Advanced Biomedical Research and Innovation

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Generation of artificial pancreas by using MIN-6 cell line culture seeded in decellularized testis’s rat scaffold

Objective: Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease which is due to lack of 𝛽 cells. Regenerative medicine offers the opportunity for curing diabetes. Native extracellular matrix (ECM) creates a reconstruction platform to replace the organs. A decellularized rat’s testis was used as a natural 3D scaffold in this experiment. MIN_6 𝛽 cells were seeded in the scaffold.

Methods: The decellularized testes were prepared for in vitro analyses.

Results: The decellulalarazed testes were analyzed by histological studies such as H&E and DAPI staining. SEM showed that the 3D ultra structure of the testis remained intact. studies point out that the decellularized scaffold was nontoxic and preformed a good plateform for MIN_6 𝛽 cells. The DTZ staining showed cells in recellularized testis. Expression of genes (PDX1, Glut2, insulin) with RT_PCR and (PDX1, NSE, nestin) with westernblotting in recellularized testis were upregulated compare with MIN_6 𝛽 cells in media culture. Insulin release from recellularized showed increasing (P˂0.05) when exposed a high glucose media.

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