Science and Technology of Food Industry
ISSN 1002-0306
CN 11-1759/TS
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Antibacterial activity and mechanism of limonene against
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Effect of different crushing method on the quality of rice
Inhibition effects and spectrum of different solvent extracts from
Mulgedium tataricum
L. on
Study on microencapsulation of
Lactobacillus plantarum
Optimization of submerged fermentation medium and condition of chickpea natto
Effect of
Lactobacillus helveticus
on the quality of Cheddar cheese
Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis conditions of high concentration solution of chitosan
Optimization of the preparation for the collagen peptides from jellyfish by enzymatic hydrolysis
Microwave-assisted extraction of oleuropein from olive leaves and its antioxidant properties
Optimization of microwave extraction of amentoflavone from
Selaginella doederleinii
by response surface method
Effect of raw rice on fermentation and GABA production of Guangdong Hakka rice wine
Formula optimization of biscuits with
Cyclocarya paliurus
The effects of different drying methods on the drying characteristics and quality of
Polygonatum odoratum
Optimization of the preparation process of the prouran-carrageena-soft capsule by response surface method
Optimization of process for preparation of antioxidant peptides by enzymatic hydrolysis of protein prepared from peony seed meal
Optimization of extraction technology and determination of antioxidant activity of polysaccharides from superfine powder of okra
Study on preparation and antioxidant activity of Maca peptide
Optimization of ultrasound-microwave assisted extraction of proanthocyanidin from brown rice by response surface methodology
Preparation technology optimization of porcine intestinal mucosa protein powder by enzymatic hydrolysis
Effects of low sodium composite marinade on the quality of dry cured Bacon
Study on the relationship between the structure and physicochemical properties of amorphous OSA-starch
Effects of packaging materials on the quality and non-enzymatic browning of litchi juice during storage
Study on prefabricated diced chicken compound preservative's formula optimization and preservation effect
Analysis of lead concentrations of foods in some supermarkets in Beijing
Effects of heating temperature on volatile constituents of myofibrillar protein from yak meat and glucose or fructose Maillard reaction
Analysis of the protein composition of raw milk with different somatic cell counts by capillary zone electrophoresis
Analysis of key odor compounds of Goubangzi smoked chicken
Research on prediction of the total volatile basic nitrogen in pork by electronic nose technique
Optimization of extraction conditions for SPME-GC-MS analysis of volatile components in jujube brandy
Determination of calcium in mulberry leaf powder and its bioavailability
Rapid determination of moisture content in candy by near infrared spectroscopy combined with partial least squares
Synthesis,characterization and antioxidant activity of kaempferol-copper(II) complex
Comparison of two methods for detection of
Listeria monocytogenes
in foods
The preservation effects of low temperature and hypobaric storage on “Chuan Zhongdao” peach
Effects of methyl jasmonate treatment on related metabolism of reactive oxygen species in the peel of postharvest apple fruit
The impact of different modified atmosphere packaging used in spinach on preservation effect in refrigerated condition
Research on the influence of electron beam irradiation on the relevant qualities of cold fresh chicken
Effect of different package manners on quality changes of nian zhuan during storage
Effects of phytosterol ester on short-chain fatty acids in colon content of rats fed a high fat diet
Studies on the effects of isomaltooligosaccharides regulating intestinal microbial flora proliferation and relieving constipated function
Effects of inulin on farinograph and gel texture properties of flour with different gluten
Preliminary study on the immunomodulatory function of Lactobacillus plantarum KLDS 1.0318 in mice
Encapsulation technology applied in new form flavors
Advances in stabilization mechanism and stability control of food grade Pickering emulsion
Research progress on the extraction methods of flavonols in plants
Advance in RPA detection technologies of foodborne pathogenic bacteria
Research advances on the hazards and control of fumonisins
Development and trend of technologies for shell-egg grading
A review of application of plasma-activated water in food industry
Rheological properties of wheat dough added millet flour based on principal component analysis method
Study on fresh-keeping to cherry with a compound containing tea tree oil and multiple natural products
Depuration of cadmium from cultured mussels (
Mytilus edulis
) by different removal reagents
Optimization of fermentation condition for yogurt with rice bran and soybean
Synergistic antioxidation of polysaccharides and flavonoid from
Auricularia auricula
by oxygen-resistant extraction
Inactivation effect and dynamic model of inactivation kinetics of
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
by pulsed light
Properties of green banana powder in different particle sizes
Effect of microbial fermentation enhance the flavor of beef flavoring
Screening of symbiotic yeast in yoghurt fermentation
Application of glucoamylase in waste lees Baijiu production of sesame-flavor
Soluble expression,purification and bioactive applications of recombination fusion protein Trx-T4 DL
Cloning and bioinformatics analysis of the ADR1 gene from
Saccharomyces bayanus
Optimization of fermentation of roxburgh rose pomace for dietary fiber preparation and quality indexes analysis
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