Clinical Dermatology Research JournalISSN: 2576-1439

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About Herbal Dermatology

Herbal Dermatology uses topical creams and lotions made of ingredients available in nature. Much of the recent literature reviews plant-derived ingredients, which may include herbs, roots, flowers and essential oils, but natural substances in skin care products include animal-derived products such as beeswax, and minerals. These substances may be combined with various carrier agents, preservatives, surfactants, humectants and emulsifiers. Herbal therapy is becoming increasingly popular among patients and physicians. Many herbal preparations are marketed to the public for various ailments including those of the skin. Herbal therapies have been used successfully in treating dermatologic disorders for thousands of years in Europe and Asia. In Germany, a regulatory commission oversees herbal preparations and recommended uses. In Asia, herbal treatments that have been used for centuries are now being studied scientifically.

Related Journals on Herbal Dermatology: Journal of Dermatological Science, Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, Journal of Dermatological Treatment, International Journal of Cosmetic Science, Dermatology Practical and Conceptual, International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology, Journal of Dermatological Treatment, Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research, Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, Medical & Surgical Dermatology

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