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Autologous bone marrow coated mesh in repair of incisional hernia: A Quasi-Experimental study

Introduction: Abdominal incisional hernia is one of the most common postoperative complications after laparotomy. Recurrent incisional hernia can be complicated by enterocutaneous fistula, bowel obstruction, surgical site infection etc. Given this recent studies we have concentrated on improving prosthetic biocompatibility such as coating mesh with the patient’s own bone marrow cells to reduce mesh related complications and for strong repair.

Methods: Bone marrow harvested from sternum and strored in a sterile specican with heparin. Separation of different components of incisional hernia done. Peritoneum is dissected from posterior rectus sheath 5cm beyond the neck of sac and around. Bone marrow is then coated over mesh in both sides. Then mesh is placed preperitoneal space and fixation done. Abdomen closed in later with a drain.

Discussion: bone marrow coated mesh may improve biocompatibility, by reducing inflammation and adhesion formation and improve the quality and strength of the regenerated tissue.

Conclusion: Bone marrow coated mesh repair is a better modality of treatment in decreasing morbidity as compared to conventional hernia mesh repair surgery.

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