Journal of Chemistry and Applied Chemical EngineeringISSN : 2576-3954

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About Theoretical Chemistry

Theoretical chemistry is characterized as mathematical depiction of science. It is advancement of calculations and computer projects to anticipate chemical properties; Making and advancing computational methodologies to model molecular interactions and reactivities, from simple molecules to complex assemblies and non-equilibrium states. Theoretical chemistry is the discipline that utilizes quantum mechanics, established mechanics, and statistical mechanics to clarify the structures and elements of compound frameworks and to correspond, comprehend, and anticipate their thermodynamic and dynamic properties. Present day hypothetical science might be generally isolated into the investigation of chemical structure and the investigation of chemical elements. Theoretical chemistry stretches our Capacity to think about chemical systems by inspecting the crucial starting points of reactivity, electronic conduct, and complex association. By creating and applying novel computational and systematic strategies, we push the frontiers of factual mechanics, electronic structure, chemical elements, and developing properties in chemistry, materials science, and biophysics. Statistical mechanical investigations of phase changes, critical phenomena, and interfaces are yielding a major comprehension of permeable media, microemulsions and polymer arrangements. Examinations of energy stream in vibrationally energized molecules add to a microscopic comprehension of compound reactivity. Imperative advances have been made in anticipating the structure and elements of biomolecules, reproducing and deciphering spectroscopic lineshapes, surveying conventional models of compound energy and predicting chemical reactivity by ab initio strategies.

High Impact List of Articles