Journal of Food and Nutritional DisordersISSN: 2324-9323

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About Nutritional supplements

Nutritional supplement is to provide nutrients which are not consumed in sufficient quantities. Supplements include vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids, among other substances. Nutritional supplements are added to the diet to boost overall health and energy, to provide immune system support and reduce the risks of illness and age-related conditions, to improve performance in athletic and mental activities, and to support the healing process during illness and disease. Nutrition Supplements are group of nutrients that are used as supplementary diet but they can’t be substitute for a healthy diet. These are coming in a variety of forms like liquids, pills, gel form, capsules, powders etc. Nutrition supplement conation one or more ingredient (vitamins, minerals, herbs etc.) There are different types of nutritional supplements. For example Vitamins and mineral supplements contain micronutrients that help to function healthy body smoothly. Herbal supplements are dietary supplements used in medicinal purpose. Herbal supplements are also known as botanicals.

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