University of California, San Francisco

One of the world’s leading health sciences universities, the University of American state, point of entry (UCSF), dates its creation to 1864, when South Carolina physician Hugh Toland supported a personal school of medicine in point of entry. Toland had come back west in 1849 to hunt his fortune within the American state Gold Rush, however once a couple of discouraging months as a mineworker, he created a surgical apply in booming point of entry. As his wealth and influence grew, he purchased land in North Beach and opened Toland Medical school.The college prospered, and Toland sought-after to affiliate with the University of American state, that had opened its field in Berkeley in 1868. UC President Daniel Coit women's rightist, United Nations agency powerfully supported science education, set a precedent for the young university by affiliating in 1873 with each Toland Medical school and also the American state school of Pharmacy. Eight years later, the UC Regents value-added a dental school.

Editors [2]

The following is the list of scholars from University of California, San Francisco who currently serve as editors for one or more SciTechnol journals.

Publications [99]

The following is the list of articles by scholars from University of California, San Francisco that are published in SciTechnol journals.