Mark Hyman Rapaport, MD is the Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine and Chief of Psychiatric Services at Emory Healthcare in Atlanta, Georgia. Before coming to Atlanta, Dr. Rapaport was the Chairman of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and a Professor of Psychiatry at both Cedar-Sinai and the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He was the first holder of the Polier Chair while at Cedars-Sinai. Dr. Rapaport also previously served as Director of the Mental Health Outpatient Clinical Research Center in the Department of Psychiatry at University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and has served as the first Chair of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Clinical Trials Network's Data Safety Monitoring Board and Chair of its Special Review Committee. He has served on NIH and NIMH Review Committees. Dr. Rapaport has received peer-reviewed grant funding from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, The Stanley Medical Research Institute, the Veterans Affairs Research Board and the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD) Foundation. Dr. Rapaport has trained and mentored students, physicians and researchers in the fields of psychopharmacology, outcomes research, and psychoneuroimmunology. A board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Rapaport has written over 180 articles for such peer-reviewed publications as American Journal of Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology. He currently serves as Co-Editor and Chief of FOCUS: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry, published by American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. and the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Rapaport is a member of the American College of Psychiatrists, American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Anxiety Disorders Association of America, the Psychiatric Research Society and the Collegium International Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) and the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP). He is a distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and the CINP.
Research Interest
Mark Hyman Rapaport's research interests include: Psychopharmacology, and he has investigated the biologic genesis of anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, depression and immunity abnormalities in psychotic and mood disorders.
Not new issue
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A Warm Welcome to Participate as Editor for Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy and Rehabilitation
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John George
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Jonas P. DeMuro, Michael Mongelli and Adel F. Hanna
A Warm Welcome to Participate as Reviewer for Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy and Rehabilitation
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John George
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Short Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:7
John George
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Egbeola Collins, Adefokun Shulammite Idowu and Edebor Florence
A warm welcome to participate as Editor for Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy and Rehabilitation
Rapid Communication: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:7
John George
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A Warm Welcome to Participate as Reviewer for Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy and Rehabilitation
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John George
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Maytin Samyan
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John George
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Selena E. Bartlett
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Meenakshi S. Subbaraman
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Kalia Nikolao
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Egbeola Collins*, Adefokun Shulammite Idowu and Edebor Florence
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Combination with Alcohol, On Peripheral Inflammatory Markers in Heavy-Drinking Individuals
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Spirituality, Culture, and the Process of Assessment in Recovery
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:5
Pascal Scoles
A Manual-Guided Therapy for Co-Occurring Substance Use and Psychiatric Disorders Delivered by Community Addiction Counselors: Are Outcomes Different from Psychotherapy Delivered by Mental Health Professionals?
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2014, 3:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000127
Chantal Lambert-Harris, Mark P. McGovern, Elizabeth C. Saunders and Jessica E. Hoyt
Co-Curricular Drug Abuse Treatment in a University: Implementation and Evaluation
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2014, 3:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000128
Abidemi Olubunmi Bello, Peter Olutunde Onifade, John O. Sotunsa, Mojisola D Ariyo, Elizabeth Okonkwo, and Olufikayo O Banjo
Causative Agents of Substance Induced Psychotic Disorder amongst Inpatients and Outpatients of a South East Asian Tertiary Addictions Management Service
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2014, 3:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000129
Lambert Tchern Kuang Low and Kim Eng Wong
Establishing the Behavioral Function of Video Game Use: Development of the Video Game Functional Assessment
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2014, 3:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000130
Matthew E Sprong, Frank D. Buono, James Bordieri, Nick Mui and Thomas D. Upton
