A. C. Matin , PhD

Editorial Board Member

Stanford University School of Medicine, USA

Contact A. C. Matin , PhD

Department / University Information


Dr. A.C Martin is a professor of Stanford university school of medicine. He poses the role of Professor in Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Cancer Institute, Program in Genetic and Molecular Medicine, Aortic & Vulvular and Vascular Biology Cardiovascular Institute, Institute for Immunity, Transplantation and Infection, BioX Program, Woods Environmental Institute. He also act as scientific officer, first class department of microbiology state university of Groningen haren. He also employed as teaching or research assistant and postdoctoral research associate department of microbiology university of California, los Angeles and as lecturer, St. Joseph’s college for women. He have more than 137 scientific paper and 3 patents and more than 140 conference proceeding.

Research Interest

Pro-drug cancer chemotherapy; genetic and protein engineering to improve biological processes, such as bioremediation; microbial biofilms; cellular resistance to antimicrobial agents; and microbial stress response

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