Advanced Biomedical Research and Innovation

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Nano cellulose based Biomaterials and Bio Polymers for Tissue Engineering and Nano biomedicine as a Tool of Nanobiotechnology

Nano cellulose based biomaterials and biopolymers keep a superlative role in medical, biomedical, pharmaceutical and tissue engineering. Potential applications of Nano cellulose in the fields of wound healing, bone-cartilage regeneration, dental application and different human diseases including cancer. In addition, it is promising to use in Nano coating for medicine (capsules and drugs), scaffolds for engineering of blood vessels, neural tissue, liver, adipose tissue, repairing connective tissue, congenital heart defects, Nano biomedicine, constructing contact lenses and protective barriers because of naturally organic and biodegradable. This study was carried out to investigate Nano cellulose based Nano biomaterials and Nano biopolymers from ligno-cellulose derived plant biomass coming after bioprocess technology. From the results, it was observed that organic based Nano-biomaterials was better than synthetic based materials for wound healing, bone-cartilage regeneration and dental application depending upon its different properties identified by ASTM (American standard for testing and materials) standard. Therefore, it can be concluded that organic (Nano cellulose) based biodegradable Nanobiomaterials may be used as biomedical and medical components in the field of tissue engineering.

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