Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders & TreatmentISSN: 2324-8947

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Shakya DR (2015) Psychological aspect of Buddhist education. JPAN 3: 29-33.

Wadowski PP, Steinlechner B, Schiferer A, & Löffler-Stastka H (2015) From clinical reasoning to effective clinical decision making—new training methods. Front Psychol 6

Griffith J (2015) Relationship of Alcohol Use to Combat Exposure, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, and Aggressive Behaviors Among Army National Guard OIF/OEF Veterans. Military Behavioral Health 3: 64-73.

Zanotti, Danielle C, Lisa DeMarni Cromer, Ashley D Louie (2016) The relationship of predeployment child-focused preparedness to reintegration attitudes and PTSD symptoms in military fathers with young children. Translational Issues in Psychological Science 2: 429.

Neigh GN, Rhodes ST, Valdez A & Jovanovic T (2015) PTSD co-morbid with HIV: Separate but equal, or two parts of a whole?. Neurobiology of disease

Tripp JC, McDevitt-Murphy ME, Avery ML & Bracken KL (2015) PTSD Symptoms, Emotion Dysregulation, and Alcohol-Related Consequences Among College Students with a Trauma History. J Dual Diagn 11: 107-117.

Barlow RM, R Turow REG, Gerhart J (2017) Trauma appraisals, emotion regulation difficulties, and self-compassion predict posttraumatic stress symptoms following childhood abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect 65: 37-47.

Mansfield AJ, Schaper KM, Yanagida AM & Rosen C S (2014) One day at a time: The experiences of partners of veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 45: 488.

Smith EN (2015) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Aerobic Exercise for Survivors of Sexual Violence with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Feasibility Study. J Trauma Stress Disor Treat 4: 1-2.

Dan Z, Jian W (2015) Advances in research on atypical antipsychotic drugs. Chinese primary medicine 19: 3016-3018.

Hourani L, Williams J, Bray RM, Wilk JE & Hoge C W (2015) Gender Differences in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Help Seeking in the US Army. JJ Womens Health (Larchmt)

Lindfors P, Hellstadius FL, Östberg V (2017) Perceived stress, recurrent pain, and aggregate salivary cortisol measures in mid‐adolescent girls and boys. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 58: 36-42.

Rajdip B & Mark BD (2015) The Case for Early Psychotherapy in Aging Combat Veterans Experiencing Late Onset Stress Symptomatology. J Psychol Psychother 5: 2161-0487.

Penner L A, Guevarra DA, Harper FW, Taub J, Phipps S, Albrecht TL & Kross E (2015) Self-Distancing Buffers High Trait Anxious Pediatric Cancer Caregivers Against Short-and Longer-Term Distress. Clinical Psychological Science 2167702615602864.

Velásquez-Silva S & Zuluaga-Sarmiento L (2015) Factores relacionados con la depresión en pacientes pediátricos con cáncer y participación de la enfermera en su detección. Duazary 12: 164-173.

Pálföldi R (2015) The Relationship between Environmental Loads and Pathomechanisms, University of Szeged.

Labrell F, Chevignard M, Costa HC (2016) Évaluation du stress parental en cas de cancer de l’enfant. Bulletin du Cancer 103: 691-696.

Franco S, Hoertel N, McMahon K, Wang S, Rodríguez-Fernández J M, et al. (2016) Generalizability of Pharmacologic and Psychotherapy Clinical Trial Results for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder to Community Samples. The Journal of clinical psychiatry 77: e975.

Kehle-Forbes SM, Drapkin ML, Foa EB, Koffel E, Lynch KG, et al. (2016) Study design, interventions, and baseline characteristics for the Substance use and TRauma Intervention for VEterans (STRIVE) trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 50: 45-53.

Gilmore AK, Wilson SM, Skopp NA, Osenbach JE, Reger G (2016) A systematic review of technology-based interventions for co-occurring substance use and trauma symptoms. Journal of telemedicine and telecare: 1357633X16664205.

Dückers ML, Alisic E, Brewin CR (2016) A vulnerability paradox in the cross-national prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder. The British Journal of Psychiatry: bjp-bp.

