Endocrinology & Diabetes ResearchISSN: 2470-7570

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About Lipid Metabolism

Lipid Metabolism refers to the processes that involve the intercourse and degradation of lipids. It is the process by which fatty acids are digested or stored in the human body. The types of lipids involved include: Bile salts and Cholesterols. Lipids are fats that are either absorbed from food or synthesized by the liver. Triglycerides (TGs) and cholesterol contribute most to disease, although all lipids are physiologically important. The primary function of TGs is to store energy in adipocytes and muscle cells; cholesterol is a ubiquitous constituent of cell membranes, steroids, bile acids, and signaling molecules. Lipoproteins synthesized by the liver transport endogenous TGs and cholesterol. Lipoproteins circulate through the blood continuously until the TGs they contain are taken up by peripheral tissues or the lipoproteins themselves are cleared by the liver.

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