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Gynecologic Cancers
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Hereditary haemochromatosis
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Immunosurveillance in Colorectal Carcinomas with Microsatellite Instability
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Early Changes in 2D-Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography May Predict a Decrease in Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Lymphoma Patients Undergoing Anthracycline Chemotherapy: A Pilot Study
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Dr. Alain L. Fymat
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges in IgG4-Related Disease in the Sphenoid Sinus
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Omar A Abu Suliman, Tariq Aidarous, Osama Marglani and Adel Banjar
Young Researchers Forum: Young Scientist Awards for Clinical Oncology 2020
Young Research Forum: J Clin Exp Oncol
Mitchell Eric Horwit
Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 and Multidrug Resistance Proteins Potentiates the Efficacy of All-Trans Retinoic Acid in Pancreatic Cancer In Vitro and In Vivo
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000138
Taghrid B El-Abaseri, Tarek H El- Metwally, Patrick L Iversen and Thomas E Adrian
Cancer Meet 2020 Award announcement for Cancer Meet
Awards 2020: J Clin Exp Oncol
Vivek Kamath
The Clinical Presentation of Odontogenic Myxoma of the Jaws: A 22-Year Retrospective Analysis
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:5
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000193
Charles E Anyanechi and Birch D Saheeb
Clinical Oncology 2020 Conference Announcement
2020 Conference Announcement: J Clin Exp Oncol
Cynthia G
Cancer Meet 2020 scheduled to be held during October 26-27, 2020 at San Francisco, USA Conference Announcement on Cancer Meet 2020
2020 Conference Announcement: J Clin Exp Oncol
Clinical Oncology 2020 Conference Awards Content
Awards 2020: J Clin Exp Oncol
Joseph Biggio
Market Analysis Report on Cancer Research and Diagnosis
Market Analysis: J Clin Exp Oncol
Dr. Alain L. Fymat
Unexpected Vocal Cord Paralysis and Myasthenia Gravis in a Patient with Squamous Cell Lung Cancer
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, 3:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000122
Francesca De Iuliis, Lucrezia Amoroso, Luciana Blasi, Stefania Vendittozzi, Ludovica Taglieri, Gerardo Salerno, Giuseppe Buongiorno, Giorgio Bandiera, Rosina Lanza and Susanna Scarpa
Market Analysis for Global Meet on Clinical Oncology
Market Analysis: J Clin Exp Oncol
Ronald Alvarez
Biomimetic Three Dimensional Cell Culturing: Colorectal Cancer Micro-Tissue Engineering
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, 3:2
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Yusra L Kassim, Elias AL Tawil, Didier Lecerf, J?r?me Couteau, Thomas Simon, Catherine Buquet, Jean Pierre Vannier and Elise Demange
Influence of Long-term Abemaciclib, A New CDK 4/6 Inhibitor: Decrease in Liver Metastasis in a Patient Suffering from Metastatic Breast Cancer
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol. 8:1
Zorn O, Miller J and Heirler F
Cancer Meet 2020â scheduled to be held during October 26-27, 2020 at San Francisco, USA Market Analysis of Cancer Meet 2020
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Conference Announcement- Clinical Oncology 2020
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Paediatric Oncology: A Comprehensive Guide to Childhood Cancer
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Ben Marion
Impact of Loco-Regional Undertreatment in Elderly Patients with Early Breast Cancer (Protocol Yameka-09sdlt); Multi-Centric Retrospective Cohort Study
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Can Atalay, Sertac Ata Guler, Derya Selamoglu, Vahit Ozmen, Erol Aksaz, Turgay Simsek, Zafer Canturk N, Ulvi Meral, Semih Gorgulu, Evrim Kallem, Serdar Ozbas, Semiha Sen L and Bahadir M Gulluoglu
A Case Of a Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma In Situ in a 4 Year Old Child.
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Derya ?zy?r?k, Sibel Akp?nar Tekg?nd?z, S?heyla Ocak Y?ld?r?m, Nalan Aky?rek, Sema Apayd?n, Hasibe G?k?e ??nar, G?rses ?ahin and Ceyhun Bozkurt
Market Analysis for Clinical Oncology 2020
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Saro H
Evaluation of Plasma microRNA Expression Levels in Early Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer
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Serin Akbayir, Nil Dogruer Unal, Senay Balc?, Aysegul Gorur, Hatice Y?ld?r?m Yaroglu, Lokman Ayaz, Ramazan Gundogdu, Musa D?rl?k, Mehmet Sami Ser?n and Lulufer Tamer
HER2 Testing in Gastroesophageal Cancer Paired Biopsy and Resection Specimens, A Multi- Institutional Immunohistochemistry and Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization Correlation Study
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, 3:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000125
Laura J. Tafe, Jackie Cao, Marlene Sabbath-Solitare, Teresita Cuyegkeng Redondo, Jonathan Lara and Gregory J. Tsongalis
Molecular Basis of Colorectal Cancer: Insights into the Disease Mechanisms
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Yin Meton
Metaplastic Carcinoma of Breast with an Intracanalicular Fibrodenoma-A Rare Case Report
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, 3:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000120
Hemlata T Kamra, Parveen Rana, Rajnish Kalra, Swaran Kaur, Nivesh Agarwal, Deepak Singla and Kulwant Singh
Small Intestinal Obstruction due to Metastasis from Marjolins Ulcer: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, 3:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000126
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Dr. Alain L. Fymat
Solitary Fibrous Tumour of the Sinonasal Cavity-Case Report of Endoscopic Resection Using Coblation
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, 3:1
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Peroxidation Products and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Multinodular Goiter and Papillary Thyroid Cancer Patients
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, 3:3
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Bahadir Cetin, Funda Kosova, Melih Akinci, Can Atalay, Ahmet Seki, Osman Uyar and Zeki Ari
