Howard A Palley, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Social Policy
University of Maryland, USA

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Howard A. Palley, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of social policy at the School of Social Work and is a distinguished fellow at the Institute for Human Services Policy at the University of Maryland. He has authored or coauthored a number of studies on health service delivery policies and long-term care policies in the United States, Canada, Sweden, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Ukraine and Israel. His current research is on the delivery of health care and long-term care services in the U.S. and internationally His publications have appeared in International Journal of Health Services, International Political Science Review, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Journal of Health and Social Policy, Inquiry, Health and Social Work, Publius, Social Servicei Review, Social Policy and Administration, The Milbank Quarterly and the Journal of Aging and Social Policy. He has served on the Science Advisory Board of Health Canada and currently is a member of the state of Delaware Health Facilities Authority. He has received Fulbright Awards to the Republic of Korea, Taiwan and Ukraine. He has written widely on the subject of the development of health care programs and policies and long-term care programs and policies for the elderly and the disabled in the United States and internationally. He is co-author of The Chronically-Limited Elderly: The Case for a National Policy for In-Home and Supportive Community-Based Services. He is the editor of Community-Based Programs and Policies: Contributions to Social Policy Development in Health Care and Health Care-Related Services (Routledge, 2009). Recently, he has co-authored The Political and Economic Sustainability of Health Care in Canada: Private-Sector Involvement in the Federal Provincial Health Care System (Cambria Press, 2012). He recently has co-authored with Marian Lief Palley, the Politics of Women’s Health Care in the United States (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014). And he has coedited with Katherine Fierlbeck, Comparative Health Care Federalism (Ashgate Publishing, 2015)

Research Interest

Comparative Health and Long-Term Care Policy Health Care Policy Social Development Social Policies and the Elderly Social Policy Analysis Social Welfare Policy

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