Traditional Health practices and medical Tourism
I would like emphasis on the calorie controlled diet practiced in various cultures and traditions and its possible
health effects and scientific supports. So the traditional
scientifically proven methods for preventive health care
and through enhance the medical tourism Will be talking
about cancer; lifestyle disorders including atherosclerosis, stress induced ailments and why certain cultures has
less and more of these health issues, how healing centers
enhance medical tourism by using this lifestyle as a tool
Example and Brief on my Speech and presentation ad
bellow All of us are used to receiving marketing messages requently through email, social media and Advertisements, etc. Similar lines I have received a message recently from an insurance company claims that studies show
that there will be an increase of cancer cases by 25% in
coming years. I am not claiming it is not true; it may be
the data based on statistics and they are using this study
to sell their insurance product Do any media or health
authorities gave advertisement why this increase of cancer
cases? We can see an ugly picture of cancer on the cover
of cigarette packets! Public smoking and smokers has reduced dramatically, smoking is not fashionable anymore.
Thanks for this great initiative and public awareness on
smoking, but still cancer cases are increasing!