Gunaratnam S, Alisic E (2017) Epidemiology of Trauma and Trauma-Related Disorders in Children and Adolescents. In Evidence-Based Treatments for Trauma Related Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Springer International Publishing: 29-47.

Sims EN (2015) Group Exercise as an Adjunct Treatment for Trauma. Trauma & Treatment, 2015.

Birkeland MS, Knatten CK, Hansen MB, Hem C, Heir T (2016) Long-term relationships between perceived social support and posttraumatic stress after the 2011 Oslo bombing: A three-year longitudinal study. Journal of affective disorders 202: 230-235.

Ruglass LM, Shevorykin A, Radoncic V, Smith KM, Smith PH, et al. (2017) Impact of Cannabis Use on Treatment Outcomes among Adults Receiving Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for PTSD and Substance Use Disorders. Journal of Clinical Medicine 6: 14.

Alexandrowicz RW (2016) Journal of Person-Oriented Research. Journal of Person-Oriented Research 2: 1-2.

Edel MA, Edel S, Krüger M, Assion HJ, Juckel G, et al. (2015) Attachment, recalled parental rearing, and ADHD symptoms predict emotion processing and alexithymia in adults with ADHD. Annals of general psychiatry 14: 43.

Dixon LE, Ahles E, Marques L (2016) Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Diverse Settings: Recent Advances and Challenges for the Future. Current psychiatry reports 18: 108.

Vaillancourt-Morel MPD (2016) Symptomatologie conjugale et sexuelle chez des survivants d'agression sexuelle à l'enfance. Psychologie: 8.

