Citiation Electrical engineering electronic technology
Articles published in Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology has got h-index 5, which means every article in Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology has got 5 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology.
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | |
Year wise published articles |
69 | 104 | 192 | 18 | 19 | 18 |
Year wise citations received |
3 | 12 | 17 | 7 | 10 | 10 |
Journal total citations count | 74 |
Journal Impact Factor | 0.11 |
Journal 5 years Impact Factor | 0.07 |
Journal CiteScore | 0.09 |
Journal h-index | 5 |
Journal h-index since 2017 | 4 |
Efficient control design for single phase grid tie inverter of PV system. |
Impact of silicon carbide semiconductor technology in Photovoltaic Energy System. |
Energy savings potential of uninterruptible power supplies in European Union. |
Multiplex transmission system for gate drive signals of inverter circuit using surface acoustic wave filters. |
State estimation programs application for computation problems solution of electrical power systems steady-state modes based on operating restrictions. |
Adaptive sequential importance sampling technique for short-term composite power system adequacy evaluation. |
Gluskin E, Raul R Some simple formulae for grounding in a laboratory and respective definition of ‘strong current’: a gate into electrical safety. Gen Phys 1: 1-15. |
Gluskin E (2015)Two Mathematical Comments on the Thevenin Theorem: An “Algebraic Ideal” and the “Affine Nonlinearity”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015: 1-7. |
Grossi Mand Bruno R (2016) Reducing Waste Disposal Of Metalworking Fluids By Electrical Impedance Monitoring. P-ESEM 3: 95-104. |
Gholap AB, Kadam P R (2017) IoT based detection of microbial activity in raw milk by using Intel Galileo Gen II. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 4: 487-491. |
Power System State Estimation Using Phasor Measurement Units. |
State estimation programs application for computation problems solution of electrical power systems steady-state modes based on operating restrictions. |
Jaheen F, Al Noman Ovi A, Marjan A (2016) Slot Loaded Square Microstrip Patch Antenna for Dual Band Operation." Electrical and Electronic Engineering 6: 11-17. |
Shafiei MM, Mahmoud M, Wan Nor Liza Wan M (2017) The Parametric Study and Fine-Tuning of Bow-Tie Slot Antenna with Loaded Stub. PloS one 12: e0169033. |
Al Noman A (2013) Novel design of slot loaded elliptical microstrip patch antenna loaded with meta materials, Phd Thesis, Bangladesh University Of Engineering And Technology, Bangladesh. |
Jaheen F, Al Noman Ovi A (2013) Novel design of miniaturized triple band square microstrip patch antenna with F slot for fixed service satellite and microwave C band applications. Prog. Electromag. Res. Symp. Proc., Stockholm, Sweden. |
Engouang TD, Yun L, Zhenjiang Z (2015) GABs: a game-based secure and energy efficient data aggregation for wireless sensor networks. International Journal of distributed sensor networks 11: 658543. |
Tripathi DK (2016) Design and Investigations for SOA with Fiber as optical Switch. International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology 7: 94-98. |
Tripathi DK (2016) Design and Performance Investigation for the Optical Combinational Networks at High Data Rate. Journal of Optical Communications 37. |
Tripathi DK (2016) Design and performance evaluations with optical comparator link. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20: 89-94. |
Tripathi DK (2017) Performance Evaluation of the Optical AND Gate at 200 Gbps. Journal of Optical Communications 38:13-18. |
Mitigation of subsynchronous resonance with fractional-order PI based UPFC controller |
Fractional-order PI based STATCOM and UPFC controller to diminish subsynchronous resonance |
Assessment & Alternatives for SSR in a Series Capacitor Wind Farm Employing TCSC |
Grid Integration of the Wind Power Generation and its Potential Impact on Sub-Synchronous Oscillation |
Evaluation and Control Perceptive of VSM-Based Multilevel PV-STATCOM for Distributed Energy System |
Design of a high step-up DC-DC power converter with voltage multiplier cells and reduced losses on semiconductors for photovoltaic systems |
Design of a high step-up DC-DC power converter with voltage multiplier cells and reduced losses on semiconductors for photovoltaic systems |
Design of a high step-up DC-DC power converter with voltage multiplier cells and reduced losses on semiconductors for photovoltaic systems |
Design of a high step-up DC-DC power converter with voltage multiplier cells and reduced losses on semiconductors for photovoltaic systems |
Design of a high step-up DC-DC power converter with voltage multiplier cells and reduced losses on semiconductors for photovoltaic systems |
Design of a high step-up DC-DC power converter with voltage multiplier cells and reduced losses on semiconductors for photovoltaic systems |
Analysis and Design of a High Voltage Gain Interleaved DC-DC Converter with Dual Coupled Inductors and Voltage Multiplier Cell |
Analysis and Design of a High Voltage Gain Interleaved DC-DC Converter with Dual Coupled Inductors and Voltage Multiplier Cell |
The analysis of modeling small signal and adding a current sensing resistor of 0.1 ohm for a boost converter |
A Non-Isolated High Step-Up Interleaved DC-DC Converter with Diode-Capacitor Multiplier Cells and Dual Coupled Inductors |
Sistema de alimentación para la misión EpiSat. |
Analysis of current transients in residential lamps |
Analysis of electrical and luminotechnical parameters in led lamps considering Brazilian standards |
Topologies classification employed in LED lamps through supervised learning |
Análise de Transientes de Correntes para Lâmpadas REsidenciais |
Análise do Efeito Flicker em Lâmpadas Domésticas do Mercado Brasileiro |
Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of induction motors: A review |
Bir Asenkron Motorun Mekanik Titre?im Sinyallerinin Ölçülerek Ar?za Analizinin Yap?lmas? |
Drivetrain Fault Diagnostics Using High Frequency Current and Instantaneous Speed Signals |
Survey of Fault Detection and Classification in Power Conversion Electronics |
Optimal Electric Vehicle Design Tool Using Genetic Algorithms |
New Control Method for Electric Cars |
Experimental analysis of R410A flow in helically rib-roughened tubes |
Advanced stoves designing and their thermal behavior prediction: a validated mathematical model |
International Journal of Languages' Education and Teaching |
Impact of residential low-carbon technologies on low-voltage grid reinforcements |
Density based auto traffic light control system with GSM based remote override for enugu metropolis |
Density based auto traffic light control system with GSM based remote override for enugu metropolis |
Density based auto traffic light control system with GSM based remote override for enugu metropolis |
Ring Oscillators to Model Artificial Neural Networks |
Line Follower Robot Training and Introduction of Internet of Things (IoT) for Students in Jombang City |
Line Follower Robot Training and Introduction of Internet of Things (IoT) for Students in Jombang City |
Low Cost Obstacle Avoidance Robot with Logic Gates and Gate Delay Calculations |