Gambling: Cultural Factors, Motivations and Impacts on Quality of Life
Book Review: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2014, 3:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000131
Tariku A. Abdi
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James Ngamije
A Warm Welcome to Participate As Editor for Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy and Rehabilitation
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:2
John George
A Warm Welcome to Participate as Reviewer for Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy and Rehabilitation
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:5
John George
A Warm Welcome to Authors for Submission of Manuscript
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John George
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DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000140
Todd Molfenter, Carol Sherbeck, Mark Zehner and Sandy Starr
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:2
Anissa Andrew
Tobacco smoking: A Short Commentary
Commentary: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:2
John George
The Mediation Effects of Behavioral Motivations between Age of Gaming Onset and Internet Gaming Disorder
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:6
Matthew E Sprong1*, Frank D Buono2, Sara Kaiser3, Amir Garakani2,4, Erina Paul5 and Mark D Griffiths6
A Warm Welcome to Participate as Reviewer for Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy and Rehabilitation
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:6
John George
Sophisms to Sustain Disulfirams Efficacy
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2016, 5:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000157
Zullino D, Rothen S, Calzada G and Thorens G
Editorial: journal of addictive behaviour therapy and rehabilitation
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:6
Anjali Tripathi
A Warm Welcome to Authors for Submission of Manuscript
Commentary: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:6
John George
Irrationality In South African Crime Of Possession And Use Of Nyaope And Its Possible Influences On The Missing Health Oriented State Interventions For Nyaope Addicts
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2016, 5:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000158
’Mampolokeng ’Mathuso Mary-Elizabeth Monyakane
Is Pathological Exchanging an Overlooked Form of Addiction?
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:6
Anjali Tripathi
A warm welcome to participate as Editor for Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy and Rehabilitation
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:6
John George
A Review Of The Literature Of Mirtazapine In Co-Occurring Depression And An Alcohol Use Disorder
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2016, 5:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000159
Cornelius JR, Chung TA, Douaihy AB, Kirisci L, Glance J, Kmiec J, Wesesky MA, FitzGerald D and Salloum I
A Warm Welcome to Participate As Reviewer for Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy and Rehabilitation
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:2
John George*
Letter to the Editor: Can Culture End Illicit Drug Use?
Letter to Editor: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:7
Anjali Tripathi
Effect of Drug Abuse on Family Quality of Life
Letter to Editor: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:6
Trends of Alcoholic Beverages Consumption
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:6
John George
A Warm Welcome to Authors for Submission of Manuscript
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:2
John George*
Pattern of Adolescent Substance Abuse among Secondary School Students in Umuahia, South- Eastern Nigeria
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 10:4
Ibeneme CA, Nwala Gabriel Chuks*, Ojinnaka Ngozi Chinyelu
Predictors of Compulsive Internet Use among Students
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil
Ankita Parkhand, Suneel Kumar* and Swaran Lata*
World Congress on Tobacco and Smoking Cessation
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2019, 8:3
Nasreen Sultana
Impact of Adverse Events on Patient Safety and Quality of Care
Opinion Article: Addictive Disorders, Alcoholism, Behavioral Addiction
World Congress on Tobacco and Smoking Cessation October 1213,2020 at Sydney,Australia
Market Analysis: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2019, 8:3
Nasreen Sultana
An Overview on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and its Theoretical Foundations
Short Communication: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil
Nariko Katayama
An Overview on Chemical Dependence and its Prevention
Perspective: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil
Rui Zhao
Effectiveness of Peak Flow Meter Exercises to Improve Atelectasis after Surgery Involving Sternotomy
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:1
Abdul Jalil Khan, Sairish Sairien, Hina Khattak, Ayesha Razzak, Maryam Azeem and Samina Naz
An Integrated systems biology approach identifies causal pathways and Neuronal subtypes associated with phasic changes in major depressive disorder
Special Issue Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, S1
Rammohan Shukla
Impact of Cannabis Use Disorder on the Course and the Prognosis of Bipolar Disorder Type 1
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:4
Ghazouani N, Ellini S, Cheour M and Dammak R
Nicotine in Cigarette Smoke: Addiction, Health Effects, Detection Methods, and Smoking Cessation
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2016, 5:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000154
Wasana Sumanasekera, William Nethery and Son Nguyen