A diagnostic biomarker: differential expression of LMP2/β1i in human uterine neoplasms
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, 3:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000128
Takuma Hayashi, Akiko Horiuch, Kenji Sano, Nobuyoshi Hiraoka, Tomoyuki Ichimura, Osamu Ishiko, Yae Kanai, Nobuo Yaegashi, Tanri Shiozawa, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Susumu Tonegawa and Ikuo Konishi
Comparative Observational Study of Two Ethnic Population Groups of Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, 3:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000129
George Fotopoulos, Noha Rashad, George Pentheroudakis, Fatma Aboulkassem, Hussein Khaled and Nicholas Pavlidis
Precision in Prostatectomy: Methods, Outcomes and Clinical Significance
Short Communication: J Clin Exp Oncol
Albert Saini
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Commentary: J Clin Exp Onco
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Neoplasm: Impact on Human Health and Early Detection Strategies
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
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Examining the Types and Implications of Liver Cancer
Commentary: J Clin Exp Onco
Jiqin Glynn
Adenocarcinoma: Analysing Different Types and their Impact on Health Outcomes
Perspective: J Clin Exp Onco
Funchun Kim
Detecting Breast Cancer: Advances in Diagnosis and Screening
Perspective: J Clin Exp Oncol
Luis Gram
Carcinogenic Pesticides and their Impact on Human Health
Perspective: J Clin Exp Onco
Jean Nicole
Apoptosis as a Target for Cancer Therapy: Exploiting Cell Death Pathways
Commentary: J Clin Exp Onco
Sanjeev kaur
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Post Viral Hepatitis B and C: Application of the Prognostic Score of Singapore
Case Report: jceog
Dhouha Bacha , Oussema Belkacem , Sana ben Slama , Bouraoui Saadia , Wael Ferjaoui*, Ghofrane Talbi , Lasaad Gharbi and Limgala Prasanthi
Exploring the Intersection of Genetics and Cancer Epidemiology
Perspective: J Clin Exp Oncol
Yeong Chan
Cancer Vaccines: Revolutionizing Immunotherapy and Human Health
Perspective: J Clin Exp Onco
Zhuang Wilbert
Strategies for Balancing Efficacy and Quality of Life in Hormonal Treatment for Breast Cancer
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Onco
Jason Taira
Potential of Gene Therapy and its Mechanisms in the Treatment of Cancer
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Onco
Leonard Chein
Evaluating Types and Effects of Lung Cancer on Health
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Onco
Kwang Andrea
Genetic Markers of Cancer: Implications for Early Detection and Personalized Medicine
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Onco
Jonas Sean
Examining the Impact of Oesophageal Cancer on Human Health
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Onco
Marcel Nasser
Ewingâs Sarcoma/Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor of Spermatic Cord: A Rare Entity
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:6
Kansal S*, Jain S and Yadav A
Oncologic Surgery: Enhancing Treatment Efficacy, Types and its Significance
Short Communication: J Clin Exp Onco
Hyeon Jung
Evaluating the Effects of Head and Neck Cancer: Examining Prevention Methods
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Onco
Hein Irene
Exploring Osteosarcoma: Mechanisms of Tumor Formation and Impact on Health
Commentary: J Clin Exp Onco
Alberto Wenjie
Analysing the Process of Radiotherapy and its Role in Cancer Treatment
Commentary: J Clin Exp Onco
Hans Feng
Antineoplastic medications will be prescriptions used to treat malignancy
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol
Aaron Coinneach
Human Breast Cancer Cell by Activating The Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Signaling
Perspective: J Clin Exp Oncol
Finn Peterson
Targeted drug delivery systems have been developed to optimize regenerative techniques
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol
Diego Fumio
In vitro Study-Anti-Cancer Activity of Conium Maculatum in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell Line
Research Article: J Clin Exp Onco
Jeba Beula
Quality treatment is a method of treating or forestalling infection by adjusting the hereditary guidelines
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Hugo Stefan
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Chao Matthew
Screening and Testing Methods for Detecting Genotoxic Carcinogens
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Leora Takashi
Melanoma is substantially less basic than some different kinds of skin malignant growths
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Aaron Coinneach
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DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000228
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Oncogenic Viruses as Etiological Risk Factors for Head and Neck Cancers
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
Omabe Maxwell
Dietary Selenium Intake and Thyroid Cancer Risk in Postmenopausal Women
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
Charan Pruneti
Circulating Tumor Cell Isolation for Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis
Commentary: J Clin Exp Oncol
Anand Subramaniam
Cancer Stem cells in Prostate Cancer Radioresistance
Perspective: J Clin Exp Oncol
Husha Cinde
Bio Psychosocial Strategy to Represent the Exchange between Natural, Mental, and Social Components in Adapting to Malignancy
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol
Ashok Kumar
Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Initially Presenting as a Unilateral Breast Lump
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
Fateh Uman
The UV light really changes the design of amino acids
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol
Maurice Efana Asuquo
Targeted Therapy and Drug Resistance in Thyroid Cancer
Commentary: J Clin Exp Oncol
Gyed Kelos
Neurofibromatosis with parathyroid gland cancer
Short Communication: jceog
Chandapure Sindhura
Modified Cell Demise That Happens In Multicellular Organisms
Commentary: J Clin Exp Oncol
Loai Abu Sharour *
Giant Myxoid Liposarcoma of the Stomach
Perspective: J Clin Exp Oncol
Teresa Esposito
Short communication on Esophageal Cancer
Short Communication: jceog
Lakshmi Vasudha Yirrinki
Radiation That Advances Carcinogenesis and the Arrangement of Disease
Commentary: J Clin Exp Oncol
Alexander Melamed*
