Journal of Medical Toxicology Research

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About Acute Poisoning

The term Acute Poisoning describes the toxic effects of a substances such as drugs and chemicals that result either from a single dose or from multiple exposures in a short duration of time (usually less than 24 hours).The common symptom of acute poisoning is Headache, Nausea, Sweating, Irritation, Swelling, Affect metabolism, Seizures, Dizziness, Increased heart rate, pain, etc. In Malaysia 1999, 1798 cases were reported below the age group of 4 years, 1029 cases were reported below the age group of 10 years, 1058 cases were reported in below the age group of 15 years, and 1794 cases were reported below the age group of 20 years. For the treatment of acute poisoning Ipecac syrup, activated charcoals, Gastric cleavage, cathartics are used.

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