Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging DrugsISSN: 2380-9477

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Implementation of a tool in the management of the follow up of cancerous in the university hospital establishment of ORAN (UHEO) in Algeria

Introduction: The success of therapeutic control of tumor process depends on their early diagnosis. It is therefore necessary to develop reliable and simple methods for identifying tumors in the early stages of evolution. This application was the basis for the development of tumor markers. It requires an accurate determination of serum levels of the marker at all levels. Its use in daily practice still requires a computer system capable of integrating clinical and therapeutic data, allowing a graphical representation of the kinetics and calculates the various kinetic parameters. Aim: The aim of this work is to demonstrate the value of the kinetic in valuating the therapeutic efficacy of anti-cancer and optimize the management of patients with different cancers at the University Hospital of Oran in Algeria. Methodology: The kinetics software is not available, the software �CHTM KenitecTM� was developed at the Pharmacovigilance department of the UHEO. This software allows the graphical representation of the kinetics of tumor markers (CA 125, CA19.9, CA 15-3, PSA, CEA, AFP, HCG, etc.) as well as calculation and tracking of pharmacokinetic parameters (half time apparent life, nadir and doubling time). Results: In total, we received 23 patients, 17 women and 6 men ranging in age between 37 and 77 years, with an average of 57 years; and carriers of different cancers i.e., 8 Patients with breast cancer, 4 have ovarian cancer and 11 patients suffering from gastrointestinal cancers including 6, in total, at the stage of metastasis (liver, lung, bone and brain). Conclusion: By increasing the specificity of the exploration cancer, tumor markers provide better prescription of radiological examinations provided for a reliable discrimination threshold for the diagnosis and the detection of metastatic disease.

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