Brownian Motion, Spin Diffusion and Protein Structure Determination in Solution
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
Kumar Kushwa
Lymphoepithelioma-like malignant neoplastic disease abdomen
Short Communication: jceog
Lakshmi Vasudha Yirrinki
Gynecomastia carcinoma
Short Communication: jceog
MicroRNAs in Cancer Progression
Short Communication: jceog
Vaishnavi sreeja
Focal Highlights of DNA Harm, Epigenetic Modifications and Lacking DNA
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
Maha Subih*
Impact of Psychosocial Factors on Natural Illness
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
Clarisse Eveno*
Strange and Exorbitant Development of Neoplasm Tissue
Perspective: J Clin Exp Oncol
Dawid Baranowski*
Indications, Efficacy and Safety of Chemoport in Children: A Study from a Tertiary Center
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
Ami Makwana
A Single Centre Detailed Clinicopathological, Immunohistochemical and Follow Up Study of Male Breast Cancer Patients from Western India
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
Anjali Sharma1, Ajay Sharma2, Sanjeev Patni1, Ajay Bapna1, Nidhi Patni1, Anil Gupta1, Lalit Mohan Sharma3, Naresh Somani1, Naresh Ledwani1, Shashikant Saini1, Naresh Jakhotia1, Mudit Sharma1, Shubham Verma3 and Vandana Nunia4*
Necrotizing Fasciitis as a Rare Documented Side Effect of Docetaxel
Short Communication: J Clin Exp Oncol
Jeffry Beta Tenggara
A Case Study: Pallative Radical Mastectomy with Latissimus Dorsi Flap Reconstruction
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
Bachu Brahmani* and Avinassh Tippani
The expression "radiation treatment" frequently alludes to outside bar radiation treatment
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol
Sayed K Goda
Attack and Obliteration of Mind Tissue by the Tumor
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol
Anika Cohen
Effect of Breakfast Intake on Body Mass Index of Females at One Year after Delivery in Alexandria, Egypt
Perspective: J Clin Exp Oncol
Nermeen El Beltagy
Correlation of Ki67 Expression with Cyclin D1 Grading in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of Breast and It's Relationship with other Biomarkers
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
Sumita Bhattacharyya Panda1*, Sudipta Chakrabarti2, Jayati Chakraborty1, Ranjan Bhattacharyya1
Scope of Clinical & Experimental Oncology
Editorial: jceog
Marlene Shehata
A neoplasm can be brought about by an unusual multiplication of tissues, which can be brought about by hereditary changes
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol
Maurice Efana Asuquo
Oncology is an Unpredictable and High-Hazard Remedial Region that offers High Rewards
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol
Finn Peterson
Drug Specialists or Drug Store Professionals
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol
Anika Cohen
Article Review on Anthracyclines and Anthracycline-induced Cardiotoxicity
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
Navin Mathiyalagan*
An oncogene is a changed quality that adds to the improvement of a malignant growth
Perspective: J Clin Exp Oncol
Ashok Kumar
Histiocytomas are caused when Histiocytes Develop quickly and Produce More Histiocytes
Perspective: J Clin Exp Oncol
Finn Peterson
Identification of these Genes and Understanding their Functions
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol
Finn Peterson
Sinewy Histiocytoma is a Considerate Delicate Tissue Tumor that May Present as a Stringy Mass Anyplace in the Human Body
Perspective: J Clin Exp Oncol
Finn Peterson*
Leiomyosarcoma is a Harmful Tumor that Emerges from Smooth Muscle Cells
Perspective: J Clin Exp Oncol
Anika Cohen
Different Myeloma is a Malignant Growth that Structures in a Sort of White platelet called a Plasma Cell
Opinion Article: J Clin Exp Oncol
James Alan
Safe Combination of Cisplatin and Metformin Reverts the Malignant Ascites in a Mouse Model to a Solid Tumor by Downregulation of ÎNp63 and Induces Tumor Dormancy via m TOR/ p21 Mechanism
Research Article: jceog
Sara Gebril, Om-Ali Elkhawaga
A Short note on Ewings sarcoma
Short Communication: jceog
Lakshmi Vasudha Yrrinki
Monoclonal Antibodies Treatment
Short Communication: jceog
Lakshmi Vasudha Yrrinki,
Renal dysfunction of therapy
Short Communication: jceog
Lakshmi Vasudha Yrrinki
Tumorigenesis of APC factor
Editorial: jceog
Lakshmi Vasudha Yrrinki
Iron Overload in the Setting of H63D Gene Mutation and Inrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
Case Report: JCEOG
Fateh Numan, Roy Kondepati, Pamela, Wang Yichen and Limgala Prasanthi
Lack of Response to Vismodegib in a Patient with Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000177
Rodríguez-Cerdeira C and Munoz-Garzon V
Mfsd2b, a Novel Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Transporter: Implication in Cancer Therapeutics
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000e113
Ashok Kumar* and Neha Arya
Tibial Metastasis from Primary Carcinoma Tongue in a Young Male: A Case Report
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:5
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000226
Sanjay Kumar M and Praveen Kumar M
The Sins of Omission
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000e109
Christian Schmidt and Mark A Brown
Male Breast Cancer
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000163
Lauren Kerivan, Michael Reintgen, Eric Reintgen, Jeff Smith, Julie Claar, David Wenk and Douglas Reintgen
Malignant Tumours of the Female Genital Tract: A 10-Year Histopathological Review at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital(2002-2011)
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000146
Der EM, Kwame-Aryee RA, Tettey Y, Seffah JD, Wiredu EK, Adu-Bonsaffoh K, Gyasi RK
Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte and Axillary Lymph Node Positivity: A Systematic Review
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000154
Daniel Romeira, Chiara Rodrigues, Debora Cardoso, Marta Pinto, Helena Miranda and Ana Martins Mourao
Mantle Cell Lymphoma Misdiagnosed as Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Optimization of Diagnostic Approach
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:6
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000200
Numan Fateh
The Pharmacological Modulation of Ca2+/Camp Intracellular Signaling Pathways and Traditional Antitumoral Pharmaceuticals: A Plausible Multi-target Combined Therapy?
