Effects of different water-injected ratios on eating quality of pork
Effect of microbial fermentation on yield and structural characteristics of polysaccharide from corn stalk
Screening of Lactobacillus casei and application in active lactic bacteria beverage
Screening and acid production optimization of lactic acid bacteria from sauerkraut juice
Optimization of fermentation medium and culture conditions of producing bacterial cellulose of Gluconacetobacter hensennii strain
Fermentation characteristics of different yeast in pineapple wine making
Effects of the starter rate and additive agents on polysaccharides in fermented wheat bran by response surface methodology
Effect of oligosaccharide-adding fermentation and sugar-nitrogen metabolism on Candida parapsilosis on producing mannitol
Optimization of processing of potato vegetarian sausage by response surface method
Optimization of technological conditions for microwave puffing ready-to-eat Thunnus alalunga skin
Formula optimization of red raspberry and pomelo compound juice
Development of nutritional noodles with high γ-aminobutyric acid
Optimization of fermentation process of enzymatic hydrolysate of buckwheat,oat and Pleurotus eryngii and its antioxidant capacity
The integrated extraction process of effective ingredients from monascus mycelium
Process optimization of the parturient corn blend oil
Changes of quality characteristics of yogurt made from yak milk and cow milk during fermentation
Optimization of polyphenols extraction from Moringa oleifera Lam. seeds by response surface methodology and its antioxidant activity
Optimization of extraction process for phospholipids from codfish roe
Formula optimization of inactive double protein Lactobacillus beverage
Optimization of formula of cassava whole flour noodle
Formulation optimization of scallop flavored sauce rich in antioxidant components
Optimization of ultrasonic asssisted extraction of phytosterol from Paeonia suffruticosa Pericarp
Optimization of the boiling process of Morchella soup and its flavor composition analysis
Enzymatic hydrolysis process research of grass carp offal
Extraction process of polysaccharide by compound enzymatic method of Dendrobium officinale and its antioxidant activity
Study on the cadmium adsorption performance of Sepia ink melanin from Mussel cooking juice
Optimization of preparation of antioxidant peptides from flaxseed meal by response surface methodology
Study on extracting flavones from pineapple peels by microwave assisted aqueous two-phase systems
Effects of modified soybean protein isolate on quality of microwave-reheat popcorn chicken
Analysis of volatile compounds in paocai fermented in different vegetable raw materials
Effect of complex plant essential oil coating on the volatile flavor compounds of dry-cured ham
Fragrance and characteristic components of concentrated-fragrant basic wine and principal fermentation materials abstract
Effect of tuna meat lysis on the flavor and taste of parmesan pork
Quality detection of fresh-cut apple on electrical properties
Growth kinetics model of coliform under different storage temperatures of pitaya pulp and shelf-life prediction
Preservation effect of four kinds of biological preservatives combined with ice temperature storage on Takifugu. rubripes
Evaluation of hypoglycemic and antioxidant activity for peptides from oyster protein
Drying characteristics and mathematical modeling of controlled freezing point drying of grass carp fillets
Effect of salt salting on quality change of Ophicephalus argus during cold storage
Effects of storage in different temperatures on the quality of the Chinemys reevesiis
Effect of n-butanol extract from tartary buckwheat bran on hypoglycemic effect in type 2 diabetic rats
Hepatoprotective effect of Fructus Akebiae extract on liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride in mice
Regulatory effects of purple sweet potato anthocyanins on lymphocyte immune function in mice
Effect of tuna fish bone activated calcium on viability and apoptosis of mouse embryonic osteoblast precursor cells(MC3T3-E1)
Protective effects and related mechanism of olive leaf methanolic extract against acute liver injury in mice induced by D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide
Isolation,purification and antioxidant activity of polysaccharide from Agaricus bisporus protein powder waste
The protective effect of Roxburghii honeysuckle instant tea on chemical liver injury
Progress in biological detoxification of aflatoxin B1 and its degradation metabolites toxicity evaluation
Progress in extraction and purification of polyphenol oxidase
Bioactivities and applications of collagen tripeptides:A review
Application of metabolomics techniques in grape physiology
Research progress in nutritional,bioactive content and pharmacological activity of oleaster fruit
Isolation and purification,acetylation modification and antioxidant activity of polysaccharides of Pleurotus eryngii Quel
Effects of lactic fermentation on the nutrient and biological activity of Camellia pollen
Effect of acetate starch on cooking stability and texture characteristics of buckwheat noodle
Effects of glycosylation methods on conformation and functional properties of glycosylation products for soybean 7S globulin
Effect of different extraction methods on the antioxidant activity of crude polysaccharide from Opuntia Milpa Alta Haw in vitro
Characterization of maillard reaction products of hydrolysates from sea cucumber(Stichopus japonicus)gut
Antioxidant activities of different polar solvent extracts from polyphenol of Polygonum capitatum
Study on antioxidant activity of pigment in 8 kinds of seaweed and three Laminaria japonica
The bioactive compounds and their antioxidant activity of kinds of edible rice
Effects of different nitrogen source seaweed fertilizers on the growth and quality of lettuce in soilless culture
Optimization of medium composition and culture conditions for Aspergillus tubingensis production
Interaction of heat shock protein 27 and β adrenergic agonists by molecular docking
Influence on metabolic characteristics of Lactobacillus plantarum by cryoprotectant
High-throughput screening of Cordyceps militaris for cordycepin production by UV-DES compound mutation