Joonhong Ahn, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Nuclear Engineering
University of California, USA

Contact Joonhong Ahn, PhD

Department / University Information


Dr. Joonhong Ahn is a Professor at Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley. He also serves as Geological Faculty Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.Professor Ahn served as a member of the Planning Committee for the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (1992-1995). he earned his PhD in Nuclear Engineering from University of California, Berkeley in 1988. Since 2010, he serves as a member of the international review committee for 2010 report compiled by Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan (NUMO).Fellowship Program by Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, US Department of Energy. He has been participating in the Coordinate Research Project by International Atomic Energy Agency for the topic of Role of Partitioning and Transmutation of High-Level Radioactive Wastes for Minimization of Environmental Impacts from Nuclear Fuel Cycle since 2002.

Research Interest

Prof. Ahn’s research areas include: Mathematical modeling and computational analyses for performance assessment of geological disposal of radioactive wastes, in which radiological risk and criticality safety are quantitatively evaluated as performance metrics, by particularly focusing on radionuclide transport through a geological medium and engineered barriers and long-term evolution of engineered-barrier materials, and Analysis of mass-flow in advanced nuclear fuel-cycle systems. These two are being combined to optimize the nuclear-power system from the viewpoint of risk minimization by exploring relationship between the fuel-cycle system parameters and geologic repository performance. He has also been active in the field of Science-Technology-Society interaction in the back-end of fuel cycle, particularly after the Fukushima accident.

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