Journal of Fashion Technology & Textile EngineeringISSN: 2329-9568

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About Fashion Marketing

Fashion marketing is part of the business side of the fashion industry, and it is just as important as the creative side of a fashion house. Even if you have a great product, it wont go far unless you do a significant marketing to create awareness.

Fashion marketing is the process of managing the flow of merchandise from the initial selection of designs to be produced to the presentation of products to retail customers, with the goal of maximizing a companys sales and profitability. Fashion marketing is the strategic art of pushing product.

Market research launches a marketing strategy, answering those must-know questions such as ‘target market’ and ‘customer needs and wants’ and a Fashion Marketer then uses that information to develop a marketing program with coordinated elements such as advertising, special events, public and media relations, videos and social media, as well as written articles and materials. Increasing sales is the ultimate goal.

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