The Development of the Commitment to Lifetime Alcohol Abstinence in the Czech Republic: Grounded Theory
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2018, 7:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000172
Capkova K and Roubal J
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome and Panic Disorder in a Pregnant Woman: Diagnostic and Management Considerations
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2019,8:1
Oluwole Jegede, Olasumbo Awoniyi, Oluwatoyosi Sanya and Patrice Fouron
Childhood Trauma, Social Anxiety, Absorption and Fantasy Dependence: Two Potential Mediated Pathways to Maladaptive Daydreaming
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2017, 6:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000170
Somer E and Herscu O
Families and Relationships with Friends in the Genesis of Addiction in Adolescents
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2018, 7:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000177
Alain J and Imaine S
To Use or to Be Used: The Relationship between Trauma and Substance Use
Commentary: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2017, 6:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000165
Alton M
Virtual world in COVID-19 era: An impact on little oneâs eyes
Short Communication: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:5
Poonam Chauhan, Parakriti Gupta, Komal Chhikara, Mini P Singh, and Kapil Goyal
Consider the Setting: Challenges in Integrating Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment into Nursing and Social Work Studentsâ Clinical Practice
Short Communication: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2017, 6:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000160
Knopf-Amelung S, Gotham H and Kuofie A
Chinese Muslim International Studentsâ Psychological Adjustment in Malaysia
Special Issue Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, S1
Sainula Tuerxun
Addiction: A Runaway Phenomenon of Our Time?
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2012, 1:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000e101
Bonnie K. Lee
The Connection between Behavioral Risk Factors and Abuse of Legal (Alcohol, Tobacco) and Illegal Psychoactive Substances (THC) among Zagreb Adolescents
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2018, 7:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000173
Romac D, Orban M, Cavar Z, Gracin B, Krnic S and Glavina T
Quality of Life in Patients under Substitution Treatment with Methadone and Buprenorphine
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:4
Christonikos Leventelis, Michael Koutsilieris, Mary Geitona, Meni Malliori, Sophia Zyga, Andrea Paola Rojas Gil, Foteini Tzavella, Εfi Georgoulopoulou, Eudokia Κoutsopoulou, Antzouletta Kampitsi and Maria Tsironi
Hookah Use and Perceptions among Young Adult Hookah Users
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2018, 7:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000178
Nicole E Nicksic, Christina Ly, Alexandra Loukas and Cheryl L Perry
Incorporating Multicultural Factors Related To Prevention of Adolescent Suicide within Substance Abuse Treatment Settings
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000109
Valerie ED Russell and Ann M Melvin
Attitudes towards Cough Syrup Abuse: A Study of Adolescents in Southwest, Nigeria
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:1
Delroy Constantine-Simms, Ifeanyichukwu A Ogueji, Rachel B Asagba
Reliability and Validity of the Hebrew Form of the Revised Workaholism Battery (WorkBAT)
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2017, 6:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000171
Snir Raphel and Ayalon Avraham
Reliability and Validity of the Study Addiction Scale in Undergraduate Students of Medical Sciences Universities in Tehran
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2017, 6:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000166
Mohammadzadeh S, Yaghoubi A and Mohagheghi H
Addictions and Medicalization of Social Conditions: Context and Paths of Reflexion
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000105
Amnon Jacob Suissa
Geographical Distribution of Office Based Opioid Treatment with Buprenorphine in Ohio
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2016, 5:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000155
Cathy Corcella and Janis Sunderhaus
Upgrading self-esteem: Effectiveness of cognitive enhancement package among psychiatric inpatients.
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:5
Ashmita Adhikari, Parul, Kirandeep Dhaliwal, Jyoti Sarin
Consistency and Recanting of Ever-Smoking Status Reported by Self and Proxy Respondents One Year Apart
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2014, 3:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000114
Julia N Soulakova and Lisa J Crockett
An Exploratory Study Of Facebook Intensity And Its Links To Narcissism, Stress, And Self-esteem
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2017, 6:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000161
Adam O’Sullivan and Zaheer Hussain
A Woman with Alcohol Use Disorder, Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, and Central Pontine Myelinolysis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2019, 8:1
Lukose A and Tyer NM
Substance Use Related Stigma: What we Know and the Way Forward
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000106
Magdalena Kulesza, Mary E. Larimer and Deepa Rao
Effect of Academic Stress on Academic Procrastination and SelfRegulation among Professional Students
Special Issue Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, S1
Sruthi Bommareddy, Sriya Ravula, Rashmi Jain
Running Over the Same Old Ground: What�s Missing in Cocaine Clinical Pharmacotherapy Trials?