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000e111
Paolo Ruggero Errante, Francisco Sandro Menezes-Rodrigues, Afonso Caricati-Neto and Leandro Bueno Bergantin
Relating the Pendulum of Democracy with Oncology Research
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000e110
Christian Schmidt and Mark A Brown
Survival Rate after Individualized Approach in Treatment of Vulvar Cancer: A Ten-Year Single Institution Experience
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000158
Tsvetkov Ch, Gorchev G, Tomov S, Nikolova M and Genchev G
VEGF Expression Evaluation in Patients with Esophageal Cancer by using Reverse Transcriptase Real- Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:6
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000167
Hadiseh Farzanfar, Gholamreza Motalleb and Hossein Maghsoudi
Oncology and Biophysics: A Need for Integration
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, S1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.S1-001
Sarah S Knox and Richard HW Funk
Ca2+ and Camp: Do these Intracellular Messengers WorkâIndependently? Of Course Not, and the History Goes Aheadâ¦
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000e112
Bergantin LB*
Early Detection of Cancer -The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.100e114
Michael Retsky*
Hydrogen ion/Proton Dynamics: A Possible Therapeutic Approach in Malignancy Treatment
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000150
Malshe AG
Three Dimensional Tumor Engineering by Co-Culture of Breast Tumor and Endothelial Cells Using a Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Model
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:5
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000194
Yusra L Kassim, Elias Al Tawil, Catherine Buquet, Didier Le Cerf and Jean PierreVannier
Improving Pediatric Case Management in Home Health
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000219
Cisneros NE*
Expressions of Orphan Nuclear Receptor TR3/Nur77 in Chronic Hepatopathy and Its Clinical Significance
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000188
Yingling Zeng, Xiaoguang Ye, Degui Liao, Shizhang Huang, Huinan Mao, Dezheng Zhao and Huiyan Zeng
Management of Thyroid Nodules with Atypical Cytology on Fine-Needle Aspiration with Ultra Sonogram
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:6
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000201
Ajit Kumar Kushwaha
Ensuring the Ethical and Responsible Conduct of Oncology Research for the Next Generation
Short Communication: J Clin Exp Oncol 2012, 1:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000101
Sophia L. Nelson and Mark A. Brown
Olive Leaf Extract Reduces Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells, and Modulates the Function of Residual Cells in Experimental Model of Melanoma
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000159
Mahboubeh Ashourpour, Afshin Namdar, Nasim Kheshtchin, Morteza Hafezi, Najmeh Khosravianfar, Maryam Ajami, Bahram Delfan,Yaser Azizi, Samaneh Arab8, Reza Mirzaei, Abbas Mirshafiey, Jamshid Hadjati, Alireza Razavi
Endogenous Voltage Potentials and the Microenvironment: Bioelectric Signals that Reveal, Induce and Normalize Cancer
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, S1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.S1-002
Brook Chernet and Michael Levin
Skin Malignancies
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2012, 1:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000e101
Maurice Efana Asuquo
The Role of MicroRNAs in Cancer Progression
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000155
Seyedeh Elham Norollahi, Majid Alipour, Novin Nikbakhsh, Hassan Taheri, Mohammad Taghi Hamidian, Sadegh Fattahi, Seyed Reza Tabaripour, Aghil Mollatabar Hassan, Amir Hossein Esmaili, Ali Akbar Samadani, Sara Hallajian, Saed Alinejade Moalemi and Amir Mahmoud Afshar
A Methylation Profile of Circulating Cell Free DNA for the Early Detection of Gastric Cancer and the Effects after Surgical Resection
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000151
Dong Gue Shin, Kyong chol Kim, Sang-Woon Choi, Hee Jae Joo, Seung Hyuk Baik and Min Koo Park
Circulating Levels of ADAM-10 and Soluble Standard CD44 in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Relationship with Soluble TAM Receptors and their Ligands
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:5
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000227
Soichiro Uehara, Yuichi Fukuzawa, Tomohiko Matuyama and Katuhiro Gotoh
Challenges in Diagnose and Management of Ameloblastic Carcinoma: A Report of Three Cases
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000139
Abbas Karimi, Fereshteh Baghaii and Samira Derakhshan
Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ: An Editorial
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000e107
Kelly Lambert and Kefah Mokbel
Colonic Adenocarcinoma in a Patient with Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome (VCFS) and 22q11.2 Microdeletion
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000164
Raman Babayeuski, Veronica Ortega, Christina Mendiola, Ismail Jatoi and Gopalrao Velagaleti
Is it Possible to Expedite Studies on the Effects of Pharmacological Agents on Primary Cell Cultures Obtained from High-grade Fibular Osteosarcoma?
