Prokai-Tatrai Katalin, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of North Texas Health Science Center, USA

Contact Prokai-Tatrai Katalin, PhD


Dr. Prokai-Tatrai is a Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at UNT System College of Pharmacy at Fort Worth, TX where she is an award winning researcher and pharmacy educator. Her primary research interest has been on innovative and multidisciplinary projects focusing on medicinal chemistry-driven drug design and delivery into the central nervous system. Her projects integrates medicinal chemistry, biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, metabolism and drug distribution studies in early-phase drug discovery and the development of neuroactive/neuroprotective agents. She has extensively published in a broad field of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry. A best testimony of a very recent success of her lab has been published in Science Translational Medicine describing the very first brain-selective delivery of estrogens based on a unique bioprecursor prodrug approach. She has six issued US patents and has been an editorial board member of numerous journals and an academic editor of a successful special issue on neuroprotection.

Research Interest

Medicinal chemistry-based drug design and delivery into the central nervous system using prodrug approaches; neuroprotection based on estrogens, GC/LC-MS-based bioanalytical assay development, mass spectrometry-based proteomics.

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