Sanjay Gupta, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Urology
Case Western Reserve University, USA

Contact Sanjay Gupta, PhD

Department / University Information


Sanjay Gupta is Carter Kissell Associate Professor & Research Director in the Department of Urology at the Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Case Medical Center. He also holds secondary appointments in the Departments of Nutrition and Division of General Medical Sciences at Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr Gupta obtained faculty position in 2002 at Case, School of Medicine.

Research Interest

Dr. Sanjay Gupta's research is primarily on prostate cancer and involves both basic and translational areas of focus. In basic research the focus is to develop appropriate biomarkers for early detection and prognosis of prostate cancer. Another focus is to identify novel targets to monitor the efficacy of treatment with chemopreventive or therapeutic agents. His research interests also include translation of bench research to its application in clinics. With this aim he has been working with bioactive dietary agents which could be developed as future chemopreventives.

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