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:6
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000168
Seyit Ali Gumustas, Ibrahim Yilmaz, Mehmet Isyar, Duygu Yasar sirin, Ahmet Guray Batmaz, Aylin Gonultas, Savas Topuk, Olcay Guler, Sibel Kayahan, Semih Akkaya, Önder Ofluoglu and Mahir Mahirogullari
Giant Cell Tumour of Soft Tissue of the Finger: A Case Report
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000110
ME Asuquo, VI Nwagbara, C Agbor, S Akpan, G Ebughe and T Ugbem
Developing Research Networks to Enhance Cross-Mentoring and Representation of Women in Clinical and Experimental Oncology
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000142
Gillian Bowser, Katherine Wilkins, Ulrike Gretzel, Elizabeth Davis and Mark A. Brown
Pre-Irradiated Fibroblasts Influence the Chemosensitivity of Co-Cultivated Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000178
Gehrke T, Scherzad A, Hackenberg S, Ickrath P, Schendzielorz P, Hagen R and Kleinsasser N
Anti Adeno-Associated Virus 2 (AAV) Antibody Profile in Ovarian Cancer Ascitic Fluid: Implications for AAV Intraperitoneal Gene Therapy
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000183
Joanna Skubis-ZegadÅo, Magdalena Kowalska, Beata Spiewankiewicz, WacÅaw Smiert Krzysztof Gawrychowski and Maciej MaÅecki
Effect of Vaccination with Different Types and Dosages against a Very Virulent Marekâs Disease Virus Strain
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000147
Zhenhua Gong, Kang Zhang, Lei Li, Yuan Qiu, Jinping Li, Guangyu Hou, Jianmin Yu, Jianlin Wang, Hu Shan and Hongwei Wang
Utilization of the Polarized Infrared Light for Prostate Cancer Visualization in Isolated Prostates
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000208
Besarion Partsvania, Giorgi Kochiashvili* and Alexander Khuskivadze
Proximal-type Epithelioid Sarcoma of the Head and Neck (HN): A Study with Immunohistochemical and Molecular Analysis of SMARCB1
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000106
Renee Frank, Navid Sadri, Tricia Bhatti, Jaclyn A Biegel, Virginia A LiVolsi and Paul J Zhang
Tongue Reconstruction with Submental Flap: An Observational Study
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:5
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000195
Ajit Kumar Kushwaha
Prognostic Model of Stage II/III Colon Cancer Constructed using Gene Expression Subtypes and KRAS Mutation Status
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000214
Kengo Gotoh#, Eiji Shinto#, Yuichiro Yoshida*, Hideki Ueno,Yoshiki Kajiwara, Masato Yamadera, Ken Nagata, Hitoshi Tsuda, Junji Yamamoto and Kazuo Hase
Rho-Kinases in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Review
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000189
Anjali P Ganjre, Sangamithra S and Asmita Kharche
Is Metothrexate so Harmless in Patients with Autoimmune Disorders?
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:6
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000202
Adam Kellner, Vasana S Kellner, Eva Karadi Balazs Kollar and Miklos Egyed
Loss of the Tumor Suppressor NKX3.1 in Prostate Cancer Cells is Induced by Prostatitis Related Mitogens
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000160
Josua Decker‡, Garima Jain‡, Tina Kießling, Philip Sander, Margit Rid, Thomas TF Barth, Peter Möller, Marcus V Cronauer and Ralf B Marienfeld
Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy: Targeting Biophysical Cancer Vulnerabilities to Effectively Treat and Palliate
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000156
Ranjit Kumar, Meena Augustus, Anjana Rani Nair, Reinhard Ebner, Gopalapillai Sreedharan Nayar, Rajah Vijay Kumar
Mitochondrial Insult and Revenge in Tumorigenesis
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2012, 1:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000e102
Santanu Dasgupta
Prognostic Markers in Osteosarcoma Patients in the Najaf Province of Iraq
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000215
Hamdallah H Al-Baseesee, Imad AlSabri, Amina B Aldujele and Zuhair Allebban*
Cotton Wool Spots in Trousseauâs Syndrome
Clinical Image: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000152
Valeria Kheir and Francois-Xavier Borruat
External Beam Radiation Therapy for Retinoblastoma Resistant to Chemotherapy and Focal Treatment: Outcome and Predictive Factors
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000140
Yacoub A Yousef, Imad Mahameed, Mustafa Mehyar, Rasha Barham, Rashed M Nazzal, Khalil Alrawashdeh, Ibrahim Nawaiseh, Iyad Sultan, Rasha Deebajah and Imad Jaradat
Giant Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the Parotid Gland: A Case Report and Review of Literature
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000103
ME Asuquo, VI Nwagbara, AN Umana, G Bassey, MA Nnoli, H Okpara, S Akpan, F Otobo and T Ugbem
Highly Complex Chromosomal Rearrangements in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: An Indian Experience
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000148
Manisha M Brahmbhatt, Pina J Trivedi and Prabhudas S Patel
Post Mastectomy Pain Syndrome- Role of Preservation of Intercostobrachial Nerve: A Retrospective Analysis in Breast Cancer Patients in Jharkhand
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:5
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000196
Ajit Kumar Kushwaha and Tushar Kumar
NAD+ in Cancer Prevention and Treatment: Pros and Cons
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000165
Borut Poljsak
Unusual Ulcerated Nodules of Scalp with Histological Proof of Cutaneous Metastasis Derived from Prostate Cancer: Report of a Case
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000143
Slaoui W, Marnissi F and Chiheb S
Chemoradiotherapy In Locally Invasive Parathyroid Cancer
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000179
Sema Yilmaz Rakici, Cemil Bilir, Gülnihal Tufan and ZihniAcar Yazici
Enterouterine Fistula as Initial Presentation of Advanced Endometrial Cancer: Description of a Rare Case and Review of the Literature
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:6
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000169
Nicolò Clemente, Lara Alessandrini, Giorgio Giorda and Francesco Sopracordevole
Biophysical Pathology in Cancer Transformation
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, S1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.S1-003
Jiří Pokorný and Jan Pokorný
Orphan Nuclear Receptor TR3/Nur77 is a Specific Therapeutic Target for Hepatic Cancers