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2012, 1:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000e102
Jennifer G. Plebani
Letter to the Editor: Journal of Addictive Behavior Therapy and Rehabilitation
Letter to Editor: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:4
Anjali Tripathi
Validation of Heroin Craving Questionnaire in Greek Patients under Substitution Treatment with Methadone and Buprenorphine: How to Prevent a Relapse
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:1
Christonikos Leventelis, Aristidis S. Veskoukis, Meni Malliori, Michael Koutsilieris, Sophia Zyga, Andrea Paola Rojas Gil, Antzouletta Kampitsi, Nikolaos Goutzourelas and Maria Tsironi
Cannabis (Marijuana):Psychoactive Properties, Addiction, Therapeutic Uses, and Toxicity
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2016, 5:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000156
Sumanasekera WK and Spio K
Long-Term Buprenorphine Implants for Treatment of Opioid Dependence: Safety Outcomes from Two Open-Label Extension Trials
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2017, 6:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000162
Dammerman R, Bailey GL, Beebe KL, Chen M, Rosenthal RN, Sigmon SC and Ling W
Initial Pilot Test of a Group- Texting Intervention to Sustain Opioid Abstinence Following Residential Detoxification and Treatment
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000110
Angela L Stotts, Thomas F Northrup and William D Norwood
Therapeutic Responsiveness in the Psychosocial Treatment of Pregnant Mothers with Opiate Use Disorder
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2018, 7:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000174
Louis N, Todd D and David J
Reducing Anxiety through Music Therapy at a Community Residential Alcohol and Drug withdrawal Unit
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2018, 7:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000179
Jennifier Bibb, David Castle, Yvonne Bonomo and Katrina Skewes McFerran
Psycho-Cognitive Understanding of Caregivers of Alcohol Users from Tertiary Treatment Centre
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2017, 6:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000167
Sharma MK, Vadela I and Marimuthu P
Stigma among Individuals with Substance Use Disorders: Does it Predict Substance Use, and Does it Diminish with Treatment?
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2014, 3:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000115
Kulesza M, Ramsey SE, Brown RA and Larimer ME
Suicide in the time of a pandemic: the crisis when two emergencies meet
Special Issue Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, S1
Tanay Maiti
Shame and Sex Addiction: Through A Cinematic Lens
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2014, 3:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000116
Bonnie K Lee and Madison Moore
Absence of Essential Integrated Services within Traditional Substance Abuse Treatment
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2012, 1:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000e103
Ann Melvin
EEG and Psychometry
Commentary: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2018, 7:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000175
John M
Spreading the Study of Substance Abuse and Treatment without Limit
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:4
Anjali Tripathi
Intermittent Access To Ethanol Induces Escalated Alcohol Consumption In Primates
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2017, 6:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000163
Lindell SG, Schwandt ML, Suomi SJ, Rice KC, Heilig M and Barr CS
Cigarette Smoking, Dependence and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Renewed Approach of an Old Relationship
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000111
Salameh Pascale, Khayat Georges, Salame Joseph and Waked Mirna
Get Ready for the Boom: Why Rehabilitation Professionals Should Expect to See More Older Adults with Addiction Related Disorders and what Needs to be Done to be Prepared to Serve them Well
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000101
D. Gent Dotson, J. Chad Duncan, Shawn Ricks, Dennis Bunton, Sharon J. Davis and Ann Melvin
Spontaneity and Creativity in Collaborative Therapy Towards More Preferred Therapeutic Outcomes
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2018, 7:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000180
Luuk L Westerhof
Easy COVID-19 Lockdown: a potential public health concern for youth with substance use disorders in Rwanda
Commentary: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:5
James Ngamije
Online Game Addiction among Adolescents in Pondicherry, India
