Editors [3]
The following is the list of scholars from Aston University who currently serve as editors for one or more SciTechnol journals.
Authors [7]
The following is the list of scholars from Aston University who published one or more articles in SciTechnol journals.
- Afzal-Ur-Rahman Mohammed
- Afzal R Mohammed
- Amr ElShaer
- Nighat Razvi
- Oana Parteni
- Peter Hanson
- Alan R. Hipkiss
Publications [4]
The following is the list of articles by scholars from Aston University that are published in SciTechnol journals.
Performance of Commercial Interferon-γ Release Assays for Screening Latent Tuberculosis Infection: A Meta-Analysis
Research Article: Mol Med Ther 2012, 1:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-8769.1000103
Lin Sun, Qingqin Yin, Jianling Tian, Qing Miao, Fang Xu, Jing Xiao, Chen Shen, Weiwei Jiao, Cornelia Lass-Flörl, Aamir Shahzad and Adong Shen
Parkinsons Disease and Type-2 Diabetes: Methylglyoxal may be a Common Causal Agent; Carnosine could be Protective
Review Article: Mol Med Ther 2012, 1:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-8769.1000104
Alan R. Hipkiss
Genome-Scale Mapping of MicroRNA Signatures in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Neurogenesis
Research Article: Mol Med Ther 2012, 1:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-8769.1000105
Xuejun H. Parsons, James F. Parsons and Dennis A. Moore
Novel Combinatorial Therapeutic Targeting of PAI-1(SERPINE1) Gene Expression in Alzheimers Disease
Short Communication: Mol Med Ther 2012, 1:2
DOI: 10.4172/2324-8769.1000106
Stacie M. Kutz, Craig E. Higgins and Paul J. Higgins