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000184
Yingling Zeng, Xiaoguang Ye, Degui Liao, Shizhang Huang, Huinan Mao, Dezheng Zhao and Huiyan Zeng
Metabolic Basis of Treatment Failures; Autophagy and Malignant Cancer Progression
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000111
Maxwell Omabe1, Martin Ezeani and Ugoeze Donatus
Expression of Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Nav1.8 in Human Prostate Cancer is Associated with High Histological Grade
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2012, 1:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000102
Simeng Suy, Todd P. Hansen, Heather D. Auto, Bhaskar V.S. Kallakury, Vernon Dailey, Malika Danner, Linda MacArthur, Ying Zhang, Matthew J. Miessau, Sean P. Collins and Milton L. Brown
Warty Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix with Lymph Node Metastasis: A Case Report with a Literature Review
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 7:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000209
Angel Danchev Yordanov*, Stanislav Hristov Slavchev, Strahil Asenov Strashilov, Ivan Tzvetanov Malkodanski, Borislava Ivova Dimitrova, Ivan Nedkov Ivanov and Ilko Ivanov Iliev
Schwannoma of the Palatine Tonsil: A Rare Entity in an Eight Year Old Girl
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000107
Truong An Pham, Yi Zhao and Elizabeth Sigston
Post-Prostatectomy Radiotherapy in a Single Tertiary Institution: Outcomes Relating to Pre-Radiotherapy Prostate Specific Antigen
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000220
Janice Yeh*, Ivan Iankov, Myo Min, Mohamad Rukasri Abdul Rahim and Daniel Roos
Probiotics, the New Approach for Cancer Prevention and/or Potentialization of Anti-Cancer Treatment?
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2012, 1:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000e105
Urszula Daniluk
Elastography as a New Screening Tool for Metastatic Lymph Nodes in Melanoma Patients
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000112
Anne Caudron, Anne-Fleur Chassine, Sandra Le Gloan,Jean-Philippe Arnault, Guillaume Chaby, Majed Eshki and Catherine Lok
Comparing Gefitinib and Erlotinib With Regard To Brain Metastases Recurrence in EGFR-Mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000190
Kenji Nakahama, Akihiro Tamiya, Yoshihiko Taniguchi, Yoko Naoki, Masaki Kanazu and Shinji Atagi
Combinational Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer: Where Are We Standing?
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, 1:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000e103
Andrew M. Albrecht, Jingxuan Yang and Min Li
Trastuzumab Resistance: What Are We Offering to Breast Cancer Patients?
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:6
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000203
Sonel Patel, Nandini Hayes and Maria Teresa Esposito
High Extra-Tumoral 99mTc-Macroaggregated Albumin Accumulation in a Fatty Liver in a Candidate for Transarterial Radioembolization Treatment
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000180
Vassiliki Lyra, Konstantinos Palialexis, Chrisostomos Constantos, Lazaros Reppas, Elias N Brountzos and Sofia N Chatziioannou
Micro RNA-142-5p Profile as a Predictor of Tumor Markers Regulation in Different Histological Grades of Human Breast Carcinoma
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000157
Parvathi MVS, Balakrishna Murthy P and Jagan Mohan Rao P
Primary Intramedullary Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma Mimicking a Spinal Meningioma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000216
Homajoun MaslehatyNordstadt Hospital Hannover Haltenhoffstrasse*, Roman Frantsev, Jan van de Nes and Ulrich Sure
Central Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000108
Seyedmajidi M and Foroughi R
Anticancer Laccases: A Review
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000153
Thomas Charles Guest and Shazia Rashid
Evaluation of Automatic and Manual Contouring of Cranial Structures
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000141
Vadim Y Kuperman, Kouskoulas TN, Battle JA, Brad A Factor, Charles D Hechtman, Oscar F Carbonell, Miles DT, Lubich LM, Mendoza AS and Page DB
In vitro Study of Anti-Leukemic Potential of Ursolic Acid in Jurkat Cell Line
Short Communication: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000161
Ricardo Kenji Iguchi Panucci, Alexandre Mellitto, Carlos Rocha Oliveira, Welker de Mello Marin and Claudia Bincoletto
Demographic and Histopathological Differences of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Analysis of 4394 Cases from Sri Lanka
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000149
Siriwardena BSMS, Jayathilake DSY, Pitakotuwage TN, Illeperuma RP, Kumarasiri PVR, Attygalla AM, Peiris HRD and Tilakaratne WM
Parathyroid Carcinoma Coincident With Neurofibromatosis Type 1
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:6
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Noriaki Hayashibara , Toshihisa Ogawa, Eiichi Tsuji, Mariko Oya and Akiko Fujii
Mcl-1 is a Gate Keeper Regulating Cell Death in Cancer Cells
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:5
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Yongqiang Chen and Spencer B Gibson
MDM2 Gen Polymorphisms at Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:4
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Ceren Tekin, Sibel Bayil Oguzkan, Mehmet Ozaslan, Handan Haydaroglu, Isik Didem Karagoz, Ibrahim Halil Kilic , Selin Büdeyri and Mustafa Pehlivan
A Case of Multiple Myeloma Presenting with Plasmacytoma of Body of Sphenoid Bone: A Case Report
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Sanchayan Mandal, Madhuchanda Kar, Rakesh Roy, Tamohan Chaudhuri and Sravasti Roy
Safety Aspects in Treatment of Cancer by Carbamate Insecticides as Measured by Osmotic Fragility of Erythrocytes
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:1
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Mohammed Amanullah, Gaffar Sarwar Zaman and Naseem Begum
Ion Gradients and Electric Fields-An Intrinsic Part of Biological Processes
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Richard HW Funk and Thiede C
Antiangiogenic Activity of rTRAIL is Potentiated by Sflt-1, a VEGF Trap
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:3
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Yashaswini B, Adel Mutahar and Bharathi P Salimath
Can FDG PET/CT and CT Exclude N2 and N3 Nodal Disease in Patients with Breast Cancer?
