A Review of Egg Freshness Evaluation, Influence Factors and Preservation
Shell egg freshness is the key factor of evaluating egg quality. This review summarizes evaluation methods, influence factors of shell egg freshness, methods of retarding shell egg freshness deteriorations and future research directions of shell egg freshness. The results shows that egg freshness can be possibly evaluated by combination of destructive testing technology and non-destructive testing technology in an objective, dynamic and on-line manner. Hen age, diet, storage, transportation and environmental conditions can make a great influence on shell egg freshness. The characteristics of shell egg freshness can be possibly well maintained by adopting young hen, balanced nutrition diets, low temperature storage and avoiding mechanical damages during transportation and storage. Sterilization, packaging and coating methods can probably retard shell egg freshness deteriorations. Partially/totally adopting green, high efficient and energy-saving non-conventional food sterilization methods, and active, biodegradable and intelligent packaging/coating methods can possibly avoid microbial spoilage and retard egg freshness deteriorations during egg preservation. More researches of non-destructive testing technologies, diet formulations, simulating actual production, storage, transportation and sales, as well as optimization of non-conventional food sterilization-packaging and coating technologies need to be further explored, thus achieving quality improvement and industry promotion of shell eggs.