Short Communication, J Pharm Sci Emerg Drugs Vol: 9 Issue: 1
Essential Prevention from the Spreading COVID-19
Always consult local infection prevention and control protocols; only basic principles are detailed here.Immediately isolate all suspected or confirmed cases in an area that is separate from other patients. Place patients in adequately ventilated single rooms if possible. When single rooms are not available, place all cases together in the same room and ensure there is at least 3 feet (1 meter) between patients. Implement standard precautions at all times: Practice hand and respiratory hygiene, Give patients a medical mask to wear, Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, Practice safe waste management and environmental cleaning. Implement additional contact and droplet precautions before entering a room where cases are admitted:Wear a medical mask, gloves, an appropriate gown, and eye/facial protection (e.g., goggles or a face shield), Use single-use or disposable equipment.