Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging DrugsISSN: 2380-9477

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Short Communication, J Pharm Sci Emerg Drugs Vol: 9 Issue: 12

Pharmaceutical Sciences the Lymphatic System is an often overlooked compartment

The asset BIO-PROTEINOL PF consists of placental extract extracted under conditions established and recommended by the European Union as cruelty free, derived from predetermined bovine species. Its extraction is carried out by veterinarians exclusively titrated in the precision technique, and does not infringe animal suffrage. This extract is 100% compatible with human skin and its clinical use brings numerous aesthetic benefits to human skin. Objective: The objective of this study is to verify the effects of bovine bioplacenta on Glolgau III photoaging in association with phototherapy and microagulation. Method: This is a single-case study, a 49-year-old female R.S. patient with front expression lines, nasogenic sulcus, skin oxidation and glycosada skin, we submitted the patient for 4 weeks, being 1 application per week, to the combination treatment of PLACENTA POWER ELECTRIC SERUM - Bioelectric Energizing Orthomolecular Peeling with Aminoplacenta, skin jections placenta booster, new age bioeletric system -serum anti ageing bioelectric with amino-placenta all of the brand Ad�lia Mendon�a to the red laser 660nm and amber led 590nm of the brand MMO and to the microgulhamento with pen and needle 0.5 mm. Result: In the present study, the patient started the treatment with disorganized facial adiposity, after the third session, the mandible design was already observed, by the reorganization and reduction of adiposity, increased luminosity, tonicity and reduction of primary grooves throughout the treated facial extension. Conclusion: We conclude that the technique of association of cosmetics that have bovine bioplacenta - bioproteinol pf� of the brand Ad�lia Mendon�a associated with phototherapy and microagulation activated in the inhibition of the cellular oxidative process and in the reduction of glycosylation of the treated skin. Considerably there was an increase in brightness, luminosity, tonicity and firmness, and also a smoothing of the epithelial surface, with uniformity of cutaneous relief and gentle whitening of the installed hyperchromias. Introduction The mechanism of hypercholesterolemia in HIV and other diseases, on the other hand, is Placental therapy dates back more than 2,000 years when Qin Shihuang, China's first unified emperor, was already talking about using embryonic tissue to keep the skin young, either in the form of cream, or simply ingesting it. It has been especially indicated to provide a great improvement in liver and kidney functions, to be the cure for infertility and menopause and to improve or reverse male impotence or sexual dysfunction [1]. Unfortunately, a significant amount of studies are not included in modern international databases, such as PubMed., for example, most of the works of academic Vladimir P. Filatov, founder of the Institute for Tissue Therapy and Ophthalmopathies (USSR), in the 1930s to 1960s, were not even translated into English, greatly limiting the audience of this valuable publication [2]. At the same time, his fundamental work on the use of tissue therapy methods has been published in more than 3000 scientific papers; thousands of patients received effective treatment with devitalized placental drugs and dozens of tissue therapy departments and institutes were established on this basis [3]. Methods After World War II, the government proposed to scientists and doctors how to improve the health of the population. So in 1945, the Japanese medical physician Dr. Hieda Kantaru gave lectures at the Manchurian Medical Academy, someone brought with him filatov's doctoral dissertation. Hyeda became interested in Vladimir Filatov's work with the placenta [4]. Five years later, he was able to develop placental extract, exclusively for the treatment of the liver, for the restoration of its structure and functions, "Laennec", which does not yet have analogues in world pharmacology [5]. The active BIO-PROTEINOL PF consists of water soluble placental extract for cosmetology, provides bionutrients being 100% compatible with human skin, promoting intense long-lasting hydration, significantly reducing wrinkles and expression lines, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin of the skin making it more firm, refreshed and toned. It is a sterile natural vehicle that facilitates the penetration of other active ingredients. Manufactured by Cobiosa Espa�a, this placental complex registers in its composition a wide range of nutritive substrates, characteristic of its extraction at a key point of placental nutrition to the fetus (without prejudice to it), since its collection occurs specifically between the third and fourth gestational months of the bovine species (cycle between the second decima and ascends sixth week after embryonic fertilization). This characteristic keeps the placental complex free of hormonal transfers and guarantees the peak nutritional and bio nutritive content. We can thus say that the main benefits of this Bioplacenta for skin are: melhora the oxygen consumption of epithelial cells,tomoisten cell metabolism,andmoisturizing xcelent for tissues and epidermal cells with compatible dermal action,thedstringent of action as a natural hemostatic agent,andnaturalmulizer, Biological detergent for fats and excessive oiliness in skins with high fatty content,, anatural cleansing peopleand non-irritating,complexo eutrophic soothing and natural restorative,andssa property makes it ideal for calming and antiirritating topical effect,, acomplete people for nutrition and hydration of theskin,complexo of antiaging action,blend ofthree-dimensional epidermal nutrition.


The asset BIO-PROTEINOL PF consists of placental extract extracted under conditions established and recommended by the European Union as cruelty free, derived from predetermined bovine species. Its extraction is carried out by veterinarians exclusively titrated in the precision technique, and does not infringe animal suffrage. This extract is 100% compatible with human skin and its clinical use brings numerous aesthetic benefits to human skin. Objective: The objective of this study is to verify the effects of bovine bioplacenta on Glolgau III photoaging in association with phototherapy and microagulation. Method: This is a single-case study, a 49-year-old female R.S. patient with front expression lines, nasogenic sulcus, skin oxidation and glycosada skin, we submitted the patient for 4 weeks, being 1 application per week, to the combination treatment of PLACENTA POWER ELECTRIC SERUM - Bioelectric Energizing Orthomolecular Peeling with Aminoplacenta, skin jections placenta booster, new age bioeletric system -serum anti ageing bioelectric with amino-placenta all of the brand Adélia Mendonça to the red laser 660nm and amber led 590nm of the brand MMO and to the microgulhamento with pen and needle 0.5 mm. Result: In the present study, the patient started the treatment with disorganized facial adiposity, after the third session, the mandible design was already observed, by the reorganization and reduction of adiposity, increased luminosity, tonicity and reduction of primary grooves throughout the treated facial extension. Conclusion: We conclude that the technique of association of cosmetics that have bovine bioplacenta - bioproteinol pf® of the brand Adélia Mendonça associated with phototherapy and microagulation activated in the inhibition of the cellular oxidative process and in the reduction of glycosylation of the treated skin. Considerably there was an increase in brightness, luminosity, tonicity and firmness, and also a smoothing of the epithelial surface, with uniformity of cutaneous relief and gentle whitening of the installed hyperchromias.

Keywords: thyroid cancer

international publisher, scitechnol, subscription journals, subscription, international, publisher, science

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