Understanding Health Communication to advance Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Effective health communication is core in public
health practice. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention involves interventions, education, and incentives
targeted to ensure healthy lives, improve wellbeing, prevent diseases and specific health risks through informing
healthy behaviors as opposed to the curative model of
According to the Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Cancer Institute, Health
Communication is the study and use of communication
strategies to inform and influence individual decisions
that enhance health. Health communication includes
verbal and written strategies to influence individuals,
communities and populations to make healthier choices
which in turn positively influences health outcomes.
In Nigeria, most of the leading causes of death are preventable and as such 56.7% of Nigerians need access to
innovative, intensifying and cost effective health based
information disemmination programs. Health Communication is unarguably the most effective method for enhancing behavior change, through strategies like; health
campaigns, bill boards, social media, radio or television
and newsletters.