Journal of Applied Bioinformatics & Computational BiologyISSN: 2329-9533

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Coronavirus sickness (COVID-19) is associate degree communicable disease caused by a completely unique severe acute metabolic process syndrome coronavirus two (SARS-CoV-2) that originally started in metropolis province in China and has currently affected >200 countries worldwide and declared a plague[1]. The virus primarily affects the system inflicting flu-like sickness with symptoms like a cough, fever, and in additional severe cases, problem respiratory [2]. As per the statistics out there, mortality is high in older cohort people (>60 years of age) different people and folks} with other morbid conditions. Additionally to acute metabolic process distress syndrome and metabolic process failure, COVID-19 is currently notable to manifest as general inflammation, resulting in infection, Acute viscus injury, and coronary failure and multi-organ pathology in patients at high risk

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