Journal of Business and Hotel ManagementISSN: 2324-9129

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About Advertising or Promotion

Advertising is specifically part of the "outbound" marketing activities, or activities geared to communicate out to the market. The plan usually includes what target markets you want to reach, what features and benefits you want to convey to them, how you will convey it to them (this is often called your advertising campaign), who is responsible to carry the various activities in the plan and how much money is budgeted for this effort. Successful advertising depends very much on knowing the preferred methods and styles of communications of each of the target markets that you want to reach with your ads. What communications media does that target market see or prefer the most? Consider TV, radio, newsletters, classifieds, displays/signs, posters, word of mouth, press releases, direct mail, special events, brochures, neighborhood newsletters, etc. But according to the changing trend the social networking sites are playing the vital role now a day. Social networking involves a variety of online tools that can be used by people and organizations to quickly share a great deal of information at very little cost. Many people are now hearing of some of those tools, e.g., Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and YouTube. The entire motto for the activity is to reach the people and education them regarding their products and will create the brand awareness.

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