Paula Gregory, PhD

Editorial Board Member

LSU Health Sciences Center, USA

Contact Paula Gregory, PhD

Department / University Information


Dr. Paula Gregory is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Genetics and Department of Cell Biology & Anatomy. Dr. Paula Gregory Director of the Faculty Development Office. Dr. Paula Gregory is a Mississippi native. Dr. Paula Gregory received both her BS and MS. degrees at the University of Southern Mississippi. Her PhD research was carried out at Tulane University on cancer cytogenetics. For her postdoctoral training, she worked with Dr. Bill Brinkley at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Paula Gregory's efforts earned her the NHGRI Award of Merit (1994), NIH Director's Award (1997), the NIH Award of Merit (1998) and the Champions of the James Award (2000). Dr. Gregory is also the Director of the Office of Faculty Development for the School of Medicine. Dr. Gregory is the Course Director for the medical Cell Biology and Microscopic Anatomy course for first year medical students. Dr. Gregory is a member of several School of Medicine committees, including: the Women's Affairs Committee, the Faculty Development and Evaluation Committee, the Research Advisory Committee, the Student Promotions Committee and the Junior Faculty Guidance and Mentoring Committee.

Research Interest

Dr. Paula Gregory's research interest includes Biology, Cell Biol and Genetics, cancer cytogenetics, Cell and Molec Bio and Genetics

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