Alexa Ioana Dana, MD, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Geriatrics
Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania

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Alexa Ioana Dana graduated the University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Grigore T.Popa” Iasi, Romania in 1986. She is a senior specialist in Internal Medicine since 1998 and a senior specialist in Geriatry-Gerontology since 2007. In this capacity she founded the Geriatric Clinic (25 beds) in 2004 in the Clinical Hospital “Dr. C.I. Parhon” Iasi, the only one at that time in the North-East region of Romania. Ioana’s clinic is specialized in the therapeutic approach of complex cases, including geriatric emergencies, individualization of treatment of patients with multiple, severe diseases, recognition of the cases of iatrogeny and polypharmacy, and the geriatric management of frailty fractures (with or without surgical treatment). Her clinic has also an out-patient clinic, which is specialized, among others, in the early detection and prevention of frailty and malnutrition, education and personalized treatment of senior persons identified with these problems. Ioana Dana is a member of the academic field since 2001, and from 2014, Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatry-Gerontology from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa” Iasi, Romania. In this capacity she introduced in 2004 Geriatrics as part of the curricula for students and nurses from the Faculty of Medicine of our university. Ioana is currently Head of the Geriatric Department and Coordinator of the Residency Training in Geriatry and Gerontology and Co-coordinator of the Residency Training in Internal Medicine. Ioana vice-president of the Romanian Society of Geriatry and Gerontology. Ioana medical experience and research activity were synthesized in 42 original papers and 6 books and several participations in other manuals in Internal Medicine, Geriatry and Iatrogeny. One of her major line of interest is the identification of iatrogeny in the therapeutic management of elderly patients; this interest materialized in the organization of the symposion “Iatrogeny and Geriatry” since 2006.

Research Interest

Geriatrics Aging Cardiovascular diseases Hypertension in elderly

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