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 7:1
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Muhammet Arslan, Bozkurt Gulek, Aygul Polat Kelle, Serkan Akbulut, Erhan Ugurlu, Isa Burak Guney, Sinan Sozutok and Ozgur Kulahci
Intratumoral Therapy I: Association of Immunotherapy with Permanent Long Term Cure of Metastatic Cancer
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:4
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Max Cohen*, Alfred Ketcham and Ronald Herberman
Lung Adenocarcinoma Presenting with WDHA Syndrome and Marie-Bamberger Syndrome: A Case Report
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:3
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Jiaxin Niu, Deborah Gelbspan, Lanceford Chong, Shauna Birdsall, David Weitz and Glen J. Weiss
Expression of Circulating Mir-206 in Patients with Lung and Head and Neck Cancers and its Association with Cancer Cachexia
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:4
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Noorwati Sutandyo, Ririn Hariani, Puspita Eka Wuyung, Agus Rahmadi, Achmad Mulawarman, Cita Herawati and Ramadhan Ramli
A Feasible Novel Technique for Breast Cancer Imaging Using UWB-Microwave Antennas
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:6
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Maryam Liaqat, Lucas Gallindo Costa, Thiago Campos Vasconcelos, Patricia Silva Lessa, Emery C Lins, Lorenna Karynne Bezerra Santos and Frederico Dias Nunes
Induction of Increased Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and -9 in Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines by Activation of GM-CSF Receptor Bc via C-Fos-ERK 1/2 Signaling
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:2
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Bautista-Lopez NL, Galipeau J, Cuerquis J, Lalu MM and Eliopoulos N
p53 Gene Inactivation Modulate Methylenetetrahydrofolate C677T Gene Polymorphism Associated Risk Factor for the Development of Cervical Carcinoma -A Tissue specific Genetic Heterogeneity
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:4
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GK Singh, Ajit K Saxena, Anjula, Garima, S Pandey and LK Pandey
Biomarkers Can Promote Risk Stratification in CT Scanning for Lung Cancer Detection
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2012, 1:1
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DN Reisman and S Marquez
Gemcitabine-(C4-amide)-[anti-HER2/neu] Anti-Neoplastic Cytotoxicty in Dual Combination with Mebendazole against Chemotherapeutic-Resistant Mammary Adenocarcinoma
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:2
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C.P. Coyne, Toni Jones and Ryan Bear
Serum Leptin Might Be Causally Correlated to Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:1
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Saad M Al-Shibli, Nasser M Amjad, Muna K Al-Kubaisi, Norra Harun, Emad M Nafie and Shaikh Mizan*
Does Bladder Cancer Pathology Matter in Prognosis and Treatment?
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:2
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Mohamad El Abdallah*, Ahmed Ali, Isra Ibrahim, Faisal Musa, Rajiv John and Beaumont Hospital- Dearborn
The Pap Test: Is it Time to Move on?
