Scrutinize the possibilities and research in the field of Gynaecology and women’s health
Healthcare research provides solutions to many of the problems and has the potential to bring down healthcare expenditures significantly and also reduces morbidity and mortality associated with diseases.Women’s health would be better served if a stronger research base is developed in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology and allied fields involved in women’s health.
Research program planning in gynaecology and women’s health should aim at identifying women’s health issues and the betterment that could be done for solving them.
Field of research in gynaecology and women’s health are ample liningup from basic science to advance treatments. It may be in Family planning, Female GU tract infections,Gynaecologic oncology,Maternal and fetal medicine,Placenta and stem cell,Preterm birth,Reproductive endocrinology, Infertility,Minimally invasive gynaec surgeries,Epidemiology, Dermatology,Cosmetology,Childbirth hypnosis therapy,Holistic fertility therapy etc.
Strengthening research base requires interdependence of factors such as
-Availability of funding sources
-Training next generation OB/GYN leaders and women’s health specialists by good quality mentors and training programs
-Support research department
-Resident research guided by faculty mentors and sponsors
-Spirit of scholarly activity to be cultivated in OB/GYN department and integrative women’s health department.
The ultimate aim of research is beneficial impact on women’s health.
Under the auspices of an array of expert speakers,the agenda will address some of the major issues related to women’s health.