Short Communication abri Physiotherapy project of the GP’s cluster model program in Hungary Abstract PDF Ilona Balajti
Short Communication abri Impact of the collision and push angles on the phases hop, step and jump in the triple jump and their relationship to the stage of take-off Abstract PDF Guebli Abdelkader
Short Communication abri Physiotherapy project of the GP’s cluster model program in Hungary Abstract PDF Ilona Balajti
Short Communication abri Ski injuries of dizin ski slope infirmary patients during skiing season of 2008-2009 Abstract PDF Amir Hossein Khalilifar, Mohammad Hassan Kazemi and Arya Hamedanchi
Short Communication abri Impact of the collision and push angles on the phases hop, step and jump in the triple jump and their relationship to the stage of take-off Abstract PDF Guebli Abdelkader