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2017, 6:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000168
Jayalakshmi G, Chidambaram R, Srikumar R, Vijayakumar R and Naveen Kumar C
Quetiapine and Topiramate Combination Therapy in Cocaine Addiction: Preliminary Results of Treatment of the Craving
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000107
Vincenzo Barretta, Fabio Curcio, Emma Asturaro and Francesco Auriemma
Measuring the Contingencies Maintaining Gambling Behavior in a Sample of Non, Light, and Heavy Smokers
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000108
Jeffrey N. Weatherly and Derek Bogenreif
Addiction of Exercise in Human
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:4
Anjali Tripathi
The First mHealth App for Managing Cannabis Use: Gauging its Potential Helpfulness
Rapid Communication: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2014, 3:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000117
Melissa M Norberg, Sally E Rooke, Lucy Albertella, Jan Copeland, David J Kavanagh and Annie Y S Lau
Mental Health Cortisol and Stress in Female Healthcare Providers
Special Issue Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, S1
Wegdan Bani-Issa, Hadia Radwan, Farah Al Marzooq
Now is the Time: Why Addiction Treatment Professionals and Researchers Can No Longer Continue to Ignore Issues Related to the Other �S� in the BPSS Model
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2012, 1:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000e104
D. Gent Dotson
Resilience and Chronic Disease: A Systematic Review
Commentary: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2018, 7:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000176
Cal SF and Santiago MB
Driving while High: College Student Beliefs And Behaviors
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2017, 6:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000164
Davis SJ and Sloas KL
What is journal of addictive behaviour therapy and rehabilitation implied for?
Editorial: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, 9:5
Anjali Tripathi
Smoking Cessation Interventions in HIV-Infected Adults in North America: A Literature Review
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000112
Patricia A. Cioe
High School Teacher�s Knowledge on the Effects of Marijuana on the Adolescent Brain: A Pilot Study
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000102
Marlene Moore, Ann M. Melvin and Denise K. Sommers
Depressive disorder in Tunisian women: Screening and prevalence of depression in a family planning service of a maternal and child protection center of Tunisia
Special Issue Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, S1
Abir Jdey
Mirtazapine In Comorbid Major Depression And Alcohol Use Disorder: A Long-Term Follow-Up Study
Short Communication: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000113
Jack R Cornelius, Antoine B Douaihy, Duncan B Clark, Dennis C Daley, Tammy A Chung, Maribeth A Wesesky, D Scott Wood and Ihsan Salloum
A Study on Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Using Different Psychometric Variables
Research Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2018, 7:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000181
Nishikant M Thorat
Former Soviet Union Immigrant Illicit Drug Use in Israel (1989-2010): Implications for Prevention and Treatment Policy
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000103
Richard Isralowitz, Alexander Reznik and Tamar Peleg
Relationship between depression, death anxiety and quality of life among elderly
Special Issue Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, S1
Deepa M Rasquinha
SBIRT in Primary Care: The Struggles and Rewards
Review Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2013, 2:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9005.1000104
Gary Dean Parker, Dane Libart, Tracy Higgs, Stuart Schrader, Brendon McCollom, Linda Fanning and James Dixon
Using the âSituational Analysisâ tool borrowed from CBASP in the pursuit of âChosen Values
Special Issue Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, S1
Deepa Tilak
PS Approach-Psycho-Spiritual Approach to Stress, Anxiety and Depression Management
Special Issue Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, S1
Naveed Ahmed Khan
Domestic violence to promote positive well-being
Special Issue Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, S1
Jane Hiill
To Predict the Relationship between Emotion Regulation on Goal Pursuits
Special Issue Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, S1
Lubna Kumar
What would you do With Your Second Chance at Life?
Special Issue Article: J Addict Behav Ther Rehabil 2020, S1
Matthew Caruana