Sustainable Management of Mental Health
Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal
stresses of life, can work productively, and can make a
contribution to his or her community. It is a balance established between cognitive, behavioral, and emotional
aspects of mind. Absence of merely any mental disease
is no more considered as a healthy mental state due to
various factors related to lifestyle, systematic diseases, or
social factors that might lead to mental illness. Around
800 000/year deaths from suicide, which is a leading
cause of death in young people and mental health conditions cause 1 in 5 years lived with disability. With the
emergence of economies all around the world has created an ignition for over achievements and constant desire
to succeed even when if it is not needed. This urge of
living a second life and inbuilt insecurities due to relationship failures, work, social status, and many other reasons leads to failure to achieve a state of being mindful
and being self-aware about the realistic conditions. These
mindfulness and self-awareness practices can shift core
conceptual trajectories of mind and heart through which
‘sustainability can be developed from within’ ‘ecological
mindfulness’ and ‘contemplating practices.