Dvir, Y., Kennedy, D. N., Hodge, S. M., Pegram, D., Denietolis, B., & Frazier, J. A. (2020). Psychiatric Symptomatology, Mood Regulation, and Resting State Functional Connectivity of the Amygdala: Preliminary Findings in Youth With Mood Disorders and Childhood Trauma. Frontiers in psychiatry, 11.
Kennedy, S. C., Mennicke, A., & Paul, R. (2021). Childhood polyvictimization and mental health issues among incarcerated women. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 30(3), 410-427.
Pettus, C., Veeh, C. A., Renn, T. R., & Kennedy, S. C. (2021). The Well-Being Development Model: A Theoretical Model to Improve Outcomes among Criminal Justice System–Involved Individuals. Social Service Review, 95(3), 413-468.
Beeler-Stinn, S. (2021). Exploring the Service Utilization of Formerly Incarcerated Persons with Substance Use Disorders (Doctoral dissertation, Washington University in St. Louis).
Moorea, J., Rennb, T., Veehc, C., & Pettus-Davisb, C. Associations of Childhood and Adult Trauma on Substance Misuse and Mental Health Among Incarcerated Men.
Gonzalez-Mendez, R., Ramírez-Santana, G., & Hamby, S. (2021). Analyzing Spanish adolescents through the lens of the Resilience Portfolio Model. Journal of interpersonal violence, 36(9-10), 4472-4489.
Ramos-Vera, C., Ramírez, Y. B., Rojas, E. R., Serpa-Barrientos, A., & García, F. E. (2021). EVIDENCIAS PSICOM�TRICAS MEDIANTE SEM Y ANÁLISIS DE RED DEL" INVENTARIO DE CRECIMIENTO POSTRAUMÁTICO" EN ADOLESCENTES PERUANOS. Psicología Conductual, 29(2), 417-436.
Gonzalez-Mendez, R., Díaz, M., Aguilera, L., Correderas, J., & Jerez, Y. (2020). Protective Factors in Resilient Volunteers Facing Compassion Fatigue. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(5), 1769.
Gonzalez-Mendez, R., Díaz, M., Aguilera, L., Correderas, J., & Jerez, Y. (2020). Protective Factors in Resilient Volunteers Facing Compassion Fatigue. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(5), 1769.
Hernæs, �. (2021). Going Through Hell: Increased Work Effort in the Aftermath of Terrorism in Norway. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 123(1), 216-237.
Shah, H., & Mishra, A. K. (2021). Trauma and children: Exploring posttraumatic growth among school children impacted by armed conflict in Kashmir. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 91(1), 132.
Ogi?ska-Bulik, N., & Michalska, P. (2019). Type D personality and post-traumatic stress symptoms in adolescentsâ??the mediating role of resilience. Advances in Psychiatry and Neurology/Post?py Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 28(4), 241-256.
Nuttman-Shwartz, Orit. "Behavioral responses in youth exposed to natural disasters and political conflict." Current psychiatry reports 21, no. 6 (2019): 1-9.
Gonzalez-Mendez, R., Yagual, S. N., & Marrero, H. (2020). Attentional bias towards resilience-related words is related to post-traumatic growth and personality traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 155, 109715.
Gonzalez-Mendez, R., Ram�­rez-Santana, G., & Hamby, S. (2021). Analyzing Spanish adolescents through the lens of the Resilience Portfolio Model. Journal of interpersonal violence, 36(9-10), 4472-4489.
Berger, E., Jamshidi, N., Reupert, A., Jobson, L., & Miko, A. (2021). The mental health implications for children and adolescents impacted by infectious outbreaksâ??a systematic review. Child and adolescent mental health, 26(2), 157-166.
Gonzalez-Mendez, R., & Díaz, M. (2021). Volunteers’ compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and post-traumatic growth during the SARS-CoV-2 lockdown in Spain: Self-compassion and self-determination as predictors. Plos one, 16(9), e0256854.
Ogi?ska-Bulik, N. (2019). Osobowo?? typu D a negatywne i pozytywne nast?pstwa ekspozycji na traum? u m?odzie?y.
Ogi?ska-Bulik, N., & Michalska, P. (2020). Type D personality in adolescents–the mediating role between depression and PTSD. Current Psychology, 1-10.
Khalfa, S., & Touzet, C. F. (2017). EMDR therapy mechanisms explained by the theory of neural cognition. J Trauma Stress Disor Treat 6, 4, 2.
Khalfa, S., & Poupard, G. (2021). MOSAIC: A New Pain-Free Psychotherapy for Psychological Trauma. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 74(1), 40-43.
Chakraborty, T., & Balasasirekha, R. (2021). Integration of Psychology and Yoga for Positive Personification during Covid-19 Pandemic Period. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 12774-12786.
Hsu, S. M., Chen, S. H., & Huang, T. R. (2021). Personal Resilience Can Be Well Estimated from Heart Rate Variability and Paralinguistic Features during Human–Robot Conversations. Sensors, 21(17), 5844.
Hsu, S. M., Chen, S. H., & Huang, T. R. (2021). Personal Resilience Can Be Well Estimated from Heart Rate Variability and Paralinguistic Features during Human–Robot Conversations. Sensors, 21(17), 5844.
