David Mutch, MD

Editor In Chief

Obstetrics & Gynecology Division
Washington University School of Medicine, USA

Contact David Mutch, MD

Department / University Information


David G. Mutch, MD is the chief of the Division on Gynecologic Oncology at Washington University School of Medicine, USA. Dr. David Mutch treats patients with all types of gynecologic cancer, including ovarian and cervical cancer. Dr. David Mutch completed his medical degree from Washington University school of Medicine, USA and holds fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology from Duke University Medical Centre, North Carolina.

Research Interest

Dr. David Mutch research interest lies in gynecologic oncology, endometrial cancer, vulva carcinoma, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, adnexal masses, tumors, hysterectomy, lymphadenectomy, endometrial adenocarcinomas, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, gynecologic malignancies, ob/gyn and women's health.

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