Editorial: J Clin Exp Oncol 2012, 1:2
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Massimo Origoni
Prognostic Significance of KAI1/CD82 and its Relation Tod2-40 Labeled Lymphatic Vessel Invasion (LVI) and Lymphatic Vessel Density (LVD) in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (ESCC)
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:3
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Hai-tao Huang, Fei Wan, Sheng-guang Ding, Chen-xi Lu and Chong-jun Zhong
Epstein-Barr Virus Associated Lymphoepithelioma-Like Carcinoma of the Esophagogastric Junction and Stomach: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2016, 5:6
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Elif Atag, Seher Nazli Kazaz, Huseyin Salih Semiz, Ilkay Tugba Unek, Sulen Sarioglu and Tugba Yavuzsen
Biophysics of Cancer: Cellular Excitability (CELEX) Hypothesis of Metastasis
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2014, S1
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Mustafa BA Djamgoz
Lymphoepithelioma-Like Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix - Reporting Three Rare Clinical Cases with Lymph Node Metastasis
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:5
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Angel Danchev Yordanov, Borislava Ivova Dimitrova, Milena Dimitrova Karcheva, Polina Petkova Vasileva and Stanislav Hristov Slavchev
The Micromorphological Course of Irradiation-Induced Oral Mucositis in Rat
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2015, 4:3
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Eva Lindell Jonsson, Per-Olof Eriksson, Mohammad Saadat, Michael Blomquist, Mikael Johansson and Karin Nylander, Goran Laurell
Knockdown of CD151 Gene Expression Reduces Survival of Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer Cells
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:3
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Gayatri Devi V, Anil Kuman Badana, Madhuri Ch, Murali Mohan P, Shailandra Naik, Bhaskar Reddy I, Seema Kumari and Rama Rao Malla
The Prognostic Value of DNA Ploidy Determination in Endometrial Cancer
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:1
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Massimo Origoni, Patrizia De Marzi, Giada Almirante, Jessica Ottolina, Luigi Frigerio, Marco Carnelli, Chiara Gelardi and Massimo Candiani
Intratumoral Therapy II: In Vitro and In Vivo Immunologic Testing and Therapy Options
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000222
Max Cohen*, Alfred Ketcham and Ronald Herberman
Cripto-1 and RUNX2 Expressions in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer, their Roles in its Progression and Patients Outcome
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000182
Ola A Harb, Shereen El shorbagy, Nehal S Abouhashem, Ola M Elfarargy, Safa A Balata, Loay M gertallah, Mohammed MN Abozaid, Walid Galal and Sameh Saber
Survivin and Livin with Angiogenesis in Cancer
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:4
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Mutlu Dogan
The Value of FAK and SLUG Expression in Patients with Breast Carcinoma and Relation of Their Expression to Clinicopathological and Prognostic Parameters
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000218
Mona S Mohamed, Ola A Harb*, Nashwa Nawar, Heba F Taha, Samar A Amer, Eman A Eltokhy , Loay M Gertallah, Walid A Mawla and Doaa M Abdelmonem
Single Versus Double Ring Structure: Search for Best Anti-Neoplastic Driver in Colon and Pancreatic Cancer Cells-Taurultam or Taurolidine?
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:6
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000205
Buchholz M*, Berg J, Braumann C, Majchrzak-Stiller B, Hahn S, Pfirrmann RW, UhI W and Chromik AM
Prognostic Implications of Hyaluronic Acid Binding Protein 1 (HABP1) Expression, Estrogen Receptor (ER) and Progesterone Receptor (PR) Loss in Endometrial Carcinoma
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:5
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000199
Ola A Harb, Mariem A Elfeky, Ola M Elfarargy, Rham Z Ahmed, Safa A Balata and Amr Abd Almohsen Alnemr
Roles of NAD (P) H-Quinone Oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) On Cancer Progression and Chemoresistance
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000192
Pimradasiri Srijiwangsa and Kesara Na-Bangchang
Feasibility of Single Tumorspot Treatment in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis via Close Range Doxorubicin Impaction in Pressurized Intra-Peritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC)
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:3
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000187
Tanja Khosrawipour, Dan Wu, Alexander Bellendorf, Nirushika Mohanaraja, Ebru Karabay, David Diaz-Carballo and Veria Khosrawipour
Should Post-Menopausal Women be Screened only with HPV Test in Cervical Cancers?
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000212
Sema Zergeroglu*, Tayfun Gungor and Hakan Yalcin
Immediate Breast Reconstruction with Laparoscopic Harvested Omental Flap after Breast Cancer Surgery
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000223
Sandbichler P*, Pittl T, Pointner S, Paulmichl A and Hiehs S
Encapsulated Minimally Invasive Epimyoepithelial Carcinoma of Submandibular Gland - A New Entity?? With Review of Literature
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000116
Shelly Arora, Aadithya B Urs and Nita Khurana
Schwartz-Bartter Syndrome: A Subtle Complication of Small Cell Lung Carcinoma
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:1
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000213
Brian Boben, Muhammad Madkour, Luis Sanguino* and Marco Viruez*
Promoter Methylation and Loss of Expression of PTEN Gene in Breast Cancer Patients from Saudi Population
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:6
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000206
Mohammad Shabbir Alam*, Ahmed Bin Ali Jerah, Jalaluddin Mohammad Ashraf, Kathamuthu Kumaresan, Zaki Monawar Eisa and Nabil Tadros Mikhail
Combination of Daily Low Dose Cisplatin with Thoracic Radiation in Locally Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer for Fragile Patients: An Experimental Monocentric Serie
Research Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000224
Clément-Duchêne Christelle*, Salleron Julia, Baumann Anne-Sophie, Royer Philippe, Faivre Jean-Christophe, Ménard Olivier,Vignaud Jean-Michel, Prévot Michel, Peiffert Didier and Beckendorf Véronique
REACTIONS - A Memorable Patient
Commentary: J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, 2:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000117
Vittal S R Rao, S Sugunendran, and Kevin Wedgwood
Successful Treatment of a Progressive Primary Cutaneous Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma of the Leg (PCLBCL-LT) with Hyperthermic Isolated Limb Perfusion
Case Report: J Clin Exp Oncol 2017, 6:6
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000207
Ioannis Karampinis, Laura Schwarzwaelder, Martin Hoffmann, Timo Gaiser, Kai Nowak, Peter Hohenberger and Jens Jakob*
Screening of Monoclonal Antibodies for Cancer Treatment
Review Article: J Clin Exp Oncol 2018, 7:4
DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.1000225
Peifeng Tang, Shaoyan Liang, Jianlin Xu, Shaoxiong Wang, Lijun Wang and Shijie Liu*