP and UV-C on Antioxidant Capacity in Apple (Malus pumila Mil.) Fruit during Storage
Oleanolic Acid Antagonized Autophagic Death of HEK293T Cells Induced by Ochratoxin A
Label-free Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Acipenser schrenki Brandt Peptides on Aging Mice Induced by D-galactose
The Mechanism and Research Progress of Probiotics in Relieving Obesity
Research Progress in Comprehensive Application of Rice Bran Oil
Research Progess of Extraction Methods, Components and Functional Characteristics in Essential Oil
Effects of Coexistent Substances in Milk Tea System on Property of Soybean Protein Isolates
Research Progress on Preparation, Function and Product Development of Polysaccharide of Dendrobium huoshanense
Research Progress in Chemical Compositions and Healthy Functions of Genus Camellia sect. Chrysantha
Review on Morchella esculenta Polysaccharides
Research Progress on Main Active Constituents and Pharmacological Activities of Actinidia arguta
Advances in Research on Quality Control of Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms based on Spectroscopic Techniques
Research Progress on Application of Maillard Reaction in Tobacco Production and Processing
Research Progress of Electrospinning Technique in the Field of Food Science and Technology
Degradation Kinetics and Antioxidant Activity of Anthocyanin from Hibiscus sabdariffa L.
Purification, Physicochemical Properties, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Polysaccharide from Tea Seed Cake
Study on Enzymatic Demulsification of the Emulsion from Enzyme-Assisted Aqueous Extraction of Soybean Oil
Main Organic Acids and Antibacterial Activity of Lactobacillus casei Fermentation Broth
Physicochemical Properties and Stability of Conjugated Linoleic Acid Powder Oil Prepared by Whey Protein Isolate-Gum Arabic Complex
Structure Characterization and Photocatalysis Antibacterial Performance of Nano Photocatalyst TiO2
Physicochemical Properties of Novel Bilayer Emulsion Prepared from Zein Particles and Propylene Glycol Alginate
Structural Characterization and Antioxidant Activities of Fucoidan from Sargassum fusiforme
Diversity and Characteristics of Microbial Community in Fermented Douchi from Jiangxi Province Using High-throughput Sequencing Technology
Inhibition of High Pressure Thermal Sterilization Treatment on Baroduric Bacteria of Low Temperature Cooked Ham
Anti-cancer and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Volatile Components from Pu-erh Tea