Mata-Gil, S., Sánchez-Cabaco, A., Moral-Martínez, D., Seisdedos-Benito, A., & Lundberg, U. (2021). Concentrations of salivary cortisol in victims of intimate partner violence according to the CIRCORT Database. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(20), 10819.
Shorer, M., Fennig, S., Apter, A., & Peleg, T. P. (2021). Involvement in litigation in children with PTSD following motor vehicle accident: associations with emotional distress and treatment outcomes. International journal of law and psychiatry, 77, 101711.
Shrira, A. (2019). Parental PTSD, health behaviors and successful aging among offspring of Holocaust survivors. Psychiatry research, 271, 265-271.
Wolf, D. L. (2019). Postmemories of joy? Children of Holocaust survivors and alternative family memories. Memory Studies, 12(1), 74-87.
Kellermann, N. (2019). Past, present and future perspectives of Holocaust trauma transmission. Preprint]. https://doi. org/10.13140/RG, 2(17884.23689).
Blattner, L., Homan, M., Leabch, E., Malwitz, J., McGuire, F., McPherson, R., ... & Bass, J. D. (2019). Trauma Experiences and Perspectives: An Evidence-Based Practice Project.
Murray, H., Pethania, Y., & Medin, E. (2021). Survivor guilt: a cognitive approach. the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 14.
Beran, R. G. (2020). Discussing the risks related to epilepsy—An holistic approach. Seizure-European Journal of Epilepsy, 78, 134-135.
Taufik, T., & Ibrahim, R. (2020). Making sense of disaster: Affinity to God as a coping strategy of Muslim refugees in Central Sulawesi. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 25(1), 61-73.
Zlomuzica, A., Woud, M. L., Machulska, A., Kleimt, K., Dietrich, L., Wolf, O. T., ... & Margraf, J. (2018). Deficits in episodic memory and mental time travel in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 83, 42-54.
Zlomuzica, A., Woud, M. L., Machulska, A., Kleimt, K., Dietrich, L., Wolf, O. T., ... & Margraf, J. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry.
Swain, T. L., & Takarangi, M. K. (2021). Preliminary evidence for a relationship between prospective memory and PTSD symptoms in the general population. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 77, 102325.
Soto-Lopez, C. G. (2021). A Study of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training for Spanish-Speaking Latina Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nevada, Reno).
Newlands, R. T. (2020). Evaluating the Feasibility and Client Acceptability of Video Intervention Adjuncts Developed for the Treatment of Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: A Stage One Pilot Trial (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nevada, Reno).
Newlands, R. T., & Benuto, L. T. (2021). A Modified Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence With Intellectual Disabilities: A Case Study. Clinical Case Studies, 20(3), 233-247.
Ruork, A. K., McLean, C. L., & Fruzzetti, A. E. (2021). It happened matters more than what happened: associations between intimate partner violence abuse type, emotion regulation, and post-traumatic stress symptoms. Violence against women, 10778012211013895.
Newlands, R. T., & Benuto, L. T. (2021). Enhancing mental health services for survivors of intimate partner violence: a stage one pilot. Community mental health journal, 1-7.
Raes, F., Bastin, M., Pede, T., Belmans, E., Goossens, L., & Vanhalst, J. (2020). Repetitive Negative Thinking outperforms loneliness and lack of social connectedness as a predictor of prospective depressive symptoms in adolescents. Scandinavian journal of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychology, 8, 149.
Bernardi, J., & Jobson, L. (2019). Investigating the moderating role of culture on the relationship between appraisals and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. Clinical Psychological Science, 7(5), 1000-1013.
Astill Wright, L., Roberts, N. P., Barawi, K., Simon, N., Zammit, S., McElroy, E., & Bisson, J. I. (2021). Disturbed Sleep Connects Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Somatization: A Network Analysis Approach. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 34(2), 375-383.
Abegaz, T. M., Mekonnen, G. A., Gebreyohannes, E. A., & Gelaye, K. A. (2018). Treatment Outcome of Diabetic Ketoacidosis Among Patients Atending General Hospital in North-West Ethiopia: Hospital Based Study. bioRxiv, 441964.
Musoma, S. N., Omar, A., Mutai, B. C., & Laigong, P. (2020). Outcomes of children and Adolescents admitted with Diabetic ketoacidosis at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH), Kenya. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2020.
Yimam, M., Desse, T. A., & Hebo, H. J. (2020). Glycemic control among ambulatory type 2 diabetes patients with hypertension Co-morbidity in a developing country: A cross sectional study. Heliyon, 6(12), e05671.
Musoma, S. N. (2020). Outcomes of children and adolescents admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis at Kenyatta national hospital between February 2013-February 2018 (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi).
Tekeste, P. A., Mekonnen, G. B., Muche, A. A., & Tigabu, B. M. (2020). Treatment Outcome Of Hyperglycemic Emergency And Predictors In Ethiopia.
Kaurin, A., Schönfelder, S., & Wessa, M. (2018). Self-compassion buffers the link between self-criticism and depression in trauma-exposed firefighters. Journal of counseling psychology, 65(4), 453.
Asnakew, S., Shumet, S., Ginbare, W., Legas, G., & Haile, K. (2019). Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder and associated factors among Koshe landslide survivors, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a community-based, cross-sectional study. BMJ open, 9(6), e028550.
Joseph, R., Lucca, J. M., Alshayban, D., & Alshehry, Y. A. (2021). The immediate psychological response of the general population in Saudi Arabia during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 14(2), 1-8.
Alghamdi, M., & Hunt, N. (2020). Psychometric properties of the Arabic Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale for DSM–5 (A-PDS-5). Traumatology, 26(1), 109.
Salleh, M. N. B. M., Ismail, H. B., & Yusoff, H. B. M. (2020). Prevalence and Predictors for PTSD among Firefighters. A Systematic Review. International Journal of Public Health Research, 10(1).
Hanson, A. (2019). The Relationship between Stress, Burnout, and Mindfulness among Firefighters. Grand Canyon University.
Hanson, A. (2019). The Relationship between Stress, Burnout, and Mindfulness among Firefighters. Grand Canyon University.
Alaqeel, M. K., Aljerian, N. A., AlNahdi, M. A., & Almaini, R. Y. (2019). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among emergency medical services personnel: A cross-sectional study. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 10(4), 28-31.
Casanova, M. P., Nelson, M. C., & Baker, R. T. (2020). Examining the psychometric properties of the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory and Brief Cope in the firefighter population. Cogent Social Sciences, 6(1), 1761509.
Kheramin, S., Shakibkhah, I., & Ashrafganjooie, M. (2019). Prevalence of PTSD Symptoms Among Iranian Red Crescent Disaster Workers Participated in Rescue and Collection Operation of the Tehran-Yasuj Airplane Crash. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 21(10).
Han, Y. R., Yun, J. A., Jeong, K. S., Ahn, Y. S., & Choi, K. S. (2021). Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and neurocognitive functioning in fire fighters: the mediating role of sleep problems and resilience. Comprehensive psychiatry, 109, 152250.
Sahebi, A., Yousefi, K., Moayedi, S., Golitaleb, N., Vardanjani, A. E., & Golitaleb, M. (2020). Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder among firefighters in Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Iranian journal of psychiatry, 15(4), 358.
Gulliver, S. B., Zimering, R. T., Knight, J., Morissette, S. B., Kamholz, B. W., Pennington, M. L., ... & Meyer, E. C. (2021). A prospective study of firefighters’ PTSD and depression symptoms: The first 3 years of service. Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy, 13(1), 44.
Jakubowski, T. D., & Sitko-Dominik, M. M. (2021). The impact of the traditional male role norms on the posttraumatic stress disorder among Polish male firefighters. PloS one, 16(10), e0259025.
Nader, K. (2019). Handbook of trauma, traumatic loss, and adversity in children: Development, Adversity’s impacts, and methods of intervention. Routledge.
Bell, C., Whitney, J., Deiss, T., Tatarinova, ?., Franckle, L., Beaven, S., & Davis, J. (2019). The Effect of the MNRI Method on Neurotransmitter Biomarkers of Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Neuroscience and Medicine, 10(03), 292.
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Deiss, T., Meyers, R., Whitney, J., Bell, C., Tatarinova, ?., Franckle, L., & Beaven, S. (2019). Physiological Markers and Reflex Pattern Progression in Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Deficits Utilizing the MNRI Method. Neuroscience and Medicine, 10(1), 30-54.
Nowak, K., Sobaniec, P., Muzaj, H., & ?otowska, J. M. (2018). Znaczenie neurosensomotorycznej terapii MNRI wg dr S Masgutovej u pacjentów z zaburzeniami neurologicznymi. Neurologia Dzieci?ca, (27), 54.
Olivé, I., Densmore, M., Harricharan, S., Théberge, J., McKinnon, M. C., & Lanius, R. (2018). Superior colliculus resting state networks in post?traumatic stress disorder and its dissociative subtype. Human brain mapping, 39(1), 563-574.
Mohammadyfar, M. A., Azizpour, M., Najafi, M., & Nooripour, R. (2018). Comparison of audio-visual short-term and active memory in multiple sclerosis patients and non-patients regarding their depression, stress and anxiety level. Nordic Psychology, 70(2), 115-128.
Singh, V. (2018). The feasibility and acceptability of an online mindfulness intervention for stroke survivors (Doctoral dissertation, University of Surrey).

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