Research Journal of Clinical Pediatrics

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About Pediatric Critical Care

Pediatric critical care medicine deals with the diagnosis and management of life threatening conditions requiring invasive monitoring. Children who are critically ill require careful monitoring in a pediatric intensive care unit.

Pediatric critical care specialists coordinate the care of these children which is provided by a team of doctors, nurses, and other health care specialists. Pediatric critical care specialists use the special medicines or treatments that can only be offered in the PICU.

Pediatric critical care specialists treat children from birth through the teen years. They choose to make caring for children who are very sick the core of their medical practice. Their advanced training and experience prepare them to give children in PICUs the unique medical care that they need. Pediatric critical care specialists generally provide the following care to children like Diagnosis of children who have an unstable, life-threatening condition, Thorough monitoring, medication, and treatment of children in a PICU, Supervision of children on respirators, Medical treatment for children with severe heart and lung disease, Placement of special catheters in the blood vessels and heart, Management of medications and treatments for children with